
The Fox and The Woodcutter

A woodcutter saved a fox, but revealed its hiding spot; ungrateful fox ran off, feeling tricked.
The Trader and The Donkey
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, a clever fox was being pursued by a group of hunters and their hounds. In his desperation to escape, the fox sought refuge in a nearby woodcutter's hut. The kind woodcutter, taking pity on the frightened fox, agreed to help him and advised the fox to hide in his hut.

Not long after, the hunters arrived at the woodcutter's hut, asking if he had seen the fox. The woodcutter, wanting to keep his promise to the fox but afraid to lie to the hunters, decided to deceive them. He told the hunters that he hadn't seen the fox, but subtly gestured toward the hut where the fox was hiding. The hunters, failing to notice the gesture, thanked the woodcutter and continued their search elsewhere.

Once the coast was clear, the fox emerged from his hiding place, preparing to leave. The woodcutter, expecting gratitude from the fox, was surprised when the fox departed without a word. The woodcutter called out to the fox, asking why he was leaving without offering thanks for the help he had received.

The fox replied, "If you had truly wished to help me, you would not have given any hint of my whereabouts to the hunters." With that, the fox disappeared into the forest, leaving the woodcutter to ponder his actions.

There is a fox. One day, he runs away from men and dogs. The fox needs a place to hide. He sees a man's house. The man cuts wood for his job. He sees the scared fox. He wants to help the fox. He says, "Hide in my house."

Soon, the men come. They ask the man, "Did you see the fox?" The man does not want to lie. He also wants to help the fox. He says, "I did not see the fox." But he points to where the fox is hiding. The men do not see this. They say, "Thank you," and go away.

After the men leave, the fox comes out. He is ready to go. He does not say "Thank you" to the man. The man is surprised. He asks the fox, "Why do you not thank me?"

The fox says, "If you really wanted to help me, you should not have told the men anything." Then, the fox goes back to the forest.

Once upon a time, a clever fox was running away from some hunters and their dogs. The fox needed to escape, so he ran into a woodcutter's house nearby. The woodcutter was a kind man and felt sorry for the scared fox. He told the fox to hide in his house.

Soon, the hunters came and knocked on the woodcutter's door. They asked if he had seen the fox. The woodcutter did not want to break his promise to the fox, but he also did not want to lie. So, he said he had not seen the fox, but at the same time, he secretly pointed to the place where the fox was hiding. The hunters did not understand his hint and thanked the woodcutter before leaving to look somewhere else.

When it was safe, the fox came out, ready to leave. The woodcutter expected the fox to say thank you, but the fox just started to walk away. The woodcutter was surprised and asked the fox why he was not saying thank you for the help.

The fox said, "If you really wanted to help me, you would not have given any clues about where I was hiding to the hunters." After saying this, the fox went back into the woods, leaving the woodcutter to think about what he did.

Once upon a time, in a forest that felt a lot like a playground for adventurers, a super cheeky fox found himself in quite a pickle. He was sprinting as if he were trying to beat his own high score on a video game. And who were his enthusiastic followers? A group of hunters and their noisy dogs, who seemed like they had skipped nap time.

Fox thinks aloud, "Why can't these guys play tag or something? So much more civilized!"

In a dash, the fox finds a cozy little woodcutter's hut. Inside, the woodcutter looks up from his work and says, "Hey there, speedy! What's the rush? Somebody chasing you or what?"

Fox laughs and replies, "Chasing me? Kind of an understatement. Think of it as a very enthusiastic fan club with no boundaries!"

The woodcutter chuckles and offers, "Well, if it's a hide-and-seek game you're playing, wanna hang out here? Got some super fun sticks and stones to play with!"

Fox sighs, "Sticks and stones? What's next, mud pies? All right, I'll take cover."

So the woodcutter shows the fox to a comfy, cozy corner inside the hut. The fox gets settled, curling his tail around him like a fluffy pillow.

Soon enough, the hunters show up, looking puzzled. "Hey, have you seen a fox around? One that looks like he’s trying out for a hair-gel commercial?"

The woodcutter, wanting to keep his promise to the fox but also not wanting to fib to the hunters, takes a clever approach. He says, "Hmm, a fox, you say? Nope, haven't seen him, but if I did, he'd probably critique my wallpaper." At the same time, he subtly winks toward the hut where the fox is hidden.

The hunters, completely missing the sneaky wink, say, "Alright, thanks for nothing," and they walk away, continuing their super-important, totally necessary fox hunt.

After the hunters and their yappy dogs leave, the fox jumps out from his snug corner, ready to hit the road.

