
The Fox and the Goat in the Well

A thirsty fox tricks a goat into jumping into a well and escapes, leaving the goat trapped.
Aesop's Fables - The Fox and the Goat in the Well
Audio available for B1 version

Once a thirsty fox was wandering in the forest and came across a well. As he looked inside the well, he accidentally slipped and fell into the water. The well was deep, and he was unable to climb out. The fox tried hard to get out but all in vain.

A few moments later, a goat arrived at the well, also searching for water. When she saw the fox in the well, she asked him if the water was good. The fox, thinking only of himself, said that it was excellent and invited the goat to join him.

The goat, eager to quench her thirst, jumped into the well. But as soon as she drank the water, she realized that she was unable to get out. The fox then cleverly used the goat's horns as a stepping stool and escaped from the well, leaving the poor goat trapped inside.

And so, the goat was left to regret her foolishness while the sly fox went on his way, satisfied and full of water.

One sunny day, a fox walks in the forest. He is very thirsty. He finds a well. The fox looks inside. He wants water. But he slips and falls in. The well is deep. The sides are smooth. The fox cannot climb out.

Soon, a goat comes to the well. She is thirsty too. She sees the fox. She asks, "Is the water good?"

The fox sees a chance. He says, "Yes, the water is very good. Come in and drink."

The goat is happy. She jumps into the well. She drinks the water. Then, she sees the problem. She is trapped too.

The fox has an idea. He says, "Stand still. I will climb on your back. Then, I will climb on your head. I will help you out."

The goat agrees. The fox climbs on her back. He climbs on her head. He gets out of the well. But the fox does not help the goat. He walks away.

The goat is left alone. She is sad.

One sunny day, a thirsty fox was walking through the forest and found a well. He looked inside to see if there was water. But, he slipped and fell in. The well was deep with smooth sides, and he couldn’t climb out.

Soon after, a goat came to the well looking for water. She saw the fox inside and asked if the water was good. The fox saw a chance to escape and said the water was very good. He invited the goat to jump in.

The goat, eager to drink, jumped into the well. After she drank, she realized she was trapped too. The fox then had an idea. He told the goat to stand still so he could climb onto her back and then her head. He promised to help her out once he was free. The goat agreed. The fox climbed out using her horns. But, once out, the fox walked away, leaving the goat behind.

The goat was left alone and sad about her choice. The clever fox was no longer thirsty and went on his way.

Once upon a time, a fox was walking through the forest, talking to himself like he's the host of his own cooking show. "Today on ‘Foxy’s Forest Finds,’ we’re looking for water, folks. Step one: Find water. Step two: Drink water. Step three: Don't fall in the water!"

He spots a well and trots over. But instead of drinking, he slips! "Woah! Cannonball!" Splash! Now he's swimming in the well, but not by choice. "Ah, too much water! I didn’t want a bath!"

He tries to climb out but can’t. "Maybe I should’ve taken those rock-climbing classes instead of salsa dancing!"

Just then, a goat shows up, looking thirsty. The fox gets an idea, his eyes lighting up like a pinball machine. "Hey, Goat! Ever tried well-water smoothies? Delicious!"

The goat's ears perk up. "Smoothies? Tell me more!"

"The water down here is super tasty! Wanna join the pool party?"

"Pool party? I’m in!" The goat jumps in with a big, goofy splash. "Wheee!"

But after a gulp of water, the goat realizes, "Um, how do we get out of here?"

The fox grins, "Well, I was hoping you’d have an idea. But, no worries, I've got a back-up plan!" The fox springs off the goat's head, using it as a stepping stone to leap out of the well.

"Thanks, Goat! Your horns are really 'a-head' of the game!"

The goat looks up, "Hey! What about me?"

The fox calls back, "You should’ve waited for step four: Always have an exit strategy!" Then he saunters off, singing a little tune, "I’m so clever, I’m so sly, I’m the foxy kinda guy!"

