Jean Pierre Claris de Florian

The Grasshopper

A sad grasshopper leaves home to find peace but realizes that happiness comes from seeing the good around him.
The Grasshopper
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, there lived a grasshopper. This grasshopper was very upset with the world around him. He felt like everything around him was sad and bad. Everywhere he looked, he saw people being mean and doing wrong things. It made him feel very unhappy. "I can't stay here anymore," he thought. "I need to find a new place to live, far away from all these bad things."

The grasshopper believed everyone hated him because he tried to be good. He thought everyone, even the animals and little birds, didn't like him and talked badly about him. He felt very alone and misunderstood. "No one appreciates me," he sighed. "Maybe they'll realize how good I was only when I'm gone."

One day, as the grasshopper was feeling sad, a friend of his, another grasshopper, noticed how unhappy he looked. "Hey, why are you so upset?" asked his friend. "Why don't you just enjoy the beautiful fields around you? You can't change the whole world, but you can still be happy here."

But the sad grasshopper didn't listen. He was determined to leave. "You don't understand," he replied. "I need to find a place where I can be at peace."

So, the grasshopper left his home and started his journey. He flew and hopped for two whole days, looking for a perfect place. Finally, he found a new field with tall wheat stalks waving gently in the wind. "This is perfect," he thought. "I can be safe and happy here."

The grasshopper settled into his new home and felt relieved. He found a cozy spot among the wheat and fell asleep, dreaming of a peaceful life. But the next morning, he was woken up by the sound of laughter and singing. Some farmers had come to the field to harvest the wheat.

The farmers were cheerful as they worked, but the grasshopper felt scared. "Oh no!" he cried. "I thought I was safe here, but now more trouble has found me."

The farmers' tools cut down the tall wheat stalks, revealing the grasshopper's hiding place. One of the farmers noticed the tiny creature looking so sad and frightened. He gently picked up the grasshopper and said, "Little friend, you seem to be having a tough time. Why don't you go over to that beautiful garden with lots of flowers? You'll find plenty of food and a safe place to rest."

The farmer carried the grasshopper to a nearby garden full of colorful flowers. He placed him gently among the blooms and said, "Go, little friend, and find your supper here."

The grasshopper looked around and saw the beautiful flowers and felt the warmth of the sun. He realized that maybe the world wasn't so bad after all. He just needed to look for the good things and not let his worries take over.

Once upon a time, there lived a grasshopper. This grasshopper was very upset with the world around him. He felt like everything around him was sad and bad. Everywhere he looked, he saw people being mean and doing wrong things. It made him feel very unhappy. "I can't stay here anymore," he thought. "I need to find a new place to live, far away from all these bad things."

The grasshopper believed everyone hated him because he tried to be good. He thought everyone, even the animals and little birds, didn't like him and talked badly about him. He felt very alone and misunderstood. "No one appreciates me," he sighed. "Maybe they'll realize how good I was only when I'm gone."

One day, as the grasshopper was feeling sad, a friend of his, another grasshopper, noticed how unhappy he looked. "Hey, why are you so upset?" asked his friend. "Why don't you just enjoy the beautiful fields around you? You can't change the whole world, but you can still be happy here."

But the sad grasshopper didn't listen. He was determined to leave. "You don't understand," he replied. "I need to find a place where I can be at peace."

So, the grasshopper left his home and started his journey. He flew and hopped for two whole days, looking for a perfect place. Finally, he found a new field with tall wheat stalks waving gently in the wind. "This is perfect," he thought. "I can be safe and happy here."

The grasshopper settled into his new home and felt relieved. He found a cozy spot among the wheat and fell asleep, dreaming of a peaceful life. But the next morning, he was woken up by the sound of laughter and singing. Some farmers had come to the field to harvest the wheat.

The farmers were cheerful as they worked, but the grasshopper felt scared. "Oh no!" he cried. "I thought I was safe here, but now more trouble has found me."

The farmers' tools cut down the tall wheat stalks, revealing the grasshopper's hiding place. One of the farmers noticed the tiny creature looking so sad and frightened. He gently picked up the grasshopper and said, "Little friend, you seem to be having a tough time. Why don't you go over to that beautiful garden with lots of flowers? You'll find plenty of food and a safe place to rest."

