Middle East

The Cat and the Crow

A crow cleverly saves his scared cat friend from a leopard by leading shepherds and their dogs to chase it away.
The Cat and the Crow
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a quiet part of the forest, there lived a crow and a cat who were best friends. They shared everything and enjoyed being together. One sunny day, while resting under a big tree, they saw a leopard coming close to them. This scared them.

The crow, being quick and alert, flew to the top of the tree. But the cat was too scared to move and stayed on the ground. The cat cried out to the crow, "Oh, my friend, can you help me? I need you!"

The crow looked down at the frightened cat and said, "Of course, my friend. We must always help each other in times of trouble. I will find a way to save you."

Nearby, some shepherds were watching their sheep with their dogs. The crow saw a chance and flew to the shepherds, making noise and flapping his wings. He then teased one of the dogs by flying close but just out of reach, making the dog chase him.

One shepherd noticed the crow's strange behavior and followed along with the other dogs. The crow kept flying just out of reach of the shepherd and the dogs, leading them back to the tree where the cat and the leopard were.

When the dogs and shepherds reached the tree, they saw the leopard. The dogs barked loudly and ran at the leopard, who was surprised and scared. The leopard ran away quickly.

Thanks to the crow’s quick thinking and brave actions, the cat was saved from the leopard. The cat thanked the crow a lot, saying, "Thank you, my friend, for saving me! Your plan worked perfectly."

From that day on, the cat appreciated the crow even more, knowing that a true friend would always find a way to help. They continued to live in the forest, happy and safe, enjoying many more days together.

Once upon a time, in a quiet part of the forest, there lived a crow and a cat who were best friends. They shared everything and enjoyed being together. One sunny day, while resting under a big tree, they saw a leopard coming close to them. This scared them.

The crow, being quick and alert, flew to the top of the tree. But the cat was too scared to move and stayed on the ground. The cat cried out to the crow, "Oh, my friend, can you help me? I need you!"

The crow looked down at the frightened cat and said, "Of course, my friend. We must always help each other in times of trouble. I will find a way to save you."

Nearby, some shepherds were watching their sheep with their dogs. The crow saw a chance and flew to the shepherds, making noise and flapping his wings. He then teased one of the dogs by flying close but just out of reach, making the dog chase him.

One shepherd noticed the crow's strange behavior and followed along with the other dogs. The crow kept flying just out of reach of the shepherd and the dogs, leading them back to the tree where the cat and the leopard were.

When the dogs and shepherds reached the tree, they saw the leopard. The dogs barked loudly and ran at the leopard, who was surprised and scared. The leopard ran away quickly.

Thanks to the crow’s quick thinking and brave actions, the cat was saved from the leopard. The cat thanked the crow a lot, saying, "Thank you, my friend, for saving me! Your plan worked perfectly."

From that day on, the cat appreciated the crow even more, knowing that a true friend would always find a way to help. They continued to live in the forest, happy and safe, enjoying many more days together.

There is a crow and a cat. They are best friends. They live in the forest. They play together every day.

One day, a leopard comes close to them. The crow flies up to a tree. The cat is scared. The cat says, "Help me, crow!"

The crow says, "Yes, I will help you." The crow sees some shepherds with their dogs. The crow flies to the shepherds. He makes noise. The dogs run after the crow.

The crow leads the dogs to the cat. The dogs see the leopard and bark. The leopard runs away. The cat is safe.

The cat says, "Thank you, crow! You are a true friend." The crow and the cat are happy. They stay friends forever.

Once upon a time, in a quiet part of the forest, there lived a crow and a cat who were best friends. They shared everything and enjoyed being together. One sunny day, while resting under a big tree, they saw a leopard coming close to them. This scared them.

The crow, being quick and alert, flew to the top of the tree. But the cat was too scared to move and stayed on the ground. The cat cried out to the crow, "Oh, my friend, can you help me? I need you!"

The crow looked down at the frightened cat and said, "Of course, my friend. We must always help each other in times of trouble. I will find a way to save you."

Nearby, some shepherds were watching their sheep with their dogs. The crow saw a chance and flew to the shepherds, making noise and flapping his wings. He then teased one of the dogs by flying close but just out of reach, making the dog chase him.

One shepherd noticed the crow's strange behavior and followed along with the other dogs. The crow kept flying just out of reach of the shepherd and the dogs, leading them back to the tree where the cat and the leopard were.

When the dogs and shepherds reached the tree, they saw the leopard. The dogs barked loudly and ran at the leopard, who was surprised and scared. The leopard ran away quickly.

Thanks to the crow’s quick thinking and brave actions, the cat was saved from the leopard. The cat thanked the crow a lot, saying, "Thank you, my friend, for saving me! Your plan worked perfectly."

From that day on, the cat appreciated the crow even more, knowing that a true friend would always find a way to help. They continued to live in the forest, happy and safe, enjoying many more days together.

Once upon a time, in a quiet part of the forest, there lived a crow and a cat who were best buddies. They shared everything and had loads of fun together. One sunny day, while chilling under a big tree, they saw a leopard strolling their way. This made their fur and feathers stand on end.

The crow, being quick and sharp, zipped to the top of the tree. But the cat, frozen with fear, stayed on the ground like a fluffy statue. The cat looked up and shouted, "Hey, buddy, a little help here? I’m too cute to be leopard lunch!"

The crow peeked down at his trembling friend and said, "Don't worry, mate. We've got each other’s backs. I'll cook up a plan!"

Nearby, some shepherds were watching their sheep with their dogs. The crow’s eyes sparkled with an idea and he swooped over to the shepherds, making a racket and flapping his wings like he was auditioning for a dance-off. He then flew close to one of the dogs, teasing it by staying just out of reach, making the dog chase him in circles.

