
The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon

A hungry tiger, mistaking a dried persimmon for a fearsome creature, flees in fear after a confusing encounter.
The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a peaceful little village surrounded by mountains, there lived a fierce tiger. This tiger stayed on a mountain just behind the village, and his roars from the top made everyone very afraid.

One cold winter's night, as snow covered everything, the tiger felt extremely hungry. He hadn’t eaten for days. So, he came down from the mountain to find food and ended up near a house in the village. Inside, a light was dimly shining, and suddenly, he heard a baby crying loudly.

The tiger, both curious and careful, was about to go inside when he heard the baby’s mother. She said to the baby, “Be quiet, or the bear outside will hear you.” But the baby kept crying.

Hidden under the window, the tiger found it strange that the baby wasn’t afraid of a bear. He was very hungry, but he stopped to listen as the baby cried on. Then, the mother warned, "Look, a tiger is right outside our window!" The baby still cried.

The tiger was surprised and scared, wondering how the mother knew he was there. He waited and then looked inside again. The baby was still crying, not scared of even a tiger. The tiger, who thought all creatures were afraid of him, was confused and worried by this brave baby.

Then, the mother spoke again, "Now, be quiet. Here are some dried persimmons." The baby stopped crying immediately, and everything went quiet. The tiger wondered, “Who is this Persimmons, more powerful and frightening than me?”

Just then, something heavy landed on the tiger's back. Panicked, the tiger thought it was the terrifying Persimmons and ran away as fast as he could. But in reality, it was a thief who had mistaken the tiger for a cow in the dark and jumped on his back.

The thief was also terrified when he realized he was on a tiger, not a cow. He held on tight, afraid of being attacked if he fell off. Both scared, they ran until the morning came. When it got light, the thief grabbed a tree branch, climbed up, and hid in the leaves, happy to be safe from the tiger.

The tiger felt relieved too. “Thank goodness,” he thought, “I escaped from the terrible Persimmon.” He hurried back to his mountain home, still believing that Persimmons was a very scary creature.

In a small village near the mountains, there is a tiger. The tiger lives on the mountain. He is very hungry.

One night, it is very cold, and snow covers everything. The tiger is very hungry. He goes down the mountain to find food. He sees a house with a light. He hears a baby crying.

The tiger stands outside the house. He hears the baby’s mother say, “Be quiet, or the bear will hear you.” But the baby keeps crying.

The tiger thinks it is strange. The baby is not afraid of the bear. The mother says, “Look, a tiger is outside!” But the baby still cries.

The tiger is surprised. The baby is not afraid of the tiger. The mother says, “Here are some dried persimmons.” The baby stops crying.

The tiger thinks, “What is a persimmon? It must be very scary.” Just then, something jumps on the tiger's back. The tiger is very scared. He runs away fast.

It is not a persimmon. It is a thief. The thief thinks the tiger is a cow. He holds on tight. Both the tiger and the thief are scared. They run all night.

In the morning, the thief climbs a tree and hides. The tiger runs back to the mountain. He thinks, “I am safe from the scary persimmon.”

Once upon a time, in a peaceful little village surrounded by mountains, there lived a fierce tiger. This tiger stayed on a mountain just behind the village, and his roars from the top made everyone very afraid.

One cold winter night, as snow covered everything, the tiger felt extremely hungry. He hadn’t eaten for days. So, he came down from the mountain to find food and ended up near a house in the village. Inside, a light was dimly shining, and suddenly, he heard a baby crying loudly.

The tiger, both curious and careful, was about to go inside when he heard the baby’s mother. She said to the baby, “Be quiet, or the bear outside will hear you.” But the baby kept crying.

Hidden under the window, the tiger found it strange that the baby wasn’t afraid of a bear. He was very hungry, but he stopped to listen as the baby cried on. Then, the mother warned, "Look, a tiger is right outside our window!" The baby still cried.

The tiger was surprised and scared, wondering how the mother knew he was there. He waited and then looked inside again. The baby was still crying, not scared of even a tiger. The tiger, who thought all creatures were afraid of him, was confused and worried by this brave baby.

Then, the mother spoke again, "Now, be quiet. Here are some dried persimmons." The baby stopped crying immediately, and everything went quiet. The tiger wondered, “Who is this Persimmons, more powerful and frightening than me?”

Just then, something heavy landed on the tiger's back. Panicked, the tiger thought it was the terrifying Persimmons and ran away as fast as he could. But in reality, it was a thief who had mistaken the tiger for a cow in the dark and jumped on his back.

The thief was also terrified when he realized he was on a tiger, not a cow. He held on tight, afraid of being attacked if he fell off. Both scared, they ran until the morning came. When it got light, the thief grabbed a tree branch, climbed up, and hid in the leaves, happy to be safe from the tiger.

The tiger felt relieved too. “Thank goodness,” he thought, “I escaped from the terrible Persimmons.” He hurried back to his mountain home, still believing that Persimmons was a very scary creature.

Once upon a time, in a snug little village hugged by big mountains, there lived a tiger with a roar that could tickle your toes. This wasn’t just any tiger—oh no! He was the scariest thing on four legs and made his home on a mountain right behind the village to prove it.

One super chilly winter night, with the snow lying thick like a fluffy blanket, the tiger’s belly was grumbling louder than his roars. He was so hungry, he could have eaten a whole cake! So, he padded down from the mountain, on the lookout for some food, and came across a house where a baby was crying his heart out.

Peeking curiously, the tiger was just about to see if he could join the party inside when he heard the baby’s mom. In a voice trying to be quiet but stern, she said, “Hush, or the bear outside will hear you.” But the baby just cried louder.

