
The Lion and the Mouse

A lion spared a mouse's life, later, the mouse rescued the lion from a trap.
The Lion and the Mouse
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, a big lion was sleeping in the jungle. A small mouse accidentally ran over the lion's nose and woke him up. The lion got angry and grabbed the mouse in his paw.

The mouse begged the lion to spare his life, promising to repay his kindness someday. The lion laughed at the idea of a tiny mouse ever being able to help him, but decided to let him go anyway.

Some time later, the lion was caught in a hunter's trap. He roared with all his might, but couldn't break free. The mouse heard the lion's cries and ran to his rescue. The mouse quickly gnawed through the ropes of the trap and set the lion free.

The lion was amazed and grateful, realizing that even the smallest creatures can be of great help.

A lion is sleeping under a tree. A little mouse runs over the lion's nose. The lion wakes up and catches the mouse.

The mouse says, "Please, let me go. I will help you one day."

The lion laughs. "You are so small. How can you help me?" But the lion lets the mouse go.

One day, the lion is in a net. He cannot get out. The lion roars for help.

The mouse hears the lion. The mouse runs to the net. The mouse chews the net with his teeth. The lion is free.

The lion says, "Thank you, little mouse."

The mouse says, "You are welcome."

Once upon a time, in a big, green jungle, there was a huge lion who loved to sleep under the warm sun. One day, a little mouse accidentally ran right over the lion's nose and woke him up. The lion was not happy and caught the mouse with his big paw.

The little mouse was very scared and said to the lion, "Please don't eat me! If you let me go, I promise I'll help you one day." The lion couldn't help but laugh. "How could someone as small as you ever help me?" he thought. But he was feeling kind and let the mouse go anyway.

Not long after that, the lion got trapped. A hunter had set a trap, and the lion was caught in a net. He tried to roar and break free, but he couldn't. The little mouse heard the lion's roar and remembered his promise. He quickly ran to the lion and started biting through the ropes with his small, sharp teeth. In no time, the lion was free.

The lion looked at the mouse and felt very thankful.

Once upon a time, in a jungle far, far away, a big lion was snoring away like he'd just eaten a three-course meal. Which, let's be honest, he probably had.

As he was dreaming about his favorite dish - gourmet antelope with a side of zebra - a small mouse with a knack for adventure accidentally scampered across the lion's nose. Sneezing himself awake, the lion's eyes popped open, and he looked down at the mouse.

"What's this, then? Breakfast in bed?" the lion roared, grabbing the mouse in his paw.

"Oi, I'm not a snack, I'm a mouse with ambitions!" squeaked the mouse. "If you let me go, I'll repay the favor. Pinky promise!"

The lion couldn't help but chuckle. "A favor? From you? That's like asking a snail to win a footrace!"

"But I'm a mouse of my word," pleaded the mouse, doing his best to look earnest. "Give me a chance, and I'll show you I can be useful!"

The lion's curiosity got the better of him, and with a grand, theatrical sigh, he let the mouse go. "Alright, little comedian. Run along now. And don't forget the cream and sugar next time!"

Some time later, the lion found himself in a sticky situation, quite literally. Caught in a hunter's trap, he roared and thrashed, but to no avail. "Blasted ropes! They're tougher than a two-day-old meatloaf!"

Just then, the mouse, hearing the lion's cries, appeared like a miniature hero. "Never fear, Mighty Lion! Your pint-sized pal is here!"

The lion looked at the mouse, hope in his eyes. "Well, it's about time! I've been waiting here so long, I'm practically a tourist attraction!"

With quick wit and even quicker teeth, the mouse gnawed through the ropes, setting the lion free. The lion looked down at his tiny savior, a newfound respect in his eyes.

"You know, little friend, you've shown me that even the smallest creatures can be of great help. And not just because you've got that charming smile!"

The mouse beamed, puffing out his chest. "I told you I'm a mouse of my word! Now, about that breakfast in bed..."

They both laughed, and from that day on, they were the best of friends, proving that no matter how big or small, everyone has something special to offer.

In the heart of the jungle, grand and vast,
A lion slept soundly, his snoring quite fast.
Along came a mouse, quick on his feet,
Over the lion’s nose, causing a beat!

The lion awoke, with a roar and a frown,
Lifting the mouse, who felt quite let down.
"Please let me go," the mouse did plea,
"One day I'll help, just wait and see."

The lion chuckled, "How could that be?
But off you go, little mouse, I set you free."

Days flew by, the sun and the rain,
Until a trap caught the lion, causing him pain.
He roared and he struggled, to no avail,
While the tiny mouse heard his woeful wail.

With swift little nibbles and sharp little teeth,
The mouse freed the lion, a sigh of relief.
The lion, with gratitude, looked down and then,
He whispered, "Thank you, my tiniest friend."

For sometimes the smallest, with heart so vast,
Can save the mightiest from their troubles passed.


Word Finder

  1. Sleeping

    To rest with eyes closed.

  2. Catches

    Takes and holds something quickly.

  3. Please

    A polite way to ask something.

  4. Laughs

    To make a happy sound.

  5. Small

    Not big in size.

  6. Net

    Material with holes to catch things.

  7. Roars

    Makes a loud lion sound.

  8. Chews

    Bites and breaks with teeth.

  9. Teeth

    Hard parts in the mouth.

  10. Free

    Not trapped or in a cage.

  1. Jungle

    A place with lots of trees and plants.

  2. Huge

    Very big; large in size or amount.

  3. Accidentally

    Doing something without planning or wanting to.

  4. Paw

    The foot of an animal like a lion or a cat.

  5. Hunter

    A person who catches or kills animals.

  6. Promise

    Saying you will definitely do something in the future.

  7. Trap

    A device used to catch animals.

  8. Remembered

    To recall or think of something from the past.

  9. Sharp

    Having a thin edge that can cut things easily.

  10. Thankful

    Feeling happy and grateful because of something.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where is the lion sleeping?

    1. In a house.
    2. Under a tree.
    3. On a bed.
    4. In a cave.
  2. Where does the little mouse run over?

    1. The lion's back.
    2. The lion's nose.
    3. The lion's tail.
    4. The lion's paw.
  3. What does the lion do when he wakes up?

    1. He runs away.
    2. He catches the mouse.
    3. He goes back to sleep.
    4. He eats the mouse.
  4. How does the mouse help the lion?

    1. He finds food for the lion.
    2. He chews the net.
    3. He sings a song.
    4. He calls for help.
  5. What does the lion say to the mouse at the end?

    1. "Please help me."
    2. "I am angry."
    3. "Thank you, little mouse."
    4. "Go away."
  1. Why did the lion wake up from his sleep?
  2. What did the mouse promise the lion in exchange for his freedom?
  3. How did the lion react when the mouse offered to help him in the future?
  4. What happened to the lion after he let the mouse go?
  5. How did the mouse manage to free the lion from the trap?
  1. What event caused the lion to wake up in the jungle?
  2. How did the lion initially react upon capturing the mouse?
  3. What did the mouse promise the lion in exchange for its release?
  4. What situation led the lion to need the mouse's help?
  5. How did the mouse manage to free the lion from the trap?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the lion let the mouse go at the beginning of the story?
  2. How did the mouse feel when it was caught by the lion, and how do you think it felt when it was released?
  3. Can you think of a time when you helped someone or someone helped you in an unexpected way?
  4. What does this story teach us about kindness and gratitude?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story about how everyone, no matter how small, can be of help?

Fable Quotes

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.
The magic of gratitude turns ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.
Size does not determine strength; resourcefulness can overcome any obstacle.

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