One shepherd, scratching his head, noticed the crow’s odd dance and followed, with the dogs in tow. The crow kept flying just ahead of them, leading them right back to the tree where the cat and the leopard were.

When the shepherds and their barking dogs reached the tree, they saw the leopard. The dogs barked like their tails were on fire and dashed towards the leopard, who looked like he’d just seen a ghost. The leopard bolted away faster than you can say "spotted cat."

Thanks to the crow’s clever thinking and brave actions, the cat was safe from the leopard. The cat looked up at the crow and said, "You’re amazing, my feathered friend! You really saved my tail! I owe you one."

From that day on, the cat and the crow appreciated their friendship even more, knowing that true friends always find a way to help each other out. They continued to live in the forest, happy and safe, enjoying many more adventures together.

In a forest quiet and grand,
Lived a crow and cat, close at hand.
Best of friends, they shared their days,
Under sunlit skies and verdant sprays.

One day a leopard, sleek and lean,
Crept close, its coat a golden sheen.
While crow flew high with rapid beat,
Scared cat froze, still on her feet.

From the tree, crow called below,
“Hold on, friend, I’ll save you so!”
To the shepherds nearby he took flight,
Wings flapping with all his might.

He teased a dog to chase and dart,
A clever trick from a clever heart.
With shepherd and dogs in hurried stride,
They followed crow, with eyes wide.

Back to the tree, they all did race,
Where cat sat still, a worried face.
The dogs barked at the sight they found,
Leopard fled with a bound.

“Thank you, dear friend,” cat did cry,
“For saving me from what was nigh.
Your plan was bold, your heart was true,
In this forest deep, under skies so blue.”

From that day forth, they cherished their bond,
Of bravery and brains, of which they were fond.
Together they stayed in the forest’s embrace,
Living each day with a smile on their face.


Word Finder

  1. Alert

    Watchful and quick to notice danger.

  2. Shepherds

    People who take care of sheep.

  3. Behavior

    The way someone acts or conducts themselves.

  4. Nearby

    Close in distance; not far away.

  5. Strange

    Unusual or surprising; not normal.

  6. Frightened

    Very scared or afraid.

  7. Noticed

    Saw or became aware of something.

  8. Barked

    Made a loud, sharp sound like a dog.

  9. Chase

    To follow quickly to catch something.

  10. Appreciated

    Recognized the value of someone or something.

Understanding Questions

  1. What were the crow and the cat doing when they first saw the leopard?
  2. How did the crow react when it saw the leopard approaching?
  3. Why couldn't the cat move when it saw the leopard?
  4. What plan did the crow come up with to save the cat from the leopard?
  5. How did the cat feel about the crow after the crow saved it from the leopard?

Word Finder

  1. Forest

    A big place with many trees.

  2. Leopard

    A big cat with spots.

  3. Scared

    Feeling afraid of something.

  4. Shepherds

    People who take care of sheep.

  5. Noise

    Loud sound or sounds.

  6. Bark

    The sound dogs make.

  7. Runs away

    Quickly moves far from something.

  8. True

    Honest and real.

  9. Safe

    Not in danger anymore.

  10. Forever

    For all time, never ending.

  1. Alert

    Watchful and quick to notice danger.

  2. Shepherds

    People who take care of sheep.

  3. Behavior

    The way someone acts or conducts themselves.

  4. Nearby

    Close in distance; not far away.

  5. Strange

    Unusual or surprising; not normal.

  6. Frightened

    Very scared or afraid.

  7. Noticed

    Saw or became aware of something.

  8. Barked

    Made a loud, sharp sound like a dog.

  9. Chase

    To follow quickly to catch something.

  10. Appreciated

    Recognized the value of someone or something.

Understanding Questions

  1. Who are best friends in the story?

    1. A crow and a dog
    2. A cat and a dog
    3. A crow and a cat
    4. A leopard and a cat
  2. Where do the crow and the cat live?

    1. In a city
    2. In a forest
    3. In a house
    4. In a garden
  3. What does the cat say to the crow when it is scared?

    1. "Help me, crow!"
    2. "Let's play, crow!"
    3. "Goodbye, crow!"
    4. "Come here, crow!"
  4. How does the crow help the cat?

    1. The crow gives food to the cat.
    2. The crow hides the cat.
    3. The crow leads dogs to scare the leopard away.
    4. The crow fights the leopard.
  5. What do the crow and the cat do at the end of the story?

    1. They say goodbye.
    2. They run away.
    3. They stay friends forever.
    4. They build a house.
  1. What were the crow and the cat doing when they first saw the leopard?
  2. How did the crow react when it saw the leopard approaching?
  3. Why couldn't the cat move when it saw the leopard?
  4. What plan did the crow come up with to save the cat from the leopard?
  5. How did the cat feel about the crow after the crow saved it from the leopard?
  1. What was the crow's initial reaction when the leopard approached the cat and him?
  2. How did the crow manage to draw the shepherds and their dogs to the tree?
  3. Describe the actions the crow took to distract the dogs and provoke them to chase him.
  4. What was the outcome for the leopard when the shepherds and their dogs arrived at the tree?
  5. How did the cat express gratitude towards the crow after the leopard was driven away?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the cat was too scared to move when the leopard came close?
  2. How did the crow's quick thinking and bravery help save the cat?
  3. Can you think of a time when a friend helped you out of a difficult situation?
  4. Why is it important to help friends in times of trouble like the crow did for the cat?
  5. What does this story teach us about the value of friendship and teamwork?

Fable Quotes

"Friendship doubles joy and halves sorrow."
"Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death."
"Where there's a will, there's a way."

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