Tucked under the window, the tiger was puzzled. “Bear? I’m not a bear! I’m a big scary tiger!” But his stomach was still rumbling, so he stayed to listen to the baby’s loud cries.

Then, the mom tried again. “Look out! A tiger’s right outside our window!” The baby kept crying, not scared at all. The tiger was so surprised he almost hiccuped. “How does she know I’m here? Is she a mind reader?”

Just as the tiger was scratching his head, the mom whispered, “Quiet now, here comes the persimmon.” Suddenly, the baby stopped crying. The tiger’s eyes widened. “Who is this Persimmon, scarier than me?”

While he was thinking about this new mystery, something heavy landed on his back. The tiger, scared silly, thought, “Yikes, it must be the fearsome Mr. Persimmon!” and ran off faster than a rabbit. But really, it was just a thief who, in the dark, mistook the tiger for a big, soft cow and jumped on for a ride.

The thief, hanging on tight, quickly realized his mistake. Not a cow, but a tiger was his ride! Both of them scared, they zoomed through the night. At dawn, the thief scrambled up a tree, sighing, “Thank heavens, I’m off the tiger express!”

Meanwhile, the tiger, feeling lucky to escape, hurried back to his mountain, still thinking about the mysterious Mr. Persimmon. “Thank goodness I got away from that scary Mr. Persimmon!” he thought as he trotted off. He returned home still none the wiser about dried fruits but with a newfound respect for the mysterious Mr. Persimmon, the scariest ‘creature’ he’d never met.

Near a village, snug and small,
Lived a tiger, strong and tall.
High on hills where echoes fly,
His roars spread fear under the sky.

One snowy night, with hunger deep,
He crept to the village, while all did sleep.
By a house, a baby's cry did ring,
And tiger paused, listening.

The mother whispered soft and low,
"Quiet, or the bear will know."
Yet louder cried the child inside,
Tiger thought, “What makes him abide?”

Then, "A tiger lurks, oh baby hush!"
But tears still flowed in a sudden rush.
Tiger, puzzled by such a scene,
Thought, “What fear beats a tiger keen?”

“Here’s persimmons, now don’t you weep,”
The mother said; the child did sleep.
“Who’s this Persimmons, strong and grand?”
Mused the tiger, still close at hand.

A weight then struck, a sudden smack!
A thief! Mistook in the pitch black.
Both terrified, they ran till day,
When the thief in a tree did sway.

The tiger, relieved, raced away fast,
“Persimmons is fierce!” he thought aghast.
Back to his mountain home he dashed,
Thinking of Persimmons, utterly abashed.


Word Finder

  1. Village

    A small place where people live together.

  2. Mountain

    A very big and tall piece of land.

  3. Hungry

    Wanting or needing food very much.

  4. Snow

    Soft, white ice that falls from the sky.

  5. Cover

    To put over something, hide it.

  6. Persimmons

    A sweet, orange fruit that you eat.

  7. Strange

    Very different or not normal to see.

  8. Thief

    A person who takes things without asking.

  9. Scared

    Feeling afraid or worried about something.

  10. Safe

    Not in danger; away from harm or hurt.

  1. Fierce

    Very strong or violent in nature.

  2. Roars

    Loud sounds made by wild animals.

  3. Extremely

    Very much, to a great extent.

  4. Curious

    Wanting to know or learn about something.

  5. Careful

    Doing something with attention and caution.

  6. Hidden

    Placed out of sight, not visible.

  7. Warned

    Told about possible danger or trouble.

  8. Confused

    Unable to understand or think clearly.

  9. Terrifying

    Very frightening, causing great fear.

  10. Panicked

    Suddenly very scared or worried.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where does the tiger live?

    1. In a house
    2. On the mountain
    3. In a tree
    4. Near the river
  2. Why does the tiger go down the mountain?

    1. To play
    2. To sleep
    3. To find food
    4. To find a friend
  3. What does the mother say to make the baby stop crying?

    1. "Look, a tiger is outside!"
    2. "Be quiet, or the bear will hear you."
    3. "Here are some dried persimmons."
    4. "Let's go to sleep."
  4. What jumps on the tiger's back?

    1. A bear
    2. A thief
    3. A cow
    4. A persimmon
  5. Why does the tiger run back to the mountain?

    1. He is scared of the persimmon.
    2. He is looking for food.
    3. He wants to play.
    4. He is cold.
  1. Why did the tiger come down from the mountain to the village?
  2. How did the baby’s mother try to calm the baby when it was crying?
  3. Why was the tiger surprised when the baby did not stop crying after the mother mentioned the tiger?
  4. What did the tiger think when the thief jumped on his back?
  5. How did the tiger and the thief finally get away from each other?
  1. Why did the tiger descend from the mountain on a cold winter night?
  2. How did the baby's mother initially attempt to quiet the baby, and why did this surprise the tiger?
  3. What was the tiger's reaction when he heard the mother mention the tiger outside the window?
  4. What caused the tiger to flee, and what was the actual identity of the 'fearsome Persimmons'?
  5. How did the thief and the tiger each react when they realized their misunderstanding?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the tiger was afraid of something he didn't understand, like the dried persimmons?
  2. How does this story show that fear can sometimes be based on misunderstandings?
  3. What does the mother's way of calming the baby with the dried persimmons teach us about solving problems creatively?
  4. Can you think of a time when you were scared of something unknown, just like the tiger?
  5. What lessons can we learn about jumping to conclusions from both the tiger and the thief’s reactions?

Fable Quotes

Fear often makes us see dangers that do not exist.
Not everything heard is the truth.
The less you know, the more you fear.

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