
The Tortoise and His Children

A wise old Tortoise teaches his children the importance of honesty and not taking what isn't theirs, but later contradicts his own teachings.
Igbo Folktales - The Tortoise and His Children
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time in a land brimming with life and laughter, there lived a wise old Tortoise with his children. One day, Tortoise sat his children down and said, "My dear ones, remember two things in life - never take what isn't yours, and always tell the truth."

His children nodded earnestly, "We understand, Father," they replied.

But, not long after, a severe famine hit the land. Food became scarce, and hunger lived in every home. For three days, Tortoise's house was empty of food. Desperate and hungry, Tortoise decided to steal food from his neighbors.

Returning home with a sack filled with food, he lied to his children. "Look, little ones!" he exclaimed, "I found this sack of food in the forest."

However, his children were no fools. They knew their father hadn't gone into the forest; they knew he'd taken the food from their neighbors. They confronted him, "Father, you told us never to take what isn't ours and to always tell the truth."

Tortoise was taken aback. Feeling cornered, he retorted, "Who is the teacher here? You or me?!"

And so, the children learned a hard truth: that it is one thing to say something and another to live by it. They saw the desperation that led their father to steal, and they saw how this act led to lies and confusion. From then on, they understood more deeply why stealing is wrong, and how it can lead to even more dishonesty. They resolved never to follow their father's poor example, thus learning from his mistakes.

Once upon a time in a land where even the trees seemed to giggle and the frogs told jokes, there lived a wise but kinda old Tortoise and his cool kiddos. One sunny day, Tortoise gathers the young ones and says, "Okay, little pals, here are the two big rules in life. Rule one: Don't take stuff that's not yours. Rule two: Always tell the truth. Got it?"

The kids give a big thumbs-up. "You bet, Dad! Truth rocks!"

But then, uh-oh! The land turns as sad as a rainy birthday party. Food's gone, everyone's tummy is growling like a bear, and it's just not fun anymore.

So Tortoise, hungrier than a wolf at a BBQ, sneaks over to the neighbors' place and takes a bag full of food.

He gets back home and tells his kids, "Looky here! Guess what Dad found in the totally real and not made-up 'Forest of Yummy Stuff'!"

The kids look at each other and then at him, "Dad, we're not silly. You didn't go to any forest. That's the neighbors' food, isn't it?"

Tortoise blushes. "Hey, who's the wise one here? Me or you, huh?"

The kids roll their eyes. "Okay, Dad, we get it. Sometimes people mess up."

"Yeah, like, really mess up," the other one chimes in.

And just like that, the turtle kids learned a big lesson. Just because you say something doesn't mean you'll really do it. They saw their dad make a whoopsie, and they thought, "Yeah, let's not do that."

They understood that taking stuff leads to a whole mess of fibs and tricky talks. And they decided, "We're gonna be better than that!"

And so, they all lived, well, not exactly happily ever after, but definitely wiser ever after.

Dad Tortoise and his kids, quite sage,
Lived happily on nature's stage.
"Listen up, young ones," Dad did say,
"Don't lie or steal, that's not our way."

They all agreed, no questions asked,
Living true seemed an easy task.

Then times turned hard, bellies did growl,
Hunger prowled, like a midnight owl.
Three days went by, no food in sight,
Dad Tortoise felt this wasn't right.

He grabbed a sack, from neighbor's bin,
Walked in and said, "Look what I win!
In the forest, what luck I found,
A sack of food on the ground!"

His little ones gave him a glance,
"Did you find it, or take a chance?
You told us, Dad, not long ago,
'Truth and honesty's the way to go.'"

Dad Tortoise blushed, his cheeks turned red,
"Who's teaching whom?" defensively said.

The kiddos knew, oh yes they did,
Their dad had popped the honesty lid.
From then on out, they made a vow,
"To be like Dad, we don't know how."

They learned to see, when times are bleak,
The path of truth they'd always seek.
For lies and theft create a mess,
And honesty is true success.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the Tortoise told his children to never take what isn't theirs and always tell the truth?
  2. How did the Tortoise's actions during the famine contrast with the advice he gave his children?
  3. Can you think of a situation where someone did something they told you not to do, and how did it make you feel?
  4. What lessons did the Tortoise's children learn from their father's actions?
  5. How can we apply the lessons from this story in our daily lives to make better decisions?

Fable Quotes

We must be responsible for our actions, even when faced with difficulty.
Honesty is the foundation of trust, for without it, even the wisest words lose their meaning.
Knowing right from wrong is wisdom's first step.

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