
The Dog's House

A Dog planned to build a house for winter, but changed his mind when summer arrived, leaving him regretful and unprotected when winter returned.
Aesop's Fables - The Dog's House
Audio available for B1 version

In a land of changing seasons, a cold Dog decided to build a house during winter's chill. He began gathering sticks, stones, and leaves, envisioning a cozy shelter to ward off the harsh winter winds.

However, as winter gave way to summer's warmth, the Dog was no longer cold. Instead, he found comfort in the sun's rays and the cool shade of a tree. Looking at the pile of building materials, he thought, "Why do I need a house? The weather is pleasant, and I am warm under this tree."

So, the Dog spent his summer days under the tree, forgetting about the house he had planned. His materials lay untouched, and his intentions of building a house vanished with the winter chill.

When winter returned, the Dog found himself shivering once more. He looked at the untouched pile of sticks, stones, and leaves that were supposed to be his house. But it was too late, and the Dog was left out in the cold, regretting his summer complacency. The house he had intended to build remained unbuilt, providing no shelter from the cold.

In a place with many seasons, a Dog feels cold in winter. He wants a house. He finds sticks, stones, and leaves. He thinks, "I will make a house."

In summer, the Dog is warm. The sun is bright. The tree gives cool shade. He looks at the sticks, stones, and leaves. He thinks, "I do not need a house. The weather is nice. I am happy under the tree."

The Dog sits under the tree all summer. He forgets about the house. The sticks, stones, and leaves stay there.

Winter comes again. The Dog feels cold. He looks at the sticks, stones, and leaves. He thinks, "I need a house now, but it is too late." The Dog is cold without a house. He feels sad.

In a land where the seasons always changed, a Dog felt very cold during the winter. He decided to build a house. He collected sticks, stones, and leaves, imagining a cozy place to protect him from the cold winter winds.

But when winter turned into summer, the Dog was not cold anymore. He enjoyed the warm sun and the cool shade under a big tree. Looking at his pile of building materials, he thought, "Why do I need a house? The weather is nice, and I am warm here under this tree."

The Dog spent his summer days relaxing under the tree, forgetting about his house-building plan. His materials just sat there, unused, and his thoughts of building a house disappeared with the winter's cold.

When winter came again, the Dog started to shiver from the cold. He looked at the pile of sticks, stones, and leaves that should have been his house. But it was too late, and the Dog had to face the cold without any shelter. He regretted not building his house during the summer, as he had no protection from the freezing weather.

In a land where the weather couldn't quite make up its mind, a chilly Dog decided to build a house in the middle of winter's freezing nose. He began collecting sticks, stones, and leaves, dreaming of a cozy nook that would make even a cat jealous.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but winter's chill will never touch me!" he declared, tossing a leaf into the pile.

However, winter packed its bags and left, ushering in the sunny embrace of summer. The Dog, now soaking in the sun and the delightful shade of a tree, looked at the pile of building supplies and thought, "Build a house? I might as well build a snowman in July!"

He then chuckled at his own joke, "Or should I say, a sizzle-man? Get it? Because it's summer!"

And so, the Dog lounged under the tree, forgetting all about his house, enjoying the summer breeze and the occasional butterfly. His building materials sat lonely, gathering dust and whatever it is that unused leaves gather.

But soon, winter returned, knocking at the door like an uninvited guest. The Dog found himself shivering, staring at the untouched pile that was supposed to be his cozy abode.

"Ah, those sticks and stones! Now they're breaking my heart!" he whimpered.

It was too late, and the Dog was left out in the cold, looking longingly at the pile that could have been his house. He said to himself, 'I guess I was barking up the wrong tree all summer!' Now, those sticks and stones weren't a cozy shelter; they were just a cold reminder of what could have been.

Once upon a chilly day,
A Dog, with fur turned quite gray,
By winter's icy, sharp embrace,
Dreamed of a warm, cozy place.

He gathered sticks, and stones, and leaves,
Planning a home among the trees.
Hoping to escape winter's bite,
But with summer's glow, he lost sight.

For when the sun began to beam,
The Dog lay down, lost in dream.
Under a tree, he chose to stay,
Forgetting the cold of winter's day.

"Why need a house?" he thought with glee,
"I'm warm and happy, as can be!"
But as often happens in such tales,
Summer ends, and winter prevails.

When winter winds began to blow,
The Dog felt the returning snow.
He gazed upon the pile nearby,
Realizing, with a saddened sigh.

He could've had a warm, snug spot,
But in summer's warmth, he forgot.
Now, in the cold, he could but yearn,
Wishing for the shelter he didn't earn.


Word Finder

  1. Seasons

    Different times of year with different weather.

  2. Winter

    Coldest season of the year, with snow sometimes.

  3. Sticks

    Small, long pieces of wood from trees.

  4. Stones

    Small, hard pieces of rock.

  5. Leaves

    Flat, green parts of a tree or plant.

  6. Shade

    Cool area blocked from the sun by something.

  7. Summer

    Warmest season of the year, with hot weather.

  8. Weather

    Conditions like rain, sun, wind, or snow outside.

  9. Forget

    To not remember something.

  10. House

    Place to live, usually with walls and a roof.

  1. Seasons

    Different times of the year with changing weather.

  2. Imagining

    Thinking of something in your mind that is not real.

  3. Cozy

    Warm and comfortable, especially inside.

  4. Protect

    Keep safe from harm or danger.

  5. Materials

    Things needed to build or make something.

  6. Shade

    A cool, dark area made by blocking sunlight.

  7. Relaxing

    Resting and feeling calm and comfortable.

  8. Unused

    Not used; left alone or untouched.

  9. Shiver

    Shake slightly because of being cold or scared.

  10. Shelter

    A place that gives protection from weather or danger.

Understanding Questions

  1. Why does the Dog want a house in winter?

    1. He is happy.
    2. He is cold.
    3. He is hungry.
    4. He is tired.
  2. What does the Dog use to make a house?

    1. Flowers and grass
    2. Sticks, stones, and leaves
    3. Paper and string
    4. Water and mud
  3. Why does the Dog not build the house in summer?

    1. The weather is nice.
    2. He does not have sticks.
    3. He is too busy.
    4. He is too cold.
  4. Where does the Dog sit in the summer?

    1. In a house
    2. Under the tree
    3. On the grass
    4. On a rock
  5. How does the Dog feel in winter without a house?

    1. Happy
    2. Warm
    3. Sad
    4. Hungry
  1. Why did the Dog decide to build a house?
  2. What materials did the Dog collect for building his house?
  3. How did the Dog feel during the summer, and where did he spend his time?
  4. What happened to the Dog’s building materials during the summer?
  5. Why did the Dog regret not building his house when winter came again?
  1. What prompted the Dog to start building a house in the fable?
  2. How did the Dog's feelings about the house change with the seasons?
  3. Describe the Dog's activities and mindset during the summer.
  4. What consequence did the Dog face when winter returned?
  5. What is the main lesson that the Dog learns by the end of the fable?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the Dog stopped building his house when the weather became warm?
  2. How do you think the Dog felt when winter returned and he didn't have his house built?
  3. Can you think of a time when you didn't prepare for something in advance and wished you had?
  4. What does this story teach us about the importance of planning and preparing for the future?
  5. Can you think of something we can do today to be ready for something that might happen in the future?

Fable Quotes

Preparation is building your house before the storm, not when it's upon you.
Neglect today's tasks, face tomorrow's consequences.
Regret is the winter chill felt in an unfinished house.

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