Vishnu Sharma

The Musical Donkey

A donkey sneaks into a field to eat crops with a jackal, but his singing alerts the villagers, resulting in a severe beating.
Panchatantra Fables - The Musical Donkey
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, there was a washerman who owned a thin donkey. The donkey worked hard for the washerman and carried loads of clothes to the river bank every day. However, the donkey was not satisfied with the food he was given and used to sneak into nearby fields at night to eat crops.

One night, while he was in the field, he met a jackal and they became friends. Both of them went in search of food and found a field full of juicy watermelons. They had their fill and decided to come back every day to eat watermelons.

One day, after a tasty meal of watermelons, the donkey was so happy that he wanted to express his happiness in a melodious song. The jackal warned him that singing would alert the villagers sleeping nearby, and they would beat them. However, the donkey didn't listen to the jackal's advice and started singing.

Hearing the donkey's song, the villagers woke up and rushed to beat him with sticks. The donkey was beaten so badly that he was physically incapacitated for a while. Somehow, he managed to drag himself out of the field to the waiting jackal. The jackal looked at the donkey and said, "I am sorry to see you in this condition. I had warned you, but you didn't listen to my advice."

The donkey realized his mistake and felt sorry for not listening to the good advice of the jackal.

Once upon a time, there was a washerman with a donkey who was skinny as a rail. This donkey wasn't too keen on the menu at home, so he'd sneak into nearby fields at night to nibble on some quality greens.

One night, the donkey bumped into a jackal. "Hey, what are you up to?"

"Just hunting for a midnight snack," replied the jackal. "You in?"

"You had me at 'snack!'"

And so they discovered a field of watermelons, a veritable feast. "Ah, sweet and juicy, just how I like it!" said the donkey.

Feeling over the moon, the donkey felt the urge to sing. "I’m so happy, I could burst into song!"

The jackal, a bit wary, cautioned, "Hold on, not a great idea. If you start singing, the villagers will wake up, and we’ll be in trouble!"

But the donkey, in a moment of sheer joy, sang at the top of his lungs, "I love watermelons, yes I do!"

Turns out, people really don't like waking up to a donkey singing a serenade. So, faster than you can imagine, the villagers came running and gave the donkey a thorough thrashing with sticks.

Limping back, the donkey rejoined the jackal, who simply sighed and said, "Look at you. Tried to warn you, didn’t I?"

Feeling regret, the donkey nodded. "You did, you really did. Guess I should have listened."

And so the donkey learned that sometimes it’s better to stay quiet, even when you're really, really excited. Both the jackal and the donkey lived happily ever after, though perhaps a bit wiser and a few watermelons lighter.

A donkey carried laundry, day by day,
Yet his meals were small, oh, what dismay!
So he snuck to the fields when the sky turned gray,
Munching on crops, keeping hunger at bay.

Along came a jackal, friendly and sly,
"Can we share this feast, you and I?"
Together they nibbled, their spirits so high,
Watermelons aplenty, under the moonlit sky.

One night, the donkey felt happy and bright,
"I'll sing a sweet song, oh, what a delight!"
Jackal warned, "Shush, or we'll be in a plight!
Villagers will catch us, and it won't be a pretty sight."

But Donkey was stubborn, his joy took the wing,
He opened his mouth, and started to sing.
Villagers came running, sticks swinging in a fling,
Oh, how Donkey wished he'd listened to the warning.

Bruised and sore, to Jackal he returned,
Who said, "I told you so," as his concern was confirmed.
Donkey nodded sadly, a valuable lesson learned,
Sometimes it's best to keep quiet, lest trouble be earned.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why did the donkey want to sing after eating the watermelons?
  2. Why do you think the donkey ignored the jackal's warning not to sing?
  3. How do you think the donkey felt when the villagers started beating him?
  4. What lesson do you think the donkey learned from this experience? How could he have avoided getting into trouble?
  5. How can we apply the lessons from this story in our lives, especially about considering the consequences of our actions and valuing the advice of our friends and family?

Fable Quotes

Every moment awaits its right time and perfect place.
When we ignore wise counsel, we invite undesired outcomes.
Ignorance of advice is an invitation to misfortune.

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