
The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs

A poor farmer discovers a goose that lays golden eggs, but greed leads him to kill it, losing his fortune.
Aesop's Fables - The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs
Audio available for B1 version

A long time ago, a poor farmer and his wife lived in a small village. They didn't have much. One day, the farmer found a special goose that looked different from the others. He brought it home and took care of it.

The next morning, the farmer saw a golden egg next to the goose. He and his wife were very surprised. They sold the egg and made a lot of money. Every day, the goose laid a golden egg, and the farmer and his wife became rich.

But they wanted more money, so they thought about getting all the gold inside the goose at once. They believed the goose must have a lot of gold inside it. So they decided to kill the goose and get the gold.

The farmer killed the goose, but when he cut it open, there was no gold inside. They had lost the goose that made them rich. Now, there would be no more golden eggs, and they lost all their wealth.

A poor man and his wife live in a small town. They do not have much. One day, the man finds a goose. This goose is special. He takes it home and takes care of it.

The next day, the man sees a gold egg by the goose. He and his wife are very surprised. They sell the egg and get a lot of money. Every day, the goose gives them a gold egg. They become rich.

But they want more money. They think the goose has a lot of gold inside. They decide to cut the goose open and get all the gold.

The man cuts the goose, but there is no gold inside. They lose the goose that gives them gold eggs. Now, there are no more gold eggs. They are poor again.

Once upon a time, there was a farmer and his wife who lived in a small village. They were not rich and had a simple life. One day, the farmer found a goose that looked different from any other goose. He decided to take it home and take good care of it.

The next day, something amazing happened. The farmer found a golden egg next to the goose. He and his wife were very surprised. They sold the egg and got a lot of money. From that day on, the goose gave them one golden egg every day, and soon, they became rich.

However, they wanted even more money. They thought that if the goose could lay golden eggs, it must have a lot of gold inside. They decided to get all the gold at once by cutting the goose open.

So, the farmer took the goose and cut it open. But there was no gold inside. By killing the goose, they lost the special thing that made them rich. There were no more golden eggs, and they realized they had made a big mistake. Now, they were no longer rich because they wanted too much, too fast.

Once upon a "not so average" day in a teeny-tiny village, there lived a farmer and his wife. Their day-to-day life was, let's be honest, as bland as unbuttered toast. If they were any more ordinary, they'd be a pair of socks.

Enter stage left: a quirky looking goose, strutting its stuff, flaunting its feathery self like it just came out of a salon. “Oi,” the farmer said, squinting at it. “You look... different. Like you've got a secret dance move no one knows about. Come along!”

The farmer's wife looked at the goose, and then back at her husband. "Dear, are you sure about this? It looks... different. Kind of fabulous, actually."

“Trust me,” the farmer winked, “I've got a feeling about this one."

The next morning, just as the sun peeked over the hills (and boy was it nosy), next to our fabulous goose was – brace yourselves – a GOLDEN EGG. It was shiny, it was sparkly, and if eggs had a theme song, this one would've been a hit!

The farmer's wife blinked, "Oh-em-geese! Is that... GOLD?"

The farmer, trying to act all cool, replied, "Yup! Knew that goose had some moves!"

From that day, their tiny, toast-bland home was transformed into a daily golden fiesta. Ka-ching! They went from "we can barely buy a loaf of bread" to "honey, should we buy that fourth toy carriage?"

But you know how it is with stories. We get one piece of candy, and we think there's a whole candy store hidden somewhere. They looked at each other, twinkling eyes meeting twinkling eyes. "I have an idea," said the farmer, rubbing his hands together, "a not-so-brilliant idea, actually."

"You're thinking... inside the goose?" the wife asked, wiggling her eyebrows in a way that meant, "I'm curious, but also a tad unsure."

"Exactly!" the farmer exclaimed, imagining a little toy box of gold inside the goose.

But, oh! When they peeked inside, there was no secret toy or shiny trinket, just... well, goose stuff. No more glitters, no more sparkles, and definitely no golden breakfasts.

The wife sighed, "Well, that was... unexpected."

