
The Ant and the Grasshopper

An ant works hard and saves food for the winter while the grasshopper plays and starves.
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a field, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant worked hard all summer, storing food for the winter. She would carry grains of wheat and corn to her nest every day.

The grasshopper, on the other hand, loved to sing and dance all day long. He would play his fiddle and hop around in the sunshine. He never thought about the future, and never saved any food for the winter.

When the winter came, it was very cold, and there was no food to be found. The ant stayed warm and well-fed in her cozy nest, while the grasshopper had nothing to eat and nowhere to go.

The grasshopper realized his mistake and felt very sorry for himself. He went to the ant's nest and begged for some food. The ant replied, "Why did you not work hard like me and save some food for the winter? Now you must suffer the consequences of your laziness."

And with that, the ant went back into her nest, leaving the grasshopper alone in the cold, hungry and regretful of his actions.

There is an ant and a grasshopper. They live in a big field. The ant works very hard. She finds food every day. She takes the food to her home. She is busy all the time.

The grasshopper likes to have fun. He sings and dances. He plays his violin. He does not worry about the future. He does not save any food.

Winter comes. It is very cold. There is no food. The ant is warm. She has a lot of food. But the grasshopper is cold and hungry. He has no place to stay warm.

The grasshopper goes to the ant's home. He asks for food.

"Can I have some food?" the grasshopper asks.

"Why did you not collect food in the summer?" the ant asks. "Now you have no food."

The ant goes back inside. The grasshopper is sad. He is sorry he did not work hard in the summer.

Once upon a time, in a big field, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was very hardworking. During the sunny summer days, she gathered food for the winter. Every day, she found grains of wheat and pieces of corn and took them back to her home.

The grasshopper, however, loved to have fun. He spent his days singing songs and dancing under the sun. He played his violin and jumped around without worrying. He never thought about what he would need in the future and didn’t save any food for colder times.

Then, winter came. It was very cold, and there was no food anywhere. The ant was cozy and had plenty to eat in her warm home. But the grasshopper was very hungry and had nowhere to stay warm.

Feeling sad and sorry for himself, the grasshopper went to the ant's home and asked her for some food. The ant asked him, “Why didn’t you collect food during the summer like I did? Now, you have to face the results of not preparing.”

After saying this, the ant went back inside her home, leaving the grasshopper outside in the cold. The grasshopper felt very sad and regretted not working hard when he had the chance.

Once upon a groovy time, in the most happening of fields, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was the diligent sort, always wearing imaginary teeny-tiny spectacles. Every day, she'd lug around grains, puffing and huffing.

"Why are you always working?" the grasshopper asked one day, tuning his fiddle. "You should chillax a bit! You're missing all the good summer jams!"

With a dramatic wipe of her brow, the ant said, "Someone's got to think about winter, mate! Besides, have you ever tried storing food with these small arms? It’s like trying to do a push-up in treacle!"

The grasshopper chuckled, doing a little jig. "Winter shminter! Live in the now!" And with a dramatic twirl, he'd start fiddling away, looking every bit like he was auditioning for "Field's Got Talent".

When the skies turned grey, and the first snowflake danced its way down, the grasshopper had an "Oh, crumpets!" moment. His stomach rumbled, echoing his regret. "Maybe I should've thought of a winter playlist...and food."

Cold and famished, he knocked on the ant's door, playing a soft tune as if to butter her up. The door opened to reveal the ant, sipping on warm cocoa.

"You wouldn’t happen to have some extra grains and maybe... cocoa?” the grasshopper asked, hopeful.

The ant raised an eyebrow, "Remember when you told me to chillax? Well, I did... with a side of planning."

He lowered his fiddle, sheepishly. "Alright, alright, point taken. Should've balanced my dance moves with some future moves."

She handed him a small bag of food. "Next time, maybe add 'prepping for winter' to your jam sessions, yeah?"

And as he munched on, he realized that while it's great to have fun, it's also pretty darn smart to plan ahead. After all, winter gigs need their own preparations!

In a sunny field where tall grasses sway,
Lived an ant and a grasshopper, who loved to play.
Ant was busy, oh so neat,
Storing wheat and corn in the summer's heat.

