Joel Chandler Harris
Southern United States

Why Mr. Possum Loves Peace

Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon face Mr. Dog, revealing Mr. Possum's ticklish defense and teaching Mr. Coon about different kinds of bravery.
Why Mr. Possum Loves Peace
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a big forest, lived two friends: Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon. They liked to walk around the woods at night, enjoying the fresh air and finding yummy fruits and bugs to eat.

One evening, after eating a tasty dinner of fried greens, Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon decided to explore the forest. Mr. Coon walked quickly and steadily, while Mr. Possum ran beside him, both very happy. As they walked, Mr. Coon picked up frogs and tadpoles, and Mr. Possum found sweet persimmons to eat.

Suddenly, they heard Mr. Dog barking far away. Mr. Coon was a bit scared and asked, "What will we do if Mr. Dog finds us, Mr. Possum?"

Mr. Possum smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll stay with you!"

Soon, Mr. Dog came running through the bushes, very fast. He saw Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon and started to attack. Mr. Possum quickly pretended to be very scared and fell down, playing dead. Mr. Dog thought Mr. Possum was really dead and went after Mr. Coon.

But Mr. Coon was strong and ready to fight. He fought Mr. Dog bravely. After a short fight, Mr. Dog realized he couldn't win and ran away into the woods.

When it was safe again, Mr. Possum got up, smiling because he was not hurt at all. They continued their adventure, but Mr. Coon was now thinking that Mr. Possum was a coward for playing dead instead of fighting.

The next time they met, Mr. Coon was not friendly. Mr. Possum felt sad and asked, "Why are you being mean to me, Mr. Coon?"

Mr. Coon said, "I don't want to be friends with cowards who play dead in a fight."

Mr. Possum laughed and said, "Oh, Mr. Coon, you think I was really scared? I was just waiting for the right moment to help you! I'm not afraid of a fight; I just can’t stand being tickled! When Mr. Dog touched my ribs, it tickled me so much that I laughed and couldn't move to help you fight. Believe me, if it weren’t for that, I would have joined the fight and helped you chase him away even faster!"

Mr. Coon was not sure if he believed Mr. Possum, but he was amused. He learned that Mr. Possum had his own way of dealing with danger, and sometimes, what looks like fear can actually be a clever plan.

Once upon a time, in a big forest, lived two friends: Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon. They liked to walk around the woods at night, enjoying the fresh air and finding yummy fruits and bugs to eat.

One evening, after eating a tasty dinner of fried greens, Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon decided to explore the forest. Mr. Coon walked quickly and steadily, while Mr. Possum ran beside him, both very happy. As they walked, Mr. Coon picked up frogs and tadpoles, and Mr. Possum found sweet persimmons to eat.

Suddenly, they heard Mr. Dog barking far away. Mr. Coon was a bit scared and asked, "What will we do if Mr. Dog finds us, Mr. Possum?"

Mr. Possum smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll stay with you!"

Soon, Mr. Dog came running through the bushes, very fast. He saw Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon and started to attack. Mr. Possum quickly pretended to be very scared and fell down, playing dead. Mr. Dog thought Mr. Possum was really dead and went after Mr. Coon.

But Mr. Coon was strong and ready to fight. He fought Mr. Dog bravely. After a short fight, Mr. Dog realized he couldn't win and ran away into the woods.

When it was safe again, Mr. Possum got up, smiling because he was not hurt at all. They continued their adventure, but Mr. Coon was now thinking that Mr. Possum was a coward for playing dead instead of fighting.

The next time they met, Mr. Coon was not friendly. Mr. Possum felt sad and asked, "Why are you being mean to me, Mr. Coon?"

Mr. Coon said, "I don't want to be friends with cowards who play dead in a fight."

Mr. Possum laughed and said, "Oh, Mr. Coon, you think I was really scared? I was just waiting for the right moment to help you! I'm not afraid of a fight; I just can’t stand being tickled! When Mr. Dog touched my ribs, it tickled me so much that I laughed and couldn't move to help you fight. Believe me, if it weren’t for that, I would have joined the fight and helped you chase him away even faster!"

Mr. Coon was not sure if he believed Mr. Possum, but he was amused. He learned that Mr. Possum had his own way of dealing with danger, and sometimes, what looks like fear can actually be a clever plan.

Once upon a time, in a big forest, lived two friends: Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon. They liked to walk around the woods at night, enjoying the fresh air and finding yummy fruits and bugs to eat.

One evening, after eating a tasty dinner of fried greens, Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon decided to explore the forest. Mr. Coon walked quickly and steadily, while Mr. Possum ran beside him, both very happy. As they walked, Mr. Coon picked up frogs and tadpoles, and Mr. Possum found sweet persimmons to eat.