The farmer carried the grasshopper to a nearby garden full of colorful flowers. He placed him gently among the blooms and said, "Go, little friend, and find your supper here."

The grasshopper looked around and saw the beautiful flowers and felt the warmth of the sun. He realized that maybe the world wasn't so bad after all. He just needed to look for the good things and not let his worries take over.

There is a grasshopper. He is not happy. He thinks the world is bad. He sees people being mean. This makes him sad.

"I need a new home," he says. "Everyone here is bad."

The grasshopper thinks everyone hates him. He thinks even the birds do not like him. "No one likes me," he says. "Maybe they will miss me when I am gone."

One day, his friend sees him. His friend is a happy grasshopper. "Why are you sad?" his friend asks. "The fields are nice. You can be happy here."

But the grasshopper does not listen. "You do not understand," he says. "I need to find a quiet place."

The grasshopper leaves his home. He hops and flies for two days. He finds a new field. It has tall grass. "This is perfect," he thinks. "I will be happy here."

The grasshopper makes a soft spot and sleeps. In the morning, he hears laughter. Some farmers are in the field. They cut the grass. The grasshopper is scared. "Oh no!" he says. "I am not safe here."

A farmer sees the grasshopper. He picks up the grasshopper slowly. "Little friend, you look sad," the farmer says. "Go to that garden with many flowers. You will find food and a safe place."

The farmer takes the grasshopper to the garden. He puts the grasshopper among the flowers. "Go, little friend, and find your food here," the farmer says.

The grasshopper looks around. He sees beautiful flowers. He feels the warm sun. The grasshopper is happy. He thinks, "Maybe the world is not so bad. I just need to look for good things."

The grasshopper learns to be happy. He enjoys the garden and the flowers.

Once upon a time, there lived a grasshopper. This grasshopper was very upset with the world around him. He felt like everything around him was sad and bad. Everywhere he looked, he saw people being mean and doing wrong things. It made him feel very unhappy. "I can't stay here anymore," he thought. "I need to find a new place to live, far away from all these bad things."

The grasshopper believed everyone hated him because he tried to be good. He thought everyone, even the animals and little birds, didn't like him and talked badly about him. He felt very alone and misunderstood. "No one appreciates me," he sighed. "Maybe they'll realize how good I was only when I'm gone."

One day, as the grasshopper was feeling sad, a friend of his, another grasshopper, noticed how unhappy he looked. "Hey, why are you so upset?" asked his friend. "Why don't you just enjoy the beautiful fields around you? You can't change the whole world, but you can still be happy here."

But the sad grasshopper didn't listen. He was determined to leave. "You don't understand," he replied. "I need to find a place where I can be at peace."

So, the grasshopper left his home and started his journey. He flew and hopped for two whole days, looking for a perfect place. Finally, he found a new field with tall wheat stalks waving gently in the wind. "This is perfect," he thought. "I can be safe and happy here."

The grasshopper settled into his new home and felt relieved. He found a cozy spot among the wheat and fell asleep, dreaming of a peaceful life. But the next morning, he was woken up by the sound of laughter and singing. Some farmers had come to the field to harvest the wheat.

The farmers were cheerful as they worked, but the grasshopper felt scared. "Oh no!" he cried. "I thought I was safe here, but now more trouble has found me."

The farmers' tools cut down the tall wheat stalks, revealing the grasshopper's hiding place. One of the farmers noticed the tiny creature looking so sad and frightened. He gently picked up the grasshopper and said, "Little friend, you seem to be having a tough time. Why don't you go over to that beautiful garden with lots of flowers? You'll find plenty of food and a safe place to rest."

The farmer carried the grasshopper to a nearby garden full of colorful flowers. He placed him gently among the blooms and said, "Go, little friend, and find your supper here."

The grasshopper looked around and saw the beautiful flowers and felt the warmth of the sun. He realized that maybe the world wasn't so bad after all. He just needed to look for the good things and not let his worries take over.