The woodcutter calls out, "Hey, where's the 'thank you'? I hid you, didn’t I?"

Fox turns back and states, "Well, if you were really all-in on helping me, you wouldn't have done that sly wink-wink to the hunters, would you now?"

With that snappy retort, the fox prances off into the forest, his tail high, like he’s on a runway. The woodcutter is left scratching his head, contemplating his next career move.

The woodcutter mumbles to himself, "Fine, next time, I’ll just draw a big arrow pointing to where you are. How about that, Mr. Sassy Pants?"

And off goes the fox, maybe to draft a forest review blog. The woodcutter? Well, he's left pondering if he should maybe take up mime as a hobby. After all, his subtle gestures could use some work!

Once a clever fox on the run,
From hunters and hounds, not having fun.
Found refuge with a woodcutter, kind and fair,
"Hide in my hut, you'll be safe in there."

Hunters knocked on the door, "Fox, did you see?"
The woodcutter paused, in a moral decree.
"No fox around here," he softly did say,
While pointing his thumb where the fox lay.

The hunters shrugged, "Alright, we'll roam,"
Not catching the hint, they left him alone.
When all was clear, the fox stepped outside,
Ready to go, in the forest he'd hide.

"Wait," cried the man, "No thank you to me?"
"I saved your life; don't you agree?"
The fox looked back, his eyes cool and sly,
"If you meant to help, why'd you almost say 'hi'?"

"Your hint to the hunters could've been my end,
True help needs no clues, on that depend."
Away dashed the fox, in the forest, now free,
Leaving the woodcutter, lost in a thoughtful decree.


Word Finder

  1. Runs

    Moves fast with legs.

  2. Hide

    Go where nobody sees.

  3. Cuts

    Uses something sharp to divide.

  4. Scared

    Feels afraid or worried.

  5. Lie

    Say something not true.

  6. Points

    Shows direction with finger.

  7. Ready

    Prepared to start something.

  8. Surprised

    Feeling something unexpected.

  9. Anything

    Any thing or object.

  10. Forest

    A big area with many trees.

  1. Clever

    Smart and able to think quickly.

  2. Hunters

    People who chase animals for sport.

  3. Escape

    Get away from something dangerous or unpleasant.

  4. Woodcutter

    Person who cuts down trees for wood.

  5. Nearby

    Close to a place or person.

  6. Scared

    Feeling afraid or frightened.

  7. Secretly

    Without letting others know, in a hidden way.

  8. Hint

    A small sign or clue to something.

  9. Expect

    Think something will happen or believe.

  10. Clues

    Pieces of information that help solve something.

Understanding Questions

  1. Who runs away from the men and dogs?

    1. The man
    2. The fox
    3. The dog
    4. The hunter
  2. Where does the fox go to hide?

    1. To a tree
    2. To a cave
    3. To a man's house
    4. To the forest
  3. What does the man do for his job?

    1. He cooks food
    2. He cuts wood
    3. He drives a car
    4. He hunts animals
  4. What does the man say to the fox?

    1. "Run away"
    2. "Hide in my house"
    3. "Go to the forest"
    4. "Find another place"
  5. What does the fox do after the men leave?

    1. He says "Thank you"
    2. He goes back to the forest.
    3. He stays in the house.
    4. He runs to the men.
  1. Why did the fox go to the woodcutter's home?
  2. How did the woodcutter help the fox when the hunters came to his door?
  3. What did the woodcutter do that made the fox feel unsure about his help?
  4. Why did the hunters leave the woodcutter's home without finding the fox?
  5. What reason did the fox give for not thanking the woodcutter?
  1. How did the fox end up in the woodcutter's house?
  2. What problem did the woodcutter face when the hunters arrived?
  3. How did the woodcutter try to balance his promise to the fox with his honesty to the hunters?
  4. Why was the woodcutter disappointed with the fox after the hunters left?
  5. What did the fox imply about the woodcutter's actions when it left without thanking him?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the woodcutter decided to help the fox in the first place?
  2. The woodcutter didn't lie to the hunters, but he still tried to show them where the fox was. How do you think the fox felt about that?
  3. How do you think the woodcutter felt when the fox didn't thank him, and why?
  4. What does this story teach us about trust, honesty, and the way we should help others?
  5. Can you think of a situation where you or someone else wanted to help, but it didn't turn out as planned?

Fable Quotes

Honesty is the best policy.
Trust is a precious gem, handle it with care, for once broken, its sparkle dims.
Deception can promise safety, but truth holds the key to trust.

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