Suddenly, they heard Mr. Dog barking far away. Mr. Coon was a bit scared and asked, "What will we do if Mr. Dog finds us, Mr. Possum?"

Mr. Possum smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll stay with you!"

Soon, Mr. Dog came running through the bushes, very fast. He saw Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon and started to attack. Mr. Possum quickly pretended to be very scared and fell down, playing dead. Mr. Dog thought Mr. Possum was really dead and went after Mr. Coon.

But Mr. Coon was strong and ready to fight. He fought Mr. Dog bravely. After a short fight, Mr. Dog realized he couldn't win and ran away into the woods.

When it was safe again, Mr. Possum got up, smiling because he was not hurt at all. They continued their adventure, but Mr. Coon was now thinking that Mr. Possum was a coward for playing dead instead of fighting.

The next time they met, Mr. Coon was not friendly. Mr. Possum felt sad and asked, "Why are you being mean to me, Mr. Coon?"

Mr. Coon said, "I don't want to be friends with cowards who play dead in a fight."

Mr. Possum laughed and said, "Oh, Mr. Coon, you think I was really scared? I was just waiting for the right moment to help you! I'm not afraid of a fight; I just can’t stand being tickled! When Mr. Dog touched my ribs, it tickled me so much that I laughed and couldn't move to help you fight. Believe me, if it weren’t for that, I would have joined the fight and helped you chase him away even faster!"

Mr. Coon was not sure if he believed Mr. Possum, but he was amused. He learned that Mr. Possum had his own way of dealing with danger, and sometimes, what looks like fear can actually be a clever plan.

Once upon a time, in a big, bustling forest, two friends were out for their usual nighttime stroll: Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon. These two were the best of buddies, always up for an adventure, especially when it involved munching on tasty treats.

One evening, after a grand feast of fried greens (Mr. Coon insisted they were “gourmet,” but Mr. Possum thought they just needed more butter), they decided to explore the forest. Mr. Coon, always the serious type, marched ahead like he was on a mission. Meanwhile, Mr. Possum, ever the foodie, was busy finding sweet persimmons and munching as he ran to catch up.

“Keep up, would ya? You’re eating like we’re at some sort of all-you-can-eat buffet!” Mr. Coon called back, rolling his eyes.

Mr. Possum grinned, “Hey, it’s not every day you find dessert growing on trees, my friend!”

Suddenly, their peaceful night was interrupted by a distant but growing sound—Mr. Dog’s barking. It was coming closer, and fast. Mr. Coon froze, his fur standing on end. “What are we gonna do if Mr. Dog finds us?” he asked, his voice shaking just a bit.

Mr. Possum put on a brave face and said, “Don’t worry! I’ve got your back!” But deep down, he was already calculating how many summersaults he could do before Mr. Dog got too close.

Sure enough, Mr. Dog burst through the bushes like a rocket, barking and growling, ready for a fight. Without a second thought, Mr. Possum did what he did best—he dropped to the ground and played dead. And not just any dead. He went full drama mode, as if he’d just fainted from seeing a ghost. If there were awards for pretending to be a pancake, Mr. Possum would have won gold.

Mr. Dog stopped, sniffed Mr. Possum, and thought, “Eh, too easy. Must be defective or something.” Then he turned his attention to Mr. Coon, who was anything but playing dead. Mr. Coon squared up, ready to rumble.

“Well, if you want a piece of me, you better bring a bigger bark!” Mr. Coon shouted, waving his little fists in the air.

Mr. Dog, not one to back down, lunged at Mr. Coon, but after a few swipes and a nip on the nose, Mr. Dog decided he had better places to be and dashed off into the woods, tail between his legs.

Once the coast was clear, Mr. Possum hopped up, all smiles, and dusted off his fur. “Whew! I almost thought I’d forgotten how to play dead there for a second!” he joked.

But Mr. Coon wasn’t laughing. He crossed his arms and glared at Mr. Possum. “You call that helping? You just lay there like a soggy pancake while I did all the work!”

Mr. Possum chuckled, “Oh, come on! You think I was just being a scaredy-cat? I was setting the stage! You’ve heard of playing possum, right? It’s a classic move!”

Mr. Coon wasn’t convinced and grumbled, “Some friend you are. Next time, try staying awake during the action.”

Mr. Possum grinned cheekily, “Oh, believe me, if it weren’t for the tickling! When Mr. Dog touched my ribs, it was like a feather attack! I was laughing so hard inside, I couldn’t even move! If it wasn’t for that, I would’ve been up and at ’em, swatting that dog left and right! You know me, I’m all about strategy!”

