Vishnu Sharma

The Elephants and the Mice

Mice ask elephants to avoid trampling their homes, and later rescue them from the hunters' trap.
Panchatantra Fables - The Elephants and the Mice
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in an abandoned village on the edge of a shimmering lake, a bustling community of mice lived. Every day, a herd of majestic elephants came to drink and bathe in the cool waters of the lake, and as they wandered through the village, their massive feet trampled on the homes of the tiny mice, causing destruction and harm.

One day, the wise mouse king decided to speak with the elephant king about the problem. He requested that the elephants alter their route to avoid trampling the mice and offered to help the elephants in the future if they ever needed it. However, the elephant king and his herd laughed at the idea of needing help from such small creatures.

Despite this, the king elephant eventually agreed to alter his route as a sign of goodwill towards the mice. But fate had other plans in store. One day, as the elephants were passing through the village, they became caught in a trap set by ruthless hunters. One elephant managed to escape and rushed to seek help from the mouse king.

The mouse king sprang into action, rallying all the mice in the village to help rescue the elephants. They scurried through the village, gnawing through the thick ropes of the trap with their sharp teeth. It was a daunting task, but they persevered until they had freed the trapped elephants.

The elephant king and his herd were amazed and grateful for the help of the tiny mice, and they thanked the mouse king for his assistance.

In a small town by a lake, there are many mice. Every day, big elephants come to the lake to drink and wash. They walk through the town. They step on the mice's homes by mistake and break them.

One day, the leader of the mice talks to the leader of the elephants. He asks the elephants to walk a different way. He says the mice will help the elephants if they need it. The elephant leader and his friends laugh a little. They think small mice cannot help big elephants. But they say yes to the new path to be nice to the mice.

Soon after, the elephants are in trouble. Some men trap the elephants with ropes. One elephant gets away and runs to the mice for help.

The leader of the mice calls all the mice. They go fast to help the elephants. They bite the ropes with their sharp teeth. It is hard work, but they do not stop. Soon, all the elephants are free.

The elephants are surprised and happy. They thank the mice for their help.

Once upon a time, in a village next to a bright lake, there was a group of happy mice. Every day, a group of big elephants came to the lake to drink and wash. When the elephants walked through the village, their big feet would sometimes break the homes of the small mice, causing a lot of damage.

One day, the smart leader of the mice decided to talk to the leader of the elephants about the problem. He asked the elephants to change their path so they wouldn't step on the mice's homes, and he promised to help the elephants if they ever needed it in the future. The elephant leader and his friends thought it was funny that such small animals could help them, but they agreed to change their path to be kind to the mice.

But soon, trouble came. The elephants got caught in a trap set by hunters while walking through the village. One elephant managed to get away and quickly went to ask the mouse leader for help.

The mouse leader quickly gathered all the mice, and they rushed to help the elephants. They worked hard, biting through the ropes of the trap with their sharp teeth. It was a tough job, but they didn't give up until all the elephants were free.

The leader of the elephants and his group were very surprised and thankful for the help they received from the small mice. They thanked the mouse leader for saving them.

In a little village you've probably never heard of, next to a lake so sparkly it could've been sprinkled with glitter, there lived a bunch of fun-loving mice. They loved to play, dance, and eat cheese - because who doesn't love cheese?

Every day, a group of big, wobbly elephants came to drink from the lake. They splashed around, having a jolly good time, but oh boy, those big feet! They stomped and squished the mice's houses without even noticing!

The wise mouse king, wearing his nifty crown, thought, "This won't do! We must have a chat with those elephants."

So off he went to the elephant king and said, "Hey, Mr. Elephant King, fancy taking a different route to the lake? You see, our houses are getting a bit squished. And hey, if you ever need help, we're here for you!"

The elephant king laughed, "Help from you tiny things? That's like asking a snail to race a rocket!" But he was a good sport, so he agreed to change the path.

Now, wouldn't you know it, those big elephants got caught in a trap by some not-so-nice hunters. One elephant went running for help, calling, "Mr. Mouse King, we're in a jam!"

The mouse king gathered his mousey pals, and they all ran to help. They gnawed through the ropes with their sharp teeth, like using scissors on wrapping paper.

The elephants were free! They looked at the mice, their eyes wide as dinner plates, and said, "Well, butter my trunk! You really saved us!"

