Jean de La Fontaine

The Two Rats, the Fox, and the Egg

Two rats outsmart a sly fox and safely enjoy a large egg by working together creatively.
The Two Rats, the Fox, and the Egg
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, on a busy farm, two rats were looking for food. They were excited when they found a big, shiny egg in the straw. It looked like a perfect meal for them!

The two friends were very happy. They danced around the egg, thinking about the delicious food they would eat. Just as they were about to crack the egg open, they saw someone coming. It was Sir Pullet, the clever fox, known for stealing food.

The rats were scared. How could they keep their egg safe from the sly fox? They couldn't carry the egg because it was too big and heavy. And there was no place to hide it quickly.

One rat had an idea. "Quick," he said, "lie on your back and hold the egg on your belly!" The other rat did as he was told, lying down and balancing the egg carefully.

Then, the first rat grabbed his friend's tail and started to pull. It was hard work. The ground was rough, and every bump made the egg wobble. But the rat kept pulling, dragging his friend and the egg across the field, away from the fox.

Sir Pullet watched, confused. He slowed down to see what was happening. The sight of the rats pulling the egg was so strange and funny that he started to laugh, forgetting to chase them.

By the time the fox stopped laughing, the rats had escaped into a burrow with their egg. Sir Pullet shook his head and laughed again. "Those clever rats," he said, "they know how to work together."

The two rats enjoyed their egg without any more trouble, thanks to their smart idea and teamwork.

Once upon a time, on a busy farm, two rats were looking for food. They were excited when they found a big, shiny egg in the straw. It looked like a perfect meal for them!

The two friends were very happy. They danced around the egg, thinking about the delicious food they would eat. Just as they were about to crack the egg open, they saw someone coming. It was Sir Pullet, the clever fox, known for stealing food.

The rats were scared. How could they keep their egg safe from the sly fox? They couldn't carry the egg because it was too big and heavy. And there was no place to hide it quickly.

One rat had an idea. "Quick," he said, "lie on your back and hold the egg on your belly!" The other rat did as he was told, lying down and balancing the egg carefully.

Then, the first rat grabbed his friend's tail and started to pull. It was hard work. The ground was rough, and every bump made the egg wobble. But the rat kept pulling, dragging his friend and the egg across the field, away from the fox.

Sir Pullet watched, confused. He slowed down to see what was happening. The sight of the rats pulling the egg was so strange and funny that he started to laugh, forgetting to chase them.

By the time the fox stopped laughing, the rats had escaped into a burrow with their egg. Sir Pullet shook his head and laughed again. "Those clever rats," he said, "they know how to work together."

The two rats enjoyed their egg without any more trouble, thanks to their smart idea and teamwork.

Two rats live on a farm. They look for food. One day, they find a big egg. The rats are happy. They dance around the egg.

Suddenly, they see a fox. The fox likes to steal food. The rats are scared. They think, "How can we save our egg?"

The egg is big and heavy. They cannot carry it. They cannot hide it. One rat has an idea. He says, "Lie on your back and hold the egg on your belly." The other rat lies down and holds the egg.

The first rat grabs his friend's tail. He pulls and pulls. The ground is bumpy. The egg shakes, but the rat keeps pulling. They move across the field.

The fox watches. He is confused. He slows down. The rats look funny. The fox starts to laugh. He forgets to chase them.

The rats reach a hole. They go inside with the egg. The fox stops laughing. He says, "Those rats are smart. They work together."

The two rats eat the egg. They are happy. They are safe.

Once upon a time, on a busy farm, two rats were looking for food. They were excited when they found a big, shiny egg in the straw. It looked like a perfect meal for them!

The two friends were very happy. They danced around the egg, thinking about the delicious food they would eat. Just as they were about to crack the egg open, they saw someone coming. It was Sir Pullet, the clever fox, known for stealing food.

The rats were scared. How could they keep their egg safe from the sly fox? They couldn't carry the egg because it was too big and heavy. And there was no place to hide it quickly.