Mr. Coon couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head. “You’re one oddball, you know that?”

“Yep! But you love me for it,” Mr. Possum said, grinning.

They continued their adventure, still the best of friends, each with their own way of handling trouble. And from that day on, Mr. Coon learned that sometimes, playing dead is just as much about smarts as it is about not getting tickled to pieces.

Once in a forest, so deep and so wide,
Lived two good friends, walking side by side.
Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon, they’d roam,
Under the stars, far from their home.

They loved to explore the woods each night,
Finding sweet fruits, bugs, such a delight.
Mr. Coon picked frogs, hopping near,
While Mr. Possum found fruits so dear.

One evening, after a dinner grand,
They walked the forest, hand in hand.
But suddenly, a bark they did hear,
Mr. Dog was coming, drawing near.

“What shall we do?” Mr. Coon did say,
“If Mr. Dog finds us on his way?”
Mr. Possum grinned, so brave, so sly,
“Don’t worry, dear friend, I’ll stay nearby.”

Mr. Dog burst through, with a leap and bound,
Mr. Possum fell, right to the ground.
He played dead, as still as could be,
While Mr. Coon fought, brave and free.

The fight was quick, Mr. Dog ran fast,
Mr. Coon had won, the danger passed.
Mr. Possum rose with a smile so wide,
But Mr. Coon now stayed to the side.

Next time they met, no friendly face,
Mr. Possum felt sad in this lonely place.
“Why are you mad?” he asked with care,
Mr. Coon just grumbled, “You weren’t there.”

“You played dead, you didn’t fight,
You left me alone on that fearful night.”
Mr. Possum laughed, a clever sound,
“I wasn’t scared, I stood my ground!

“When Mr. Dog touched me, oh, how I giggled,
His paws on my ribs, they tickled and wiggled!
I couldn’t move, I was trapped by the fun,
But I swear, my friend, I’d never run.”

Mr. Coon still wondered if it could be true,
But he smiled and said, “I believe in you.”
He learned that night, as they walked once more,
Courage and cleverness both have their core.


Word Finder

  1. Explore

    Look around new places to discover things.

  2. Steadily

    Moving smoothly without stopping or changing speed.

  3. Persimmons

    A type of sweet, orange fruit from trees.

  4. Pretended

    Acted like something was true when it wasn’t.

  5. Attack

    To try to hurt someone or something.

  6. Bravely

    Showing no fear when facing danger or problems.

  7. Realized

    Understood something that was not clear before.

  8. Adventure

    An exciting or unusual journey or experience.

  9. Coward

    A person who is very afraid and avoids danger.

  10. Tickled

    Made someone laugh by lightly touching their skin.

Understanding Questions

  1. What did Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon like to do at night in the forest?
  2. How did Mr. Possum react when Mr. Dog attacked them?
  3. Why did Mr. Coon think Mr. Possum was a coward after their encounter with Mr. Dog?
  4. What explanation did Mr. Possum give to Mr. Coon for his behavior during the fight?
  5. How did Mr. Coon feel after hearing Mr. Possum’s explanation about playing dead?

Word Finder

  1. Explore

    Look around new places to discover things.

  2. Steadily

    Moving smoothly without stopping or changing speed.

  3. Persimmons

    A type of sweet, orange fruit from trees.

  4. Pretended

    Acted like something was true when it wasn’t.

  5. Attack

    To try to hurt someone or something.

  6. Bravely

    Showing no fear when facing danger or problems.

  7. Realized

    Understood something that was not clear before.

  8. Adventure

    An exciting or unusual journey or experience.

  9. Coward

    A person who is very afraid and avoids danger.

  10. Tickled

    Made someone laugh by lightly touching their skin.

Understanding Questions

  1. What did Mr. Possum and Mr. Coon like to do at night in the forest?
  2. How did Mr. Possum react when Mr. Dog attacked them?
  3. Why did Mr. Coon think Mr. Possum was a coward after their encounter with Mr. Dog?
  4. What explanation did Mr. Possum give to Mr. Coon for his behavior during the fight?
  5. How did Mr. Coon feel after hearing Mr. Possum’s explanation about playing dead?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think Mr. Possum pretended to be dead when Mr. Dog attacked?
  2. How did Mr. Coon's bravery help in scaring away Mr. Dog?
  3. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to use a clever trick to avoid trouble?
  4. Why did Mr. Coon think less of Mr. Possum for playing dead, and do you think he was right?
  5. What can we learn from Mr. Possum's way of handling danger?

Fable Quotes

"True courage is not just in fighting but in knowing when to avoid a fight."
"A clever mind outsmarts brute force."
"Every misunderstanding is a lesson in perspective."

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