
The Camel seen for the First Time

A Camel arrives in a town, feared by people until a brave man befriends it, leading to acceptance and admiration.
Aesop's Fables - The Camel seen for the First Time
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, a Camel arrived in a town where people had never seen one before. They huddled in fear, peering from their windows at the tall, peculiar creature with a hump on its back.

Then, a brave man approached the Camel. He spoke gently, calming the fearful beast. As days turned into weeks, the man and the Camel became close companions.

One sunny morning, the man's young son expressed a desire to climb onto the Camel's back. The townsfolk gasped, but the man, confident in the bond he'd formed with the Camel, helped the child onto the hump.

The Camel stood still, careful not to scare the little one. As the child laughed with joy, the townsfolk watched in amazement, their fear replaced with awe and admiration. From that day forward, the Camel was a beloved part of their town.

Once upon a time, in the kind of town where excitement meant finding an extra fry at the bottom of your bag, something *big* happened. A Camel strolled in. Yep, a Camel with a capital C!

The townsfolk peeked from their windows, their eyes as round as cookies. "Is that... is that a walking sandcastle?" one kiddo asked. Another whispered, "Looks like someone put too much stuffing in their teddy!"

Then, along came a brave man who looked at the Camel and said, "Oi, mate! Lost your way to the beach?" And the Camel, not being much of a talker, just blinked, probably thinking, "Well, isn't this a fancy place compared to the desert?"

As the calendar pages flew by, the man and the Camel became the best of buddies. Imagine, a man and a Camel! They'd stroll around town, with the man telling the Camel tales of rain and the Camel, well, mostly just listening and occasionally snorting.

One sunshiny day, the man's young son, with eyes shining brighter than the glint on a chocolate wrapper, said, "Can I get a ride? Pretty please with sprinkles on top?" The townsfolk held their breath, as if waiting for a balloon to pop.

The brave man, seeing the adventure in his son's eyes, helped him onto the Camel's hump. The Camel, being as careful as if he was carrying a tower of ice cream cones, didn't move a muscle.

Then, the magic moment: the kiddo laughed! It was like the sound of jingle bells on a snowy day. The townsfolk joined in, clapping and cheering. "Hooray for the boy! And the Camel! And the brave dad!" From that day on, the Camel was the town's special guest, and the man became a local hero. They even had a "Camel Fun Day," where everyone got to ride on the Camel's back and eat delicious snacks. The Camel's mysterious arrival had turned into a joyful celebration, and he became a beloved part of the town's big, happy family.

And so, with laughter and love, they all lived happily and quirkily ever after.

Beyond the hills, where shadows play,
A Camel came to town one day.
The townsfolk hid and dared not peek,
At the creature tall, with a humped physique.

From behind closed doors, they'd whisper and mumble,
Watching the Camel, feeling so humble.
But out walked a man, so fearless and kind,
With words so soothing, and a gentle mind.

Together they walked, under the moon's gentle beams,
Sharing stories, dreams, and sunlit gleams.
And as the calendar pages did turn,
Trust between man and Camel did burn.

One morning bright, a child's wish did rise,
"To the Camel's hump, let me touch the skies!"
Townsfolk gasped, faces pale and wan,
But the man just smiled and gently began,

To lift the child, to the Camel's crest,
The beast stood firm, passing the test.
Laughter rang out, pure and profound,
As fear melted away, love was unbound.

Ever since then, in the heart of the town,
The Camel was loved, wearing no frown.
A tale of trust, of bonds so profound,
In a town where love and courage were found.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the townsfolk were initially afraid of the Camel?
  2. How did the brave man's actions change the way the townsfolk felt about the Camel?
  3. Can you remember a time when you were scared of something new or different, but then you realized it wasn't scary after all?
  4. What does this story teach us about dealing with things or people that we don't initially understand?
  5. How might the townsfolk treat new or unfamiliar things differently in the future, based on their experience with the Camel?

Fable Quotes

Before we allow fear to guide us, let us seek to understand what we fear.
Bravery is the bridge between fear and understanding.
Understanding is the light that dispels the shadows of fear.

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