With a fiddle in hand, Grasshopper hopped around,
He'd sing and he'd dance on the soft ground.
He never worried 'bout the cold winter's night,
He was happy in the sun, in the warm golden light.

But the ant knew the winter would soon be near,
So she toiled and she labored without any fear.
Grains she'd gather, every day anew,
A wise little ant, she knew just what to do.

When the chill winds began, and snow filled the air,
Ant was snug in her nest, with plenty to spare.
But Grasshopper shivered, he had nowhere to go,
No food to eat, in the cold and the snow.

"Please help me, dear Ant," Grasshopper cried,
"I'm hungry and cold, and I've nowhere to hide!"
"Why did you not plan?" Ant asked with a sigh,
"You danced all summer, while time flew by."

"I've worked so hard, so my pantry's not bare,
You must learn, dear friend, that life isn't always fair.
Think ahead next time, and you'll be just fine,
But now, I must leave you; this food is all mine."

And so, Ant returned to her warm little nest,
Leaving Grasshopper alone, to learn from this test.
He'd remember the lesson, so simple, so old,
To plan for the future, and not just be bold.


Word Finder

  1. Grasshopper

    Green insect that jumps and makes sounds.

  2. Field

    Open land with grass and no trees.

  3. Violin

    A small wooden musical instrument with strings.

  4. Future

    Time that comes after now.

  5. Winter

    Coldest season of the year, with snow.

  6. Hungry

    Needing or wanting food.

  7. Summer

    Warmest season of the year, with sunshine.

  8. Collect

    To gather or bring things together.

  9. Sorry

    Feeling bad for something you did wrong.

  10. Busy

    Having a lot to do, not free.

  1. Hardworking

    Working very hard to achieve something.

  2. Gathered

    Collected things together in one place.

  3. Future

    Time that has not yet happened.

  4. Cozy

    Feeling warm, comfortable, and safe.

  5. Worrying

    Feeling anxious or concerned about something.

  6. Hungry

    Wanting or needing food badly.

  7. Preparing

    Getting ready for something in advance.

  8. Regretted

    Felt sorry about something done or not done.

  9. Results

    Consequences or outcomes of actions.

  10. Dancing

    Moving your body to music.

Understanding Questions

  1. Who works hard every day?

    1. The grasshopper
    2. The ant
    3. The bird
    4. The fish
  2. What does the grasshopper like to do?

    1. Work hard
    2. Sing and dance
    3. Find food
    4. Sleep
  3. What does the ant do with the food she finds?

    1. Eats it all
    2. Gives it away
    3. Takes it to her home
    4. Throws it away
  4. What happens when winter comes?

    1. The ant has no food.
    2. The grasshopper has a lot of food.
    3. The grasshopper is cold and hungry.
    4. The grasshopper has a warm home.
  5. What does the grasshopper ask the ant for in winter?

    1. A place to stay
    2. Some food
    3. A blanket
    4. A song
  1. What did the ant do during the sunny summer days?
  2. How did the grasshopper spend his summer days?
  3. What happened when winter came?
  4. Where did the grasshopper go when he was hungry and cold?
  5. How did the ant respond when the grasshopper asked for food?
  1. What actions did the ant take during the summer to prepare for winter?
  2. How did the grasshopper spend his time during the summer months?
  3. Describe the changes in the meadow from summer to winter.
  4. What was the grasshopper's situation when winter arrived?
  5. How did the ant respond to the grasshopper's request for food, and what lesson did the grasshopper learn?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why did the ant work hard all summer while the grasshopper played?
  2. How do you think the grasshopper felt when winter came and he had no food?
  3. Can you think of a time when you had to prepare for something in advance? How did it help you when the time came?
  4. What does this story teach us about responsibility, foresight, and the consequences of idleness?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story to plan and prepare for our future needs?

Fable Quotes

The dance of today could turn into the despair of tomorrow.
Perseverance paves the path to success, as the ant's diligent toil triumphed over the grasshopper's idle play.
Responsibility doesn't steal joy but secures tomorrow's comfort.

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