Once upon a time, in a lively green meadow, lived a grasshopper who had a bit of a problem – he was fed up with the world. Everywhere he looked, he saw creatures being mean and doing all sorts of nonsense. "Oh, for the love of lettuce, why can't everyone just chill out?" he grumbled, rolling his eyes so hard he almost saw his own wings.

"I can't stay here anymore," the grasshopper thought dramatically. "I need to find a new place to live, far away from these drama queens."

He felt like everyone disliked him because he tried to be good. Even the birds seemed to gossip about him. "No one appreciates my efforts," he sighed, clutching his tiny heart. "Maybe they'll miss me when I'm gone!"

One sunny morning, while the grasshopper was sulking under a daisy, his friend, another grasshopper, bounced over. "Hey, why the long face? You look like you just found out your favorite TV show got canceled."

The grasshopper sighed again, dramatically waving a leaf. "Oh, it's just that everyone here is so mean. I need to find a place where I can be happy and at peace. This meadow is more stressful than a squirrel on espresso."

His friend tilted his head, antennae twitching. "Why don't you just enjoy the beautiful fields around you? You can't change the world, but you can still be happy here. Or at least find a nice patch of grass to nap on."

But the grasshopper was determined. "You just don't get it. I need to find my happy place," he declared, packing his tiny backpack with the flair of an actor taking a final bow.

So off he went, hopping and flying for two whole days. Finally, he found a new field with tall wheat stalks swaying in the breeze. "This is it!" he exclaimed, striking a pose. "No drama llamas here!"

He made himself comfy among the wheat and soon fell asleep, dreaming of a peaceful life. But the next morning, he woke up to loud singing and laughter. Farmers had come to harvest the wheat.

"Oh, cheese and crackers!" the grasshopper cried. "I thought I was safe here, but now it's like a reality show reunion!"

The farmers’ tools cut down the wheat, revealing his hiding place. One of the farmers, a kind old man, spotted the grasshopper looking so scared. He gently picked him up and said, "Well, look at you, little fella. Having a bad day, huh?"

The grasshopper nodded, his tiny legs trembling. The farmer chuckled, "Don't worry, buddy. Why don't you go to that beautiful garden over there? It has more flowers than a royal wedding and is perfect for a grasshopper like you."

The farmer carried the grasshopper to a nearby garden full of colorful flowers and gently placed him among the blooms. "There you go, pal. Enjoy your new digs!"

The grasshopper looked around and saw the beautiful flowers and felt the warm sun on his back. He took a deep breath and smiled. "Maybe the world isn’t so bad after all," he thought. "I just need to find the good things and not let my worries bug me."

And from that day on, the grasshopper decided to look for the bright side of things and enjoy the beauty around him, hopping happily ever after, with a bit more bounce in his step.

Once upon a time, in a meadow green,
Lived a little grasshopper, feeling quite unseen.
He looked at the world with a frown on his face,
Seeing only sadness, in every place.

"I can't stay here," he said with a sigh,
"I need a new place, where I can get by."
He thought everyone hated his good-hearted ways,
Even the birds and the animals in the days.

One bright day, his friend saw his sorrow,
"Why not enjoy today, think not of tomorrow?"
"Look at the fields, so beautiful and wide,
You can't change the world, but joy can reside."

But the grasshopper, stubborn, wouldn't agree,
"I need a place where I can feel free."
So, he left his home, and hopped away,
Searching for peace, night and day.

He traveled far, hopping along,
Through fields and meadows, singing a song.
At last, he found a field so neat,
With tall wheat stalks, waving in the heat.

"This is perfect," he said with delight,
"I'll be happy here, starting tonight."
He settled in, feeling safe and sound,
But was woken by laughter, a cheerful sound.

Farmers came to harvest the wheat,
The grasshopper's peace, they did defeat.
"Oh no!" he cried, "Trouble has found me,
I thought I was safe, but now I must flee."

A farmer saw him, looking so small,
He gently picked him up, not letting him fall.
"Little friend," said the farmer with care,
"There's a garden nearby, so lovely and fair."

