
The Dogs and The Fox

Dogs found a Lion's skin in the forest and felt brave, but a Fox warned them that true courage is facing a live lion.
Aesop's Fables - The Dogs and The Fox
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a thick, green forest, a group of Dogs happened upon something unusual. It was a Lion's skin, deserted and left in the wild. Seeing the skin of such a formidable beast, the Dogs felt bold and brave. They jumped onto it, gnawing and tugging with their teeth, their barks echoing through the trees.

Just then, a Fox, known in the forest for his quick thinking and sharp wit, stumbled upon the commotion. He watched from a distance as the Dogs wildly tore into the Lion's skin, their tails wagging in excitement. The sight brought a smirk to the Fox's face, and he chuckled to himself.

He approached the Dogs, his laughter ringing in the air, making the Dogs pause and look at him with curiosity. The Fox then spoke, "Oh, brave and daring Dogs! Isn't it easy to tear into a Lion's skin when the Lion is not inside it?"

The Dogs tilted their heads, puzzling over his words. "What do you mean?" one of them asked.

The Fox continued, "If the Lion were here, alive and roaring, would you dare to do the same? His claws are far more fierce and sharp than your teeth."

The Dogs looked at each other, their excitement replaced with a bit of unease. The Fox's words had struck a chord. They realized that it was easy to act brave when there was no real danger. The real test of courage would be to face the Lion when he was alive and not when he was just a harmless skin.

Once upon a super-fun time in a forest that was so green it looked like a giant crayon box, a bunch of Dogs found something really, really cool. Guess what? A Lion's skin! Just lying there like someone's forgotten jacket.

"Wowee, look at this!" one Dog shouted, wagging his tail so fast it was like a mini helicopter.

"Awesome!" another Dog yipped, hopping around like he was on a trampoline.

Feeling like they were the coolest kids in the playground, they jumped onto the Lion's skin, chewing and pulling like they were trying to win a game of tug-of-war.

Just then, guess who walks in? A Fox, with a smile so cheeky you'd think he stole all the cookies from the cookie jar. He watched the Dogs and giggled. "Hehe, looks like someone's playing dress-up with the Lion!"

The Fox danced over, laughing so much he sounded like a squeaky toy. "Hey, you brave Doggies! Having fun, huh? But isn't it super easy to be brave when the Lion isn't home?"

The Dogs looked at each other and tilted their heads, kinda like when they hear a weird noise and can't figure it out. "Huh?" one Dog barked.

The Fox said, "Okay, let's put it this way. What if the Lion was really here? Like, standing right in front of you, roaring and all. His claws are super sharp, way sharper than a pencil! Would you still be playing with his fur then?"

The Dogs looked at each other, their tails not wagging so fast anymore. They kinda felt like they got caught with their paws in the cookie jar.

And just like that, they knew what the Fox was saying. Being brave with a lion's fur is easy-peasy. Being brave when the Lion is actually there? Uh, maybe not so much.

And so, the Dogs tiptoed away from the Lion's skin, suddenly contemplating the difference between fake courage and the real deal. But not before the Fox took a quick selfie with the lion's skin, because, you know, pics or it didn't happen.

And they all lived fur-ever after, but not without a good lesson to chew on.

Fox and the Dogs had quite a day,
Found a Lion's skin where they could play.
Dogs felt brave, as they tugged and tore,
Barks and howls, like never before.

Fox watched them, a smirk on his snout,
"What are these Dogs so happy about?"
He walked right up, his laugh loud and free,
"Do you know what it is you really see?"

Dogs paused a moment, ears perked high,
A puzzled look, they couldn't deny.
Fox said, "Brave Dogs, hear what I say,
Would you act the same, if Lion did stay?

"If Lion were here, with claws so long,
Would you still sing your brave-dog song?
His roar's a rumble, his teeth a sight,
Would you still dare to bark and bite?"

Dogs looked around, tails slowing down,
Suddenly wearing a thoughtful frown.
Fox smiled, "It's easier to be bold,
When there's no Lion, no tale to be told."

Dogs nodded slowly, they understood,
Bravery's not just acting good.
Courage is facing fears that are real,
Not just showing how tough you feel.

So they learned a lesson from Fox that day,
Real courage means more than just play.
It's not just roaring, or a growl or a din,
But facing the Lion that roars from within.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the Dogs felt brave when they found the Lion's skin?
  2. What did the Fox mean when he said it's easy to tear into a Lion's skin when the Lion is not inside it?
  3. Can you think of a time when it was easier to do something because there was no real danger or risk involved?
  4. What does this story teach us about courage and understanding real danger?
  5. How can we use this story's lesson to be truly brave and not just pretend when there's no real risk?

Fable Quotes

True courage doesn't roar, it faces the roar.
Wisdom sees beyond the surface, understanding the difference between illusion and reality.
Acting bold is easy when there's no threat, real bravery is tested in danger.

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