One rat had an idea. "Quick," he said, "lie on your back and hold the egg on your belly!" The other rat did as he was told, lying down and balancing the egg carefully.

Then, the first rat grabbed his friend's tail and started to pull. It was hard work. The ground was rough, and every bump made the egg wobble. But the rat kept pulling, dragging his friend and the egg across the field, away from the fox.

Sir Pullet watched, confused. He slowed down to see what was happening. The sight of the rats pulling the egg was so strange and funny that he started to laugh, forgetting to chase them.

By the time the fox stopped laughing, the rats had escaped into a burrow with their egg. Sir Pullet shook his head and laughed again. "Those clever rats," he said, "they know how to work together."

The two rats enjoyed their egg without any more trouble, thanks to their smart idea and teamwork.

Once upon a time, on a bustling farm, two rats were on the hunt for food. They squealed with excitement when they found a big, shiny egg nestled in the straw. It looked like the perfect meal!

"Whoa, look at this shiny thing!" said one rat. "It's like a giant Easter egg, but better 'cause we don't have to find it."

The other rat danced around. "I can't wait to munch on this! I can already taste the omelet."

Just as they were about to crack the egg open, they heard footsteps. It was the clever fox, known for his food thievery.

The rats froze in fear. "Uh-oh, it's Mr. Sneaky Pants," whispered the first rat. "How are we going to keep our breakfast from that sly fox?"

The egg was too big and heavy to carry, and there was no place to hide it quickly.

The first rat had a lightbulb moment. "Quick, lie on your back and hold the egg on your belly! Trust me, it’s brilliant."

The second rat flopped onto his back and balanced the egg on his tummy. "I feel like a very wobbly table!"

Then, the first rat grabbed his friend's tail and started to pull. It was tough going. The ground was bumpy, and every jolt made the egg wobble dangerously. But the rat kept pulling, dragging his friend and the egg across the field, inch by inch, away from the fox.

The fox stopped in his tracks, utterly baffled. He watched the spectacle with a raised eyebrow. The sight of the rats pulling the egg was so odd and hilarious that the fox burst out laughing, forgetting all about his pursuit.

"Well, this is a new one," the fox chuckled, holding his belly. "It's like watching a rat circus!"

The rats, hearing the laughter, sped up. "Faster, faster! It's like we're in a rat race, literally!"

They wobbled and rolled, zigzagging across the field, until they finally disappeared into a burrow with their prize.

The fox shook his head, still chuckling. "Those clever rats," he said, "they really know how to think on their feet… or tails! I should charge admission for this show."

Inside their burrow, the two rats high-fived each other. "We did it, buddy!" one cheered.

The other grinned. "And we got some free entertainment along the way! Who knew foxes could laugh so much?"

The two rats enjoyed their egg, giggling at their adventure and the silly fox who got outsmarted. And so, with full bellies and happy hearts, they lived happily ever after, ready for their next fun-filled escapade.

In a barnyard full of charm,
Lived two rats on a bustling farm.
Searching high and searching low,
Until they found an egg aglow.

Round and shiny, big and bright,
It filled their hearts with sheer delight.
They danced around their newfound prize,
Dreaming of a tasty surprise.

But oh, dear! Who did they see?
Sir Pullet, the fox, as sly as can be.
Stealing food was his grand game,
To outsmart him was their aim.

One rat said, "Here’s a plan!
Lie on your back, hold the egg, my man."
The other rat, without delay,
Held the egg in a careful way.

On his belly, snug and tight,
The egg balanced, gleaming bright.
The first rat grabbed his friend's long tail,
Pulling him on a bumpy trail.

Over rocks and through the hay,
They dragged the egg far away.
Sir Pullet watched with curious eyes,
Laughing at their clever disguise.

He laughed so hard, he forgot to run,
While the rats, they got the job done.
Into a burrow, safe and sound,
With their egg, they weren't found.

"Those clever rats," Sir Pullet said,
As he shook his laughing head.
In their burrow, snug and tight,
The rats dined in pure delight.

Thanks to teamwork, swift and wise,
They enjoyed their egg, a perfect prize.
And so they proved, come what may,
Clever friends save the day.


