Vishnu Sharma

The Blue Jackal

A jackal turns blue and deceives forest animals to become their king, but is exposed and driven out.
Panchatantra Fables - The Blue Jackal
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a jackal named Chandarava. One day, as he was wandering in search of food, he accidentally entered a nearby village. The village dogs saw him and started chasing him, barking loudly. Frightened, Chandarava ran for his life, looking for a place to hide.

In his panic, he stumbled upon a large vat filled with indigo dye, used by the village dyers. He jumped in to hide and save himself from the dogs. When he emerged from the vat, he was completely dyed blue from head to tail. The dogs, unable to recognize him, stopped barking and left him alone.

The blue jackal looked at his reflection in a puddle of water and realized that his color had changed. He thought about how he could use his new appearance to his advantage. He came up with a cunning plan and returned to the forest, pretending to be a unique and extraordinary creature.

As he walked through the forest, all the animals gazed at him in wonder and fear. They had never seen such a creature before. Seizing the opportunity, Chandarava declared, "I am a special creation of the gods. They have sent me to rule over all of you as your king. You must obey my orders and serve me, and I will ensure your well-being and protection."

The forest animals, awestruck and believing him to be a divine being, agreed to serve him. They brought him the choicest food and attended to his needs. The blue jackal enjoyed his newfound status and lived a life of luxury without any fear or effort.

One day, as the blue jackal was holding court, he heard a pack of jackals howling in the distance. The sound was so familiar and comforting that he couldn't resist joining them. He howled back loudly, forgetting his royal pretense.

The forest animals realized that their king was nothing but an ordinary jackal who had deceived them. Feeling betrayed and angry, they attacked the blue jackal and drove him out of the forest.

Chandarava, the blue jackal, was left to wander the forest alone, paying the price for his deception and cunning.

In a big forest, there is a jackal. His name is Chandarava. One day, he walks into a small town. Some dogs see him. They run after him and bark loudly. Chandarava is scared. He runs fast to hide.

He finds a big pot full of blue color. People use the color for their clothes. He jumps into the pot to hide from the dogs. When he comes out, his fur is blue. The dogs do not know him now. They stop running and go away.

Chandarava looks at his blue fur in the water. He has a smart idea. He goes back to the forest. He tells the animals he is a special animal. He says he is their king now.

The animals believe him because he looks different. They give him the best food. They take care of him. Chandarava likes being a king.

But one day, he hears other jackals calling. He calls back without thinking. The animals hear him. They know he is not a king. They are mad because he tricks them. They make him leave the forest.

Now, Chandarava is alone in the forest again.

Once upon a time, there was a jackal named Chandarava. He lived in a big forest. One day, he went to a village looking for food. The village dogs saw him and started to chase him. Chandarava was very scared and ran fast to hide.

He found a big pot of blue dye that people used to color clothes. He jumped into the pot to hide. When he came out, he was blue all over. The dogs did not recognize him and stopped chasing him.

Chandarava looked at his blue fur in a puddle. He had an idea. He went back to the forest and pretended to be a special animal.

The other animals were surprised and scared when they saw him. They had never seen a blue animal before. Chandarava said, "I am sent by the gods to be your king. You must listen to me and I will take care of you."

The animals believed him. They brought him food and took care of him. Chandarava enjoyed being their king and lived a good life.

But one day, he heard other jackals howling. He forgot his trick and howled back. The animals heard him and realized he was just an ordinary jackal. They were angry and chased him away.

Chandarava was alone again, walking in the forest.

Once upon a time, in a forest that wasn't too big, but wasn't too small either, Chandarava the jackal lived. This jackal, let's say, was a bit... clumsy.

One sunny day, craving a change from his usual forest grub, Chandarava sneaked into a village. But oops! The village dogs, who thought they were playing 'tag', started chasing him. "You're it!" they barked.

Panicking, Chandarava spotted a big vat. It was filled with what looked like blueberry jam! But it wasn't. It was indigo dye. In he jumped, hoping the dogs would just, you know, move on to another game.

When he climbed out, surprise! He wasn't Chandarava anymore. He was... Blue-darava! The dogs squinted, shrugged, and thought, "Guess our game's over." Off they trotted, probably in search of snacks.

Chandarava peeked in a puddle and gasped. "I look like I've been painted for a play!" Then, a light bulb! "Maybe I can be a superstar in the forest with this cool blue look?"

Back in the forest, animals stared in awe. "Is that a blueberry?" one asked. "Or a new kind of smurf?" wondered another.

Clearing his throat, Chandarava said, "Greetings! I'm not Chandarava. I'm...uh...Blueberry... no, BlueKing! Sent by the sky to bring fun and dance moves to the forest!"

The animals, amused by his blue coat and charming goofiness, thought, "He seems fun! Let’s party with him."

Life was one big dance party for Chandarava, or "BlueKing" as he liked to be called now. Until, one day, he heard familiar jackal tunes from afar. It felt just like his favorite bedtime lullaby. Without a second thought, he began to howl along.

