
The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse

The Town Mouse visits the Country Mouse, who then visits the city but fears the danger and prefers his peaceful life.
Aesop's Fables - The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, there were two mice who were close friends: a Town Mouse and a Country Mouse. The Town Mouse lived in a bustling city, while the Country Mouse resided in a peaceful rural area.

One day, the Town Mouse went to visit his friend in the countryside. The Country Mouse was delighted to see his friend and welcomed him warmly. He prepared a simple meal for his guest, offering him roots, grains, and berries.

As they dined, the Town Mouse commented on the modesty of the meal. He boasted about the abundance of food and luxuries available in the city. Intrigued by his friend's tales, the Country Mouse decided to visit the Town Mouse in the city.

Upon arrival, the Town Mouse led the Country Mouse to a grand house, where they would feast on the plentiful food stored in the pantry. They indulged in rich cheeses, succulent fruits, and delicate pastries. The Country Mouse was in awe of the lavish spread before him.

However, as they were enjoying their meal, they were suddenly disturbed by the loud noises of the house's occupants. They had to scurry away quickly and hide to avoid being caught by the humans and their terrifying cat.

The two mice spent the night darting from one hiding spot to another, narrowly escaping danger each time. Exhausted and frightened, the Country Mouse decided to return to his peaceful home in the countryside. The simple and quiet life he knew was far more preferable to the constant fear and uncertainty of the city.

There is a Town Mouse. He lives in a big city. He has a friend, the Country Mouse. The Country Mouse lives in a quiet place. They are good friends.

One day, the Town Mouse visits the Country Mouse. The Country Mouse is happy. He makes a simple meal. They eat roots, grains, and berries.

The Town Mouse talks about the city. He says there is a lot of food. There are many fancy things. The Country Mouse is curious. He wants to see the city.

The Country Mouse visits the city. The Town Mouse takes him to a big house. They see a lot of food. There is cheese, fruit, and cake. The Country Mouse is surprised.

But then, they hear loud noises. The people and a big cat are in the house. The mice run and hide. They are scared. They hide all night.

The next day, the Country Mouse is tired. He misses his quiet home. He likes to feel safe. He does not want the fancy food. He goes back home. He is happy in his quiet place.

Once upon a time, in a big busy city, there lived a Town Mouse. He had a friend who was very different from him, a Country Mouse, who lived in the quiet, peaceful countryside. They were very good friends even though their homes were so different.

One day, the Town Mouse decided to visit his friend in the countryside. The Country Mouse was very happy to see him! He wanted to make him feel welcome, so he prepared a simple meal with things like roots, grains, and berries.

While they were eating, the Town Mouse talked about his life in the city. He said that in the city, there was so much food and many fancy things! The Country Mouse became very curious about city life and decided to see it for himself.

When the Country Mouse visited the city, the Town Mouse took him to a big house. There, they found lots of delicious food like cheeses, fruits, and cakes. The Country Mouse couldn't believe his eyes; it was all so fancy and delicious!

But just as they were enjoying the food, they heard loud noises. It was the people who lived in the house and their big, scary cat! The two mice had to run fast and hide. They spent the whole night hiding and running away from danger. It was very scary for the Country Mouse.

After that night, the Country Mouse realized something important. He missed his simple, quiet life in the countryside. For him, feeling safe and peaceful was much better than all the fancy food in the city. So, he decided to go back home, knowing that the simple life was the best life for him.

Once upon a time, in two very different corners of the world, lived two mice pals. One was a Town Mouse, all flashy and posh. The other was a Country Mouse, as chill as a cucumber in a field of lettuce.

"Hey, Countryside!" Town Mouse said on a visit to his friend, slicking back his whiskers. "How's life in the slow lane? Ready for some real excitement?"

Country Mouse, rocking back in his straw chair, grinned. "Townie, excitement is in the eye of the beholder. But, you know, I behold some roots and berries here for you!"

They sat down to a meal of the simplest sorts. Town Mouse nibbled, his eyes wide with mock horror. "Darling, this is very... rustic, isn't it? Why, back in town, we've got cheese that'll make you dance, fruits that'll make you sing, and pastries so fine you'd swear they were baked by the queen herself!"

Country Mouse's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Really? Well, why not show me?"

Off they went to the grand city. Town Mouse led the way, swaggering like a mouse who owned the place. "Welcome to the big leagues, my friend!" he exclaimed, introducing Country Mouse to an extravagant feast.

Country Mouse's jaw dropped. "Well, butter my bread and call me a biscuit! This is something else!"

But just as they were stuffing their cheeks with the finest food, the terrifying sounds of humans and a cat interrupted their feast.

"What's the big idea?" Country Mouse squeaked, alarmed.

Town Mouse, nonchalantly finishing his bite, replied, "Oh, that? Just the usual hustle and bustle. Comes with the territory, you know."

They spent the night zig-zagging, dodging, and diving through the city. Every noise was a scare; every shadow was a threat.