He carried him over, to flowers so bright,
"Here you’ll find food and a safe place at night."
The grasshopper looked at the garden so sweet,
With colorful flowers and a sun so neat.

He felt warmth and love, a change of view,
Maybe the world had some good things too.
He learned to look for the good around,
And in that garden, happiness he found.


Word Finder

  1. Upset

    Feeling unhappy, worried, or angry.

  2. Mean

    Unkind or cruel to others.

  3. Appreciates

    Values or understands the importance of someone or something.

  4. Determined

    Having a strong desire to do something.

  5. Journey

    Traveling from one place to another.

  6. Wheat

    A type of grain used for making bread.

  7. Harvest

    The act of gathering ripe crops.

  8. Revealing

    Making something known or visible.

  9. Frightened

    Feeling scared or afraid.

  10. Realized

    Understood something clearly or became aware of something.

Understanding Questions

  1. Why did the grasshopper decide to leave his home?
  2. What did the grasshopper's friend suggest he should do to feel better?
  3. How long did the grasshopper travel before finding a new place to live?
  4. Why did the grasshopper feel scared the morning after he settled in the wheat field?
  5. What did the farmer do to help the grasshopper, and where did he take him?

Word Finder

  1. Mean

    Not kind, hurts others’ feelings.

  2. Hates

    Strongly does not like someone or something.

  3. Miss

    Feel sad when someone or something is gone.

  4. Quiet

    No noise or very little sound around.

  5. Hops

    Jumps with small, quick jumps.

  6. Tall

    Higher than usual, not short.

  7. Laughter

    The sound people make when happy.

  8. Scared

    Afraid or feeling fear about something.

  9. Picks

    Lifts something up with hands.

  10. Enjoys

    Feels happy and likes doing something.

  1. Upset

    Feeling unhappy, worried, or angry.

  2. Mean

    Unkind or cruel to others.

  3. Appreciates

    Values or understands the importance of someone or something.

  4. Determined

    Having a strong desire to do something.

  5. Journey

    Traveling from one place to another.

  6. Wheat

    A type of grain used for making bread.

  7. Harvest

    The act of gathering ripe crops.

  8. Revealing

    Making something known or visible.

  9. Frightened

    Feeling scared or afraid.

  10. Realized

    Understood something clearly or became aware of something.

Understanding Questions

  1. Why is the grasshopper sad?

    1. He is hungry.
    2. He thinks the world is bad.
    3. He lost his home.
    4. He has no friends.
  2. What does the grasshopper want to do?

    1. Find food
    2. Make new friends
    3. Find a new home
    4. Play with the birds
  3. Where does the grasshopper go to find a new home?

    1. A tree
    2. A field with tall grass
    3. A river
    4. A house
  4. Who helps the grasshopper find a safe place?

    1. A bird
    2. A dog
    3. A farmer
    4. A cat
  5. How does the grasshopper feel at the end of the story?

    1. Sad
    2. Scared
    3. Angry
    4. Happy
  1. Why did the grasshopper decide to leave his home?
  2. What did the grasshopper's friend suggest he should do to feel better?
  3. How long did the grasshopper travel before finding a new place to live?
  4. Why did the grasshopper feel scared the morning after he settled in the wheat field?
  5. What did the farmer do to help the grasshopper, and where did he take him?
  1. What was the primary reason the grasshopper decided to leave his original home?
  2. How did the grasshopper's friend try to change his perspective on the situation?
  3. Describe the grasshopper's initial reaction upon arriving at the new field with tall wheat stalks.
  4. How did the farmers' arrival in the new field affect the grasshopper's sense of security?
  5. What realization did the grasshopper come to after being relocated to the garden by the farmer?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why did the grasshopper think everything around him was sad and bad?
  2. How did the farmer's actions change the grasshopper's view of the world?
  3. The grasshopper believed that no one appreciated him. How can we show appreciation to others in our lives?
  4. What does this story teach us about finding happiness and dealing with our worries?
  5. Can you recall a time when you discovered something good in a situation you initially thought was bad?

Fable Quotes

"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."
"Adapt to what you cannot change, and you will find peace."
"Happiness is born from contentment within."

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