The animals paused their dancing. "Wait a minute..." one whispered. "BlueKing's singing a jackal song!"

Realization dawned upon them. "He's not a BlueKing! He's our Chandarava, but just... blue!" they exclaimed.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Chandarava admitted, "Alright, alright, you got me. I just wanted to see what being a 'king' felt like."

The animals, although amused at first, felt deceived. "Being true to yourself is the best way to be," they advised Chandarava, as they decided he needed some time alone to reflect on his choices.

And so, Chandarava, with his shiny blue coat slowly fading, learned an important lesson about honesty and being true to oneself.

In a forest deep where shadows lay,
Chandarava, the jackal, went astray.
On a quest for food one sunny day,
Into a village, he made his way.

Chased by dogs, with a bark and a fuss,
He sought an escape, in a hurry, a rush.
To a vat of blue dye, he dove down deep,
Hoping for safety, his skin did seep.

Emerging a hue, so vibrant and blue,
No longer a jackal that anyone knew.
The dogs, so puzzled, ceased their chase tight,
For the blue creature was a startling sight.

In a shimmering puddle, Chandarava saw,
A reflection that left him utterly in awe.
"Why not," he thought, "use this new guise?"
To rule over the forest, to claim a prize.

"From skies unknown, I've come to lead,"
Chandarava announced, with a hint of greed.
"Chosen to guide, to be your king,
Serve me well, and peace I'll bring."

The animals gazed, in wonder they stood,
This blue-furred creature, misunderstood.
They served him with food, pampered and cared,
While Chandarava in luxury, comfortably fared.

But fate has its tricks, and truths unveil,
For one day, a distant howl did hail.
Chandarava replied, lost in the tune,
Forgetting his act, his cover was blown soon.

The animals realized, their trust was amiss,
Their king was a jackal, not a creature of bliss.
Angry and hurt, they chased him away,
And Chandarava lamented his deceptive play.


Word Finder

  1. Jackal

    Wild animal like a small wolf.

  2. Forest

    Big area with many trees.

  3. Bark

    Dog sound, loud and short.

  4. Scared

    Feeling afraid or frightened.

  5. Hide

    To go where no one can see.

  6. Fur

    Hair on animals like dogs and cats.

  7. Smart

    Very clever or intelligent idea.

  8. Special

    Different and better than normal.

  9. Believe

    Think something is true.

  10. Tricks

    Makes someone believe something not true.

  1. Village

    Small group of houses in the countryside.

  2. Chase

    Run after someone to catch them quickly.

  3. Recognize

    Know someone or something from seeing before.

  4. Pretended

    Acted like something that is not true.

  5. Special

    Different from normal and very important.

  6. Surprised

    Feeling unexpected wonder or amazement.

  7. Sent

    Made to go somewhere by someone.

  8. Care

    Look after and keep something safe.

  9. Enjoyed

    Liked doing something and felt happy.

  10. Ordinary

    Normal, not special or different from usual.

Understanding Questions

  1. What is the name of the jackal?

    1. Chandarava
    2. Simba
    3. Mufasa
    4. Baloo
  2. Why does Chandarava jump into the pot?

    1. To find food
    2. To hide from the dogs
    3. To drink water
    4. To play
  3. What color is Chandarava's fur after he jumps into the pot?

    1. Red
    2. Green
    3. Blue
    4. Yellow
  4. What do the animals think Chandarava is after he changes color?

    1. A monster
    2. A special animal and their king
    3. A lost dog
    4. A magical bird
  5. Why do the animals get mad at Chandarava?

    1. Because he eats all their food
    2. Because he tricks them
    3. Because he leaves the forest
    4. Because he is too noisy
  1. Why did Chandarava go to the village?
  2. How did Chandarava escape from the village dogs?
  3. What did Chandarava do after he turned blue?
  4. How did the other animals react when they first saw Chandarava?
  5. What caused the animals to realize that Chandarava was just an ordinary jackal?
  1. Why did Chandarava initially venture into the village?
  2. What caused the village dogs to stop chasing Chandarava?
  3. How did Chandarava convince the forest animals to accept him as their king?
  4. What event led to the animals discovering Chandarava's true identity?
  5. What happened to Chandarava after the animals realized he was an ordinary jackal?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the jackal decided to pretend to be a special creature after he turned blue?
  2. How do you think the other animals in the forest felt when they realized their 'king' was actually a jackal?
  3. Can you think of a time when pretending to be something you're not caused problems?
  4. What does this story teach us about honesty and the consequences of deceit?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our own lives to be true to ourselves and honest with others?

Fable Quotes

Deception may cloak you in temporary power, but its unraveling reveals the true nature within.
Deception sows seeds of consequences, revealing the true colors that lead to one's downfall.
True growth comes from embracing authenticity and leaving behind the masks of deception.

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