As the dawn broke, Country Mouse looked at his friend and said, "Townie, this has been an adventure, but I think I'd rather have my berries without a side of fear, thank you very much!"

Town Mouse winked, his whiskers twitching with a smile. "Well, Countryside, to each his own. But remember, you're always welcome in the big leagues."

With a chuckle, Country Mouse headed back to his peaceful home, thinking that sometimes, the simple life was the real big league.

And as for Town Mouse? Well, he continued to dine in style, always ready for a bit of excitement, and always with a clever remark or two up his furry sleeve.

In a town and country not so far,
Lived two little mice, who were friends bizarre,
One in the city, with hustle and noise,
The other in the fields, with simple joys.

The Town Mouse with a swish of his coat,
To the country, he went, a trip to devote,
He was welcomed with grains, berries, and cheer,
By his dear Country Mouse, who was glad to have him near.

"Oh dear friend," said Town Mouse with a scoff,
"Your meal is simple, not rich enough!"
And he spoke of the city, with food so divine,
Cheese, pastries, and fruits, all flavors combined.

The Country Mouse, intrigued by this tale,
Went to the town, his courage not frail,
A grand house they entered, a feast they did find,
Rich cheeses, fruits, pastries, a spread to unwind.

But as they nibbled, a noise did arise,
The humans, the cat, the terrified cries,
They ran and they hid, all through the night,
In the city's grand house, filled with constant fright.

The Country Mouse sighed, his face quite forlorn,
"I miss my quiet home, where I was born,
The fields, the peace, away from this scare,
The city's too much, I must return there."

So back to his home, the Country Mouse went,
Content with his life, and the time that he spent,
For sometimes the simple, the pure and the true,
Is better than lavish, as known by these two.


Word Finder

  1. Grains

    Small, hard seeds from plants.

  2. Berries

    Small, round fruits that can be eaten.

  3. Curious

    Wanting to know or learn about something.

  4. Fancy

    Very nice or decorative.

  5. Surprised

    Feeling unexpected wonder or shock.

  6. Noises

    Loud or unexpected sounds.

  7. Scared

    Feeling afraid or frightened.

  8. Tired

    Needing rest because of feeling sleepy.

  9. Safe

    Not in danger; feeling protected.

  10. Misses

    Feels sad because away from something loved.

  1. Countryside

    Rural area outside towns and cities.

  2. Curious

    Wanting to know or learn something new.

  3. Prepared

    Made something ready for use.

  4. Delicious

    Tasting very good.

  5. Fancy

    Very decorated or expensive-looking.

  6. Believed

    Thought something was true.

  7. Danger

    The possibility of harm or injury.

  8. Realized

    Understood something clearly.

  9. Peaceful

    Calm and quiet, without any worry.

  10. Scary

    Causing fear or fright.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where does the Town Mouse live?

    1. In a big city
    2. In a quiet place
    3. In a forest
    4. In a small house
  2. What does the Country Mouse serve for the meal?

    1. Cheese and cake
    2. Roots, grains, and berries
    3. Fruit and meat
    4. Bread and milk
  3. Why does the Country Mouse visit the city?

    1. He wants to see the big cat.
    2. He wants to see the Town Mouse's home.
    3. He is curious about the city.
    4. He wants to find new food.
  4. What scares the mice in the big house?

    1. The loud music
    2. The people and a big cat
    3. The car noises
    4. The other animals
  5. Why does the Country Mouse go back home?

    1. He does not like the Town Mouse.
    2. He misses his quiet home.
    3. He wants to find more food.
    4. He is angry.
  1. What did the Country Mouse prepare for the Town Mouse when he visited the countryside?
  2. How did the Town Mouse describe his life in the city to the Country Mouse?
  3. What kind of food did the mice find in the big house in the city?
  4. What happened that made the mice run and hide while they were in the big house?
  5. Why did the Country Mouse decide to go back to the countryside after visiting the city?
  1. How does the fable describe the environments in which the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse live?
  2. What did the Country Mouse serve to the Town Mouse during his visit to the countryside?
  3. What specific aspects of city life fascinated the Country Mouse, leading him to visit the city?
  4. What event made the Country Mouse realize the dangers of city life?
  5. What lesson did the Country Mouse learn by the end of the fable, and how did it influence his decision?

Reflection Questions

  1. How did the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse feel about each other's homes?
  2. What made the Country Mouse decide to leave the city and return to his home in the countryside? How do you think he felt when making this decision?
  3. Can you think of a time when something seemed exciting at first, but turned out to be not as good as it looked?
  4. What does this story teach us about the values of peace, safety, and contentment over material abundance and excitement?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our lives to appreciate the simplicity and safety that we often take for granted?

Fable Quotes

Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear.
The beauty of life reveals itself when we learn to appreciate the little things.
True friendship is found in simplicity, not in grandeur, and thrives in the warmth of genuine connection.

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