Vishnu Sharma

The Hermit and the Mouse

A hermit transforms a mouse into different animals to end its fear, but realizes changing its form doesn't change its mindset.
Panchatantra Fables - The Hermit and the Mouse
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a wise hermit. His humble abode was a small hut amidst the trees.

One day, a tiny mouse scurried into the hermit's hut. It was trembling in fear. The hermit noticed the mouse's terror and decided to help. He used his spiritual powers to transform the mouse into a cat, hoping this would resolve its problem of being preyed upon.

However, the cat soon returned to the hermit, still exuding fear. It seemed that a dog in the forest was now chasing after it. The hermit, once again, used his spiritual powers, this time transforming the cat into a dog. He believed this would end the animal's cycle of fear.

To the hermit's surprise, the dog came back, expressing fear of a new predator, a fierce leopard in the forest. The hermit, feeling a sense of duty to help the creature, transformed the dog into a leopard.

But even as a leopard, the creature returned to the hermit, this time fearing the king of the forest, the mighty lion. In response, the hermit, once again, used his powers and transformed the leopard into a lion.

However, the lion, originally a mouse, still could not find peace. Realizing that changing the creature's physical form did not change its inherent nature, the hermit made a final decision. He transformed the lion back into a mouse, realizing that the source of the animal's fear was not its physical form, but rather its mindset.

Once upon a time, way deep in the "forest of absolutely-no-wifi," there was this groovy old hermit. He was wise beyond his years, but hip enough to know all the good beats. His digs? Just a chill little hut in the trees. Very vintage.

One day, a mouse that was all jittery and shaky zipped into the hermit's pad. The hermit took one look and said, "Hey there, tiny dancer! What's got your tail in a twist?"

The mouse squeaked, "Do you see the size of me? I'm snack-sized!" and trembled something fierce.

The hermit, cool as a cucumber, said, "Oh, that's not a problem, not a problem at all!" And with a wave of his spiritual mojo, he turned the mouse into a cat. "There you go! Now you're groovy, cat!"

But hold your horses! That cat came back, looking more terrified than a squirrel at a nut shortage sale. "There's a dog in the forest, man, and it wants to chase me like I owe it money!"

The hermit, never one to shy away from a problem, said, "Dog? That's easy-peasy!" And he turned the cat into a dog.

The dog returned later, though, still shaking like jelly on a plate. "Now there's a leopard!" it cried.

"Leopard? No biggie!" said the hermit, and with a swish and a swoosh, the dog became a leopard.

But guess what? Even as a leopard, the creature was back, fearing the mighty lion, the "Big Cheese" of the forest.

The hermit rolled his eyes and said, "A lion? Righto!" and turned the leopard into a lion.

But, nope, the lion, originally a mouse, was still not dancing in the streets. It had the same old fears.

The hermit, with a knowing smile, said, "Well, my furry friend, it seems changing your spots didn't change your tune, did it?" And with a final bit of magic, he turned the lion back into a mouse. "You see, little one, it's not about being the biggest cat in town. It's about being comfortable in your own whiskers."

The mouse nodded, no longer shaky, and said, "I think I get it now. I've got to be me, just like you've got to be you."

The hermit chuckled, "Right on, little dude. Right on!"

And they lived happily ever after in the "forest of absolutely-no-wifi," dancing to the groovy beat of their own drum.

Nestled deep where the tall trees tower,
A hermit lived, radiating wisdom and power.
His little hut, where peace did stay,
Sat amidst nature, in a green array.

A mouse, one day, to the hut did dash,
Trembling in fear, with a little flash.
The hermit saw, and thought with glee,
"What if this mouse, a sleek cat could be?"

With a wave and a word, the change did show,
The mouse turned cat, with a soft glow.
But back it came, its fear still lies,
Of a forest dog, and its echoing cries.

"Alright," thought the hermit, "a change once more!"
And the cat transformed, a dog it now bore.
Yet the dog’s fear, it still did hold,
Of a leopard’s spots, fierce and bold.

"To a leopard you'll change!" the hermit shared,
With swift agility, the creature was prepared.
Yet back it came, its courage yet missed,
Its heart still raced, in a twist.

"A lion you’ll be, king of the land!" he declared,
With a roaring voice, the lion seemed repaired.
Yet, deep inside, the lion’s spirit still swayed,
Its inner fear, not easily allayed.

At last, the hermit saw the truth so sheer,
It wasn’t the form, but inner fear.
With wisdom and grace, he began to dance,
And turned the lion, back to a mouse, by chance.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the mouse, even after being transformed into various larger animals, was still scared?
  2. How do you think the hermit felt each time the animal returned still afraid, even after he had tried to help?
  3. Can you recall a time when changing something on the outside didn't make you feel different on the inside?
  4. What does this story teach us about fear and the importance of our mindset?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our own lives to understand that changing our appearance or situation may not always change how we feel inside?

Fable Quotes

True adaptability lies not in changing outward forms, but in transforming the inward mindset.
Conquer the fear within, and no external force can hold you back.
Acceptance of oneself is the first step towards conquering fear.

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