Word Finder

  1. Excited

    Feeling very happy and enthusiastic.

  2. Delicious

    Tasting very good or yummy.

  3. Crack

    Break something open into pieces.

  4. Sly

    Clever in a tricky, sneaky way.

  5. Balancing

    Keeping something steady, not falling.

  6. Wobble

    Move from side to side unsteadily.

  7. Dragging

    Pulling something with effort.

  8. Burrow

    A hole or tunnel made by an animal.

  9. Escaped

    Got away from danger or something bad.

  10. Teamwork

    Working together to achieve a goal.

Understanding Questions

  1. What did the rats find in the straw on the farm?
  2. Why did the rats become scared when they saw the fox?
  3. What idea did one of the rats come up with to save the egg from the fox?
  4. How did the rats manage to carry the egg across the field?
  5. What was the fox’s reaction when he saw the rats pulling the egg, and what happened as a result?

Word Finder

  1. Suddenly

    Quickly and unexpectedly, without warning.

  2. Smart

    Clever, able to think well and quickly.

  3. Steal

    Take something without asking or permission.

  4. Scared

    Feeling afraid, like something bad might happen.

  5. Idea

    A thought or plan about what to do.

  6. Belly

    The front part of the body between the chest and legs.

  7. Bumpy

    Not smooth, with many rough spots.

  8. Confused

    Not sure what is happening, feeling mixed up.

  9. Chase

    To run after someone or something to catch them.

  10. Together

    With each other, in a group, not alone.

  1. Excited

    Feeling very happy and enthusiastic.

  2. Delicious

    Tasting very good or yummy.

  3. Crack

    Break something open into pieces.

  4. Sly

    Clever in a tricky, sneaky way.

  5. Balancing

    Keeping something steady, not falling.

  6. Wobble

    Move from side to side unsteadily.

  7. Dragging

    Pulling something with effort.

  8. Burrow

    A hole or tunnel made by an animal.

  9. Escaped

    Got away from danger or something bad.

  10. Teamwork

    Working together to achieve a goal.

Understanding Questions

  1. What do the rats find on the farm?

    1. A big egg
    2. A piece of cheese
    3. A small mouse
    4. A loaf of bread
  2. Who likes to steal food?

    1. The farmer
    2. The cat
    3. The fox
    4. The dog
  3. How do the rats plan to move the egg?

    1. They roll it.
    2. One rat holds it on his belly while the other pulls.
    3. They push it together.
    4. They use a cart.
  4. Why does the fox stop chasing the rats?

    1. He is tired.
    2. He is confused and starts to laugh.
    3. He is scared of the rats.
    4. He finds other food.
  5. How do the rats finally save their egg?

    1. They hide it in the bushes.
    2. They carry it to a tree.
    3. They go inside a hole.
    4. They leave it and run away.
  1. What did the rats find in the straw on the farm?
  2. Why did the rats become scared when they saw the fox?
  3. What idea did one of the rats come up with to save the egg from the fox?
  4. How did the rats manage to carry the egg across the field?
  5. What was the fox’s reaction when he saw the rats pulling the egg, and what happened as a result?
  1. What was the initial reaction of the two rats upon discovering the large egg?
  2. How did Sir Pullet's reputation contribute to the rats' sense of urgency?
  3. Explain the strategy the rats used to protect the egg from Sir Pullet.
  4. What was Sir Pullet's reaction to the rats' peculiar method of moving the egg, and how did it impact his pursuit?
  5. Describe how the rats' cooperation ultimately ensured their success in protecting the egg.

Reflection Questions

  1. How did the rats feel when they first found the big, shiny egg?
  2. What clever idea did one of the rats come up with to keep the egg safe from the fox?
  3. How did the rats use teamwork to keep the egg safe from the fox?
  4. Can you think of a time when working together with someone helped you solve a problem?
  5. What does this story teach us about the importance of cooperation and quick thinking?

Fable Quotes

"Many hands make light work."
"A clever mind solves difficult problems with simple solutions."
"Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance."

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