Jean de La Fontaine

The Hare and the Partridge

A hare is caught by dogs despite hiding, and a mocking partridge is then caught by a hawk.
The Hare and the Partridge
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, a hare and a partridge lived peacefully in a big field. One day, a group of hunting dogs came running through the field. The hare got scared and quickly ran to hide in his burrow. He managed to lose the dogs for a while, but his body was very hot from running, and the dogs could smell him.

One of the dogs sniffed the air and realized that the smell was coming from the hare. He barked loudly to let the other dogs know, and soon they all found the hare’s hiding place. Another dog, who was very good at finding things, also barked to say that the hare was hiding in the burrow. The poor hare was tired and scared, and eventually, the dogs caught him.

As the hare lay there, exhausted and afraid, the partridge saw him and started to make fun of him. "You always said you were so fast," she said. "What happened to your quick feet?"

Instead of helping the hare in his difficult situation, the partridge started to make fun of him. But while she was laughing at the hare, a hawk suddenly appeared. The partridge thought she could fly away quickly and escape any danger. However, she did not realize how fast the hawk was. The hawk caught the partridge with his sharp claws.

The partridge realized too late that making fun of others when they need help can cause trouble. When we laugh at others' misfortune, we may find ourselves in a difficult situation too. In the end, helping each other is always better than making fun of others.

Once upon a time, a hare and a partridge lived peacefully in a big field. One day, a group of hunting dogs came running through the field. The hare got scared and quickly ran to hide in his burrow. He managed to lose the dogs for a while, but his body was very hot from running, and the dogs could smell him.

One of the dogs sniffed the air and realized that the smell was coming from the hare. He barked loudly to let the other dogs know, and soon they all found the hare’s hiding place. Another dog, who was very good at finding things, also barked to say that the hare was hiding in the burrow. The poor hare was tired and scared, and eventually, the dogs caught him.

As the hare lay there, exhausted and afraid, the partridge saw him and started to make fun of him. "You always said you were so fast," she said. "What happened to your quick feet?"

Instead of helping the hare in his difficult situation, the partridge started to make fun of him. But while she was laughing at the hare, a hawk suddenly appeared. The partridge thought she could fly away quickly and escape any danger. However, she did not realize how fast the hawk was. The hawk caught the partridge with his sharp claws.

The partridge realized too late that making fun of others when they need help can cause trouble. When we laugh at others' misfortune, we may find ourselves in a difficult situation too. In the end, helping each other is always better than making fun of others.

A hare and a partridge live in a big field. One day, many dogs come running through the field. The hare is scared. He runs to his hole. He hides there.

The dogs can smell the hare. One dog barks. He tells the other dogs. The dogs find the hare. The hare is very tired. The dogs catch him.

The partridge sees the hare. She laughs at him. She says, “You always say you are fast. What happened?”

While the partridge laughs, a hawk comes. The partridge tries to fly away. But the hawk is very fast. The hawk catches the partridge.

The partridge learns a lesson. It is not good to make fun of others. It is better to help each other.

Once upon a time, a hare and a partridge lived peacefully in a big field. One day, a group of hunting dogs came running through the field. The hare got scared and quickly ran to hide in his burrow. He managed to lose the dogs for a while, but his body was very hot from running, and the dogs could smell him.

One of the dogs sniffed the air and realized that the smell was coming from the hare. He barked loudly to let the other dogs know, and soon they all found the hare’s hiding place. Another dog, who was very good at finding things, also barked to say that the hare was hiding in the burrow. The poor hare was tired and scared, and eventually, the dogs caught him.

As the hare lay there, exhausted and afraid, the partridge saw him and started to make fun of him. "You always said you were so fast," she said. "What happened to your quick feet?"

Instead of helping the hare in his difficult situation, the partridge started to make fun of him. But while she was laughing at the hare, a hawk suddenly appeared. The partridge thought she could fly away quickly and escape any danger. However, she did not realize how fast the hawk was. The hawk caught the partridge with his sharp claws.

The partridge realized too late that making fun of others when they need help can cause trouble. When we laugh at others' misfortune, we may find ourselves in a difficult situation too. In the end, helping each other is always better than making fun of others.

Once upon a time, in a big, sunny field, a hare and a partridge enjoyed their days, often playfully arguing over who was faster. One sunny afternoon, their peace was shattered by a pack of hunting dogs charging into the field. The hare’s eyes widened in fear, and he sprinted to his burrow as fast as his legs would carry him.

"Oh no, it’s the slobber squad!" the hare exclaimed, diving into his hole. Inside, he huffed and puffed, his ears picking up every sound. One particularly curious dog sniffed around and caught the scent of the hare.

"Guys! Over here! It smells like hare!" barked the nosy dog. The rest of the pack rushed over, sniffing the air and wagging their tails with excitement.

Trying to catch his breath, the hare muttered to himself, "Great, just what I needed—a fan club I didn’t ask for."

Meanwhile, the partridge perched on a nearby branch, watching the commotion with amusement. She fluttered down to the burrow entrance, smirking at the hare.

"Hey, speedy! What happened to your quick feet? Looks like the tortoise might win this race," she teased, giggling.

The hare rolled his eyes. "Oh, brilliant, partridge. Stand-up comedy is just what we need now."

Suddenly, a hawk soared into view, its sharp eyes fixed on the partridge. "Ah, my afternoon snack," it thought, diving swiftly.

The partridge, caught up in her laughter, didn’t notice the shadow over her until the hawk’s talons clasped around her. She squawked in surprise, flapping her wings frantically. "Oh, come on! I was just kidding!"