The farmer nodded, “Guess we're back to the drawing board, eh?”

And so, the tale unfolds, revealing a simple truth: in the quest for more, one might lose sight of the true treasures they already possess.

Once upon a village glade,
Where trees and flowers would never fade,
Lived a farmer, simple and true,
With his wife, in a house with a view.

Amid the flock, one goose stood apart,
With a radiant glow, and a shimmering heart.
Home he took this bird so fine,
Hoping good fortune would soon be thine.

Come the dawn, with the sunrise so grand,
A golden egg, in the barn did stand.
Eyes wide, the couple did stare,
At the egg so rare, beyond compare.

With each sunrise, an egg did appear,
Bringing them wealth, year after year.
Yet greed crept in, as it often does,
Whispering tales of golden fuzz.

"Imagine the riches," said the wife with glee,
"If inside the goose, all the gold we see!"
So the decision was made, their fate sealed tight,
They’d cut the goose, by the end of the night.

To their shock and profound regret,
Inside was emptiness, a haunting silhouette.
Their treasure lost, the goose's song done,
Gone were the days under the golden sun.


Word Finder

  1. Poor

    Having very little money and things.

  2. Special

    Different and important in a good way.

  3. Care

    Look after someone or something.

  4. Gold

    A shiny, yellow metal.

  5. Surprised

    Feeling something unexpected and sudden.

  6. Sell

    Give something for money.

  7. Rich

    Having a lot of money and things.

  8. Decide

    Choose what to do.

  9. Inside

    The inner part of something.

  10. Lose

    No longer have something.

  1. Farmer

    Person who grows plants and raises animals.

  2. Village

    Small community in a rural, non-urban area.

  3. Different

    Not the same as something or someone else.

  4. Care

    Effort and attention to keep something safe.

  5. Amazing

    Causing great surprise or wonder; very impressive.

  6. Golden

    Made of or looking like gold, shiny yellow.

  7. Surprised

    Feeling or showing sudden unexpected wonder or astonishment.

  8. Decided

    Made a choice or formed a conclusion.

  9. Cutting

    Dividing something into pieces using a sharp tool.

  10. Realized

    Became fully aware or understood something clearly.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where do the poor man and his wife live?

    1. In a city
    2. In a town
    3. In a forest
    4. On a farm
  2. What does the man find one day?

    1. A gold egg
    2. A goose
    3. Money
    4. A chicken
  3. What does the goose give them every day?

    1. Silver eggs
    2. Money
    3. Gold eggs
    4. Food
  4. Why do the man and his wife cut the goose open?

    1. They want to eat it.
    2. They think it has gold inside.
    3. They don't like the goose.
    4. They want to sell it.
  5. What happens after they cut the goose?

    1. They find gold.
    2. The goose flies away.
    3. They lose the goose and become poor.
    4. The goose gives more eggs.
  1. Where did the farmer and his wife live?
  2. What was special about the goose that the farmer found?
  3. What did the farmer and his wife find next to the goose the day after bringing it home?
  4. How did the farmer and his wife become rich?
  5. What happened when the farmer and his wife cut the goose open?
  1. What unusual discovery did the farmer make while working in the fields, and what was his initial reaction?
  2. Describe the change in the farmer and his wife's financial situation after the goose began laying golden eggs.
  3. What led the farmer and his wife to decide to cut the goose open, and what did they expect to find inside?
  4. What was the outcome of the farmer and his wife killing the goose, and how did it affect their wealth?
  5. Reflecting on their actions, what realization did the farmer and his wife come to after losing their source of riches?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why did the farmer decide to kill the goose?
  2. How do you think the farmer felt when he discovered there were no golden eggs inside the goose?
  3. Can you think of a time when you or someone else were impatient and it led to an unfortunate outcome?
  4. What does this story teach us about patience, greed, and long-term benefits?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our own lives to value what we have and to be patient?

Fable Quotes

In the haste to have it all, one can lose even the little that they have.
Patience is the gardener who reaps the golden harvest.
Even the smallest blessings can yield great wealth when met with gratitude.

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