Welcome to FableReads

Our mission is to provide a platform where parents, educators, and children can discover, read and enjoy fables from around the world, in multiple languages, for free, with no advertising. We believe in the value of parent-child reading aloud, the joy of short stories with clear lessons and the benefits of reflection and discussion for personal growth.

Features of FableReads

Free and Ad-Free

FableReads is committed to providing free access to our fable collection without any distracting advertisements, ensuring an uninterrupted reading experience.

Great Reading Experience

We are committed to and will develop a great reading experience with night mode for bedtime reading, option for larger fonts, option for illustrations and more.

Large Collection of Fables

We provide hundreds of fables from around the world, offering a diverse collection, categorized into themes, that guarantees many hours of discovery and enjoyment.

Lists of Popular Fables

We research and create lists of fables that are popular in different parts of the world as well as creating lists of fables that are exploring specific moral themes.

Interactive and Engaging

We strive to make reading fables an interactive and immersive experience. Stay tuned for more features, fable discussion points, quotes, quizzes and more.

Fun Reading

We plan to experiment with rewriting of classic fables in different writing styles including poetic forms or entertaining dialogues similar to modern animated movies.

Multiple Languages

Our plan is to provide fables in multiple languages, making it easier for readers to explore different cultural perspectives and enhance language learning.

Why Fables

Fables have been cherished throughout history for their ability to entertain, educate, and inspire. These timeless tales often feature animal characters, magical elements, and moral lessons woven into their narratives. We believe that fables offer a unique way to engage both children and adults, sparking imagination, fostering critical thinking, and igniting meaningful conversations.

  • Lessons for Life

    Fables are timeless tales that embed profound moral lessons within relatable narratives. By using animal characters to represent virtues and flaws, fables distil complex concepts into digestible stories that encourage reflection, ethical exploration, and personal growth.

  • Sparking Imagination and Critical Thinking

    With imaginative settings, vivid storytelling, and anthropomorphic creatures, fables capture the imagination. They prompt readers to examine their beliefs, values, and behaviours, fostering critical thinking skills, empathy, and a deeper understanding of human nature.

  • Igniting Meaningful Conversations

    Fables serve as catalysts for discussions and dialogues, creating shared experiences that can be explored together. They encourage communication, empathy, and moral reasoning, making them ideal for engaging parents, educators, and children in meaningful conversations.

Join The FableReads Community

Become a part of our growing FableReads community! Connect with us on social media platforms, sign up for our newsletter, and stay updated on the latest fable additions, language translations, and exciting features. More to come…

Support Our Mission

FableReads is committed to providing free access to our fable collection without any distracting advertisements, ensuring an uninterrupted reading experience. We have limited resources to promote the webpage and all we ask of you is to share the page with friends, colleagues and others for more people to discover this free resource.

Support Our Mission

Who Are Behind FableReads

FableReads has been initiated and funded by Anders Sundelin through Sundelin Development AB, based in Sweden. The fables are curated and illustrated by Leah May Autentico and Angel Julie Sevilla, based in the Philippines, who have also built the website. Anders' two elementary-aged daughters Eleonore and Sophie have assisted in correcting Swedish translations and providing general feedback. Do you want to contribute to FableReads? Review fables translated to your language?