But the hawk, unamused, tightened his grip. "Sorry, no time for laughs," he responded, carrying her off.

As the partridge vanished into the distance, the hare, catching his breath, murmured, “Well, look who’s laughing now. Next time, maybe help a friend instead of cracking jokes.”

And so, in that lively field, the animals learned a lesson about kindness and helping out—whether with a paw, a wing, or a kind word—because you never know when you might need a little help yourself.

Once in a field so wide and free,
Lived a hare and a partridge under a tree.
They played and laughed the whole day through,
In a land where the skies were always blue.

One day, from the woods, with a terrible sound,
A pack of hunting dogs came around.
The hare, in fear, began to flee,
To his burrow, quick as can be.

He ran and ran, his heart in a race,
With dogs on his tail, he picked up the pace.
But the dogs could sniff and follow his trail,
Their noses sharp, they wouldn't fail.

The hare hid in his burrow, deep and tight,
Hoping to be safe from the dogs' fierce bite.
But the dogs, they barked, and soon they found,
The hare's hiding place, deep in the ground.

Tired and scared, the poor hare lay,
Wishing the danger would go away.
The partridge saw and began to mock,
"Where's your speed? You're all talk!"

But while she laughed, a shadow did swoop,
A hawk on the hunt, with a dive and a loop.
The partridge thought she could flee and fly,
But the hawk was too fast, oh my, oh my!

Caught in his claws, the partridge did see,
Mocking the hare brought trouble to be.
She learned too late, that to laugh and scorn,
Can bring about a fate forlorn.

Helping each other with a heart that's kind,
Brings joy and peace to all you'll find.
For kindness and care, not mocking and spite,
Will bring you joy, day and night.


Word Finder

  1. Partridge

    A type of bird found in fields.

  2. Burrow

    A hole in the ground where animals live.

  3. Sniffed

    Smelled something carefully to find a scent.

  4. Exhausted

    Extremely tired, having no energy left.

  5. Escaped

    Got away from a dangerous situation.

  6. Hawk

    A large bird that hunts smaller animals.

  7. Claws

    Sharp nails on the feet of some animals.

  8. Misfortune

    Bad luck or an unfortunate event.

  9. Situation

    A set of circumstances or conditions.

  10. Realized

    Became aware or understood something clearly.

Understanding Questions

  1. What did the hare do when he saw the hunting dogs?
  2. How did the dogs find the hare's hiding place in the burrow?
  3. What did the partridge do when she saw the hare was exhausted and scared?
  4. How did the hawk manage to catch the partridge?
  5. What realization did the partridge have after being caught by the hawk?

Word Finder

  1. Field

    A big open area with grass.

  2. Scared

    Feeling very afraid or frightened.

  3. Hole

    A small space in the ground.

  4. Hide

    To go where no one can see you.

  5. Smell

    To use the nose to sense something.

  6. Bark

    The loud sound a dog makes.

  7. Tired

    Feeling like you need to rest or sleep.

  8. Laugh

    To make a happy sound when something is funny.

  9. Hawk

    A big bird that hunts other animals.

  10. Lesson

    Something you learn from what happens.

  1. Partridge

    A type of bird found in fields.

  2. Burrow

    A hole in the ground where animals live.

  3. Sniffed

    Smelled something carefully to find a scent.

  4. Exhausted

    Extremely tired, having no energy left.

  5. Escaped

    Got away from a dangerous situation.

  6. Hawk

    A large bird that hunts smaller animals.

  7. Claws

    Sharp nails on the feet of some animals.

  8. Misfortune

    Bad luck or an unfortunate event.

  9. Situation

    A set of circumstances or conditions.

  10. Realized

    Became aware or understood something clearly.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where do the hare and partridge live?

    1. In a forest
    2. In a big field
    3. In a small house
    4. By a river
  2. What does the hare do when he sees the dogs?

    1. He runs to his hole.
    2. He flies away.
    3. He hides in a tree.
    4. He plays with the dogs.
  3. How do the dogs find the hare?

    1. They see him.
    2. They hear him.
    3. They smell him.
    4. They ask the partridge.
  4. What does the partridge do when she sees the hare caught by the dogs?

    1. She helps him.
    2. She laughs at him.
    3. She hides.
    4. She runs away.
  5. What lesson does the partridge learn?

    1. It is good to make fun of others.
    2. It is better to help each other.
    3. The hawk is very slow.
    4. The dogs are friendly.
  1. What did the hare do when he saw the hunting dogs?
  2. How did the dogs find the hare's hiding place in the burrow?
  3. What did the partridge do when she saw the hare was exhausted and scared?
  4. How did the hawk manage to catch the partridge?
  5. What realization did the partridge have after being caught by the hawk?
  1. What initial action did the hare take when he heard the hunting dogs approaching?
  2. How did the dogs eventually locate the hare's hiding spot in the burrow?
  3. Describe the partridge's reaction to the hare's predicament and how she expressed her feelings.
  4. How did the hawk manage to capture the partridge despite her attempt to escape?
  5. What event led to the partridge's realization about the consequences of mocking others?

Reflection Questions

  1. How did the partridge react when she saw the hare in trouble, and what was the result of her actions?
  2. How do you think the partridge felt when the hawk caught her?
  3. Can you think of a time when you saw someone in trouble? What did you do?
  4. Why is it important to help others instead of making fun of them?
  5. What does this story teach us about the importance of kindness and supporting others in difficult times?

Fable Quotes

"Be kind whenever possible; it is always possible."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less."
"A moment of empathy might save someone from a lifetime of sorrow."

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