And the goat? Well, let's just say he's still waiting for his exit strategy, but at least he got a free "well-water smoothie."

Thirsty Fox did roam the woods,
Seeking water, seeking goods.
Fate was cruel; he slipped, he fell,
Trapped inside a watery well.

Up and down, he tried to climb,
But luck was not his friend this time.
Soon appeared a Goat so fair,
Seeking water, fresh and clear.

"Is it good?" the Goat did ask,
Fox saw an opportunity, took on the task.
"Best you'll taste, jump right in!"
Goat took the plunge, a thirst to win.

But oh, how quickly did she find,
Leaving the well was quite a grind.
Sly Fox smiled, saw his chance,
Used her horns for his advance.

Up he climbed, and out he sped,
Leaving Goat with growing dread.
Fox was free, his thirst at bay,
While Goat was stuck to rue the day.

"Ah," thought Goat, "I've been a fool,
Trusted Fox, broke the rule."
Fox just grinned, "I'm smart, you see!"
And pranced away so happily.

The lesson learned, let's make it clear,
Don't trust all that you see or hear.
For sly and cunning often wear,
A friendly mask, so best beware!


Word Finder

  1. Thirsty

    Needing or wanting to drink water.

  2. Well

    A deep hole to get water from the ground.

  3. Smooth

    Very flat, without rough parts.

  4. Climb

    Go up something, like a tree or ladder.

  5. Chance

    A good time to do something.

  6. Trapped

    Cannot get out or escape from somewhere.

  7. Idea

    A thought or plan in the mind.

  8. Agree

    Say yes to a plan or idea.

  9. Help

    Do something to make things easier for someone.

  10. Sad

    Feeling unhappy or not good.

  1. Thirsty

    Needing to drink water very much.

  2. Slipped

    Lost balance and fell accidentally.

  3. Deep

    A long distance down from the top.

  4. Smooth

    Flat and even without any bumps.

  5. Climb

    To go up using hands and feet.

  6. Escape

    To get away from a place.

  7. Eager

    Very excited and wanting to do something.

  8. Realized

    Understood something suddenly or clearly.

  9. Trapped

    Caught and unable to get out.

  10. Clever

    Very smart and able to solve problems.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where is the fox walking?

    1. In a field
    2. In a forest
    3. In a garden
    4. In a house
  2. What does the fox find in the forest?

    1. A river
    2. A tree
    3. A well
    4. A cave
  3. Who comes to the well after the fox?

    1. A sheep
    2. A cow
    3. A goat
    4. A horse
  4. Why does the goat jump into the well?

    1. To help the fox
    2. To drink water
    3. To find food
    4. To take a bath
  5. What does the fox do after he climbs out of the well?

    1. He helps the goat out.
    2. He calls for help.
    3. He walks away.
    4. He goes back into the well.
  1. What happened to the fox when he looked inside the well for water?
  2. Why did the goat decide to jump into the well after seeing the fox?
  3. How did the fox manage to climb out of the well and escape?
  4. What did the fox promise the goat in return for helping him escape?
  5. How did the goat feel after the fox left her trapped in the well?
  1. What was the initial reason the fox approached the well in the forest?
  2. How did the fox convince the goat to jump into the well?
  3. Describe the plan the fox proposed to the goat to escape the well.
  4. What did the fox do after climbing out of the well, and how did this affect the goat?
  5. What emotion did the goat feel after realizing she was left alone in the well, and why?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the fox told the goat that the water in the well was good?
  2. How do you think the goat felt when she realized she couldn't get out of the well?
  3. Can you remember a time when you or someone else didn't think through a decision and it led to trouble?
  4. What does this story teach us about being careful, thinking before acting, and not being too trusting?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our daily lives to avoid making impulsive decisions and to be more skeptical?

Fable Quotes

Look before you leap.
Trust is a precious jewel, not to be thrown at the feet of deceivers.
Caution is the watchman who guards against the invasion of deceit.

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