The mouse king just winked, "See? Never underestimate the little guy."

From that day on, the elephants and mice were the best of pals. They danced, they played, and they proved that no matter how big or small you are, you can make a big difference.

Beside a gleaming lake so vast,
Mice built homes, their memories cast.
Majestic elephants came each morn,
To drink and play, while mice did mourn.

Huge feet did stomp and houses fell,
Mice lived in fear, as we can tell.
Mouse king thought, “This just isn’t right!”
So he met elephant king, hoping to alight.

“Change your path, spare our small homes,
And if you need, wherever you roam,
We, tiny mice, will have your back,
Though our size, you might think we lack.”

Elephants laughed, “What help could you bring?”
But they changed their path, doing the right thing.
Yet one day, as fate would twist,
Trapped were elephants, in a hunter’s mist.

A lone elephant, quick and swift,
Ran to mice, hoping for a lift.
Mouse king said, “No time to mope!
Mice, to the rescue, there’s always hope!”

Tiny teeth gnawed ropes so stout,
Until every elephant was safely out.
In awe and gratitude, the elephants stood,
Realizing that tiny is still very good.

So side by side, on the lake's soft sand,
Mice and elephants walked, hand in hand.


Word Finder

  1. Lake

    Big water area, like a very big pond.

  2. Elephants

    Very big animals with long noses called trunks.

  3. Mistake

    Something wrong that was not meant to happen.

  4. Leader

    Person or animal who guides others.

  5. Trouble

    A problem or bad situation needing help.

  6. Path

    A way or road to walk on.

  7. Trapped

    Stuck and cannot get out.

  8. Ropes

    Thick strings used to tie things.

  9. Sharp

    Very pointy and can cut or poke.

  10. Surprised

    Feeling something unexpected and not planned.

  1. Village

    A small group of houses and buildings.

  2. Elephants

    Large, gray animals with big ears.

  3. Damage

    Harm that makes something broken or unusable.

  4. Path

    A way or track made for walking or moving.

  5. Promised

    Said that you will definitely do something.

  6. Agreed

    Said yes to a suggestion or idea.

  7. Hunters

    People who catch or kill animals.

  8. Trap

    A device for catching animals.

  9. Ropes

    Strong, thick cords used for tying things.

  10. Thankful

    Feeling or showing thanks or gratitude.

Understanding Questions

  1. Why do the elephants walk through the town?

    1. To find food
    2. To play with the mice
    3. To drink and wash at the lake
    4. To visit their friends
  2. What do the elephants do by mistake?

    1. Eat the mice's food
    2. Break the mice's homes
    3. Play with the mice
    4. Help the mice
  3. What does the leader of the mice ask the elephants to do?

    1. Give them food
    2. Play with them
    3. Walk a different way
    4. Help them build new homes
  4. How do the mice help the elephants when they are trapped?

    1. They give them food.
    2. They play with them.
    3. They bite the ropes.
    4. They ask for help from other animals.
  5. How do the elephants feel after the mice help them?

    1. Angry
    2. Sad
    3. Surprised and happy
    4. Tired and hungry
  1. What problem did the elephants cause when they walked through the village?
  2. What solution did the mouse leader suggest to the elephant leader?
  3. Why did the elephants agree to change their path despite finding the idea funny?
  4. What happened to the elephants while they were walking through the village one day?
  5. How did the mice help the elephants when they were caught in the trap?
  1. What did the wise leader of the mice request from the leader of the elephants?
  2. How did the elephants initially react to the mice's offer of help?
  3. What happened to the elephants that caused them to need the mice's assistance?
  4. How did the mice manage to free the trapped elephants?
  5. What was the elephants' reaction after the mice rescued them from the hunters' trap?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the elephant king and his herd initially laughed at the idea of needing help from the mice?
  2. How did the mouse king feel when their homes were being destroyed, and what action did he take?
  3. What does the story tell us about judging others based on their size or appearance?
  4. Can you recall a time when you underestimated someone or something, and they surprised you with their abilities, just like the mice did with the elephants?
  5. The mice and elephants learned to cooperate and help each other despite their differences. How can we apply this lesson in our daily lives?

Fable Quotes

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to act in the face of it.
United in purpose, even the smallest creatures can achieve greatness through the power of teamwork.
Empathy bridges the gaps between species, allowing even the smallest to lend a helping hand.

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