
The Mules and The Robbers

Two mules traveled; one mule flaunted his sparkly treasure and attracted robbers, while the other, carrying grain, escaped unnoticed and unharmed.
Aesop's Fables - The Mules and The Robbers
Audio available for B1 version

In a distant town, there were two mules, one laden with sparkly treasure, the other with sacks of grain.

The first mule held his head high, proud of his precious load. He trotted around with an air of importance, relishing the tinkle of the golden items on his back.

The second mule, on the other hand, quietly plodded along. His load was grain, not as glamorous but necessary all the same. He went about his duty without any fanfare.

One day, as they travelled down a lonely road, a group of robbers emerged from the woods. They spotted the two mules. Their eyes were immediately drawn to the proud mule, for he shimmered in the sunlight.

The robbers rushed towards the first mule. They quickly seized the treasure, leaving the mule empty and wounded. They ignored the second mule, seeing no value in the sacks of grain he carried.

As the robbers disappeared back into the woods, the first mule moaned in pain. He regretted showing off his load, for it had brought him harm and left him with nothing.

Meanwhile, the second mule, unharmed and still laden with his sacks of grain, quietly continued his journey.

Two mules live in a town. One mule carries shiny things. The other mule carries bags of grain.

The mule with the shiny things is proud. He walks with his head high. He likes the sound of the gold and jewels on his back.

The mule with the grain walks quietly. His bags are not shiny, but they are important. He does his job well.

One day, they walk on a quiet road. Some robbers jump out from the trees. They see the mules. They like the shiny things on the first mule.

The robbers run to the first mule. They take all his shiny things. They hurt him and leave him with nothing. They do not take the grain from the second mule. They think his grain is not important.

The first mule feels sad. He wishes he did not show off. It brings him trouble.

The second mule is not hurt. He keeps walking with his grain. He is quiet and calm.

In a faraway town, two mules lived together. One mule carried shiny treasures, while the other mule carried sacks of grain.

The mule with the treasures was very proud. He walked with his head high, enjoying the sound of the gold and jewels clinking on his back.

The mule with the grain walked calmly and quietly. His load was not shiny, but it was important. He did his job without seeking attention.

One day, they were walking down a quiet road when some robbers jumped out from the trees. They