
The Mouse in the Wine Jar and the Cat

A trapped mouse promises a cat anything for help, but later refuses, teaching the cat about broken promises made under the influence.
Aesop's Fables - The Mouse in the Wine Jar and the Cat
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a big, old kitchen, a tiny mouse found himself trapped inside a jar full of wine. He tried to climb out, but the jar was too slick and steep.

Nearby, a smart cat was walking around the kitchen. He heard a small sound coming from a jar. He jumped up and saw the mouse inside, struggling in the wine.

"Help me, please!" cried the mouse, waving his small arms. "I will give you anything you want!"

Hoping for a reward, the cat carefully tipped the jar. The mouse slid out, covered in wine, and ran away to dry off and sleep.

A few days later, the cat was very hungry. He remembered the mouse's promise. He went to the mouse's hole and said, "I'm here for my reward. I'm hungry."

The mouse, feeling safe in his hole, replied, "I was not thinking clearly when I made that promise because I was drunk from the wine. I cannot just give myself up to you. Find your food somewhere else."

And so the cat was left with an empty belly, having learned that promises made when someone is not thinking clearly might not be kept. It's important to think about this when making deals.

Once upon a time, in a kitchen that was like a giant playground for pots and pans, a tiny mouse got stuck in a jar full of grape juice—for grown-ups, if you know what I mean. He was trying to climb out, but it was like trying to climb up a rainbow—super slippery!

In comes a cat who thinks he's the smartest kitty in the whole wide world. He was just walking around, pretending he was on a secret spy mission or something. Then he hears this funny noise, like someone trying to sing but not getting it right. Up he jumps onto the counter, all ninja-like, and finds Mr. Mouse swimming in a grape juice pool.

"Hey, hey, hey! Can you help me get out?" yelled the mouse, waving his little paws around like he was dancing. "I'll give you something super cool!"

Thinking maybe he'll get a mountain of his favorite snacks, the cat gives the jar a little tip. Woosh! Out comes the mouse, all wet and drippy, running off like he needs a towel and a warm cookie, stat.

Fast forward a couple of days. Smarty-pants cat is really, really hungry. Like, tummy-making-noises kind of hungry. He remembers the mouse promised him something good. So, he goes to the mouse hole and shouts, "Hey, it's snack time! Guess who's the snack?"

From inside his cozy hidey-hole, the mouse calls out, "Um, about that. See, I was kinda silly when I said that. I was swimming in grape juice, remember? You can't really think I'm gonna be your snack, do ya?"

And so, the cat walks off, tummy still making funny noises, thinking really hard about how some promises are kinda like jelly—you can't really hold onto them.

In a kitchen so big, with pans and some spoons,
Lived a little mouse stuck; oh, he felt like a goon.
In a jar full of juice, he tried to get out,
But the jar was so slick, he just wiggled about.

A cat walked along, quite clever and keen,
Heard a tiny noise and thought, "What can it mean?"
He looked in the jar and saw mouse in a plight,
"Help me, oh help me!" mouse squeaked with all might.

"If you let me go, I'll give you a treat!"
The cat tipped the jar; mouse landed on feet.
All wet but free, mouse scampered away,
He dried off his fur, to nap and to play.

A few days went by, the cat felt a pang,
Of hunger so deep, his empty tummy sang.
He went to mouse's hole, "It's time for my snack,"
Mouse said, "I was scared, please cut me some slack."

"I can’t be your treat, go find something new,"
Cat walked away, learning a lesson or two.
If you make a deal, be sure it will keep,
Or else you might find your promise too cheap.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the mouse promised anything to the cat to get out of the jar?
  2. How do you think the cat felt when the mouse didn't keep his promise?
  3. Can you think of a time when you made a promise that you couldn't or didn't want to keep?
  4. What does this story teach us about making promises when we're scared or not thinking clearly?
  5. How can we make sure we're being fair and careful when we make promises to others?

Fable Quotes

A promise made in haste may not be a promise kept.
Beware of promises made under pressure; they may not be true.
Actions taken without thought can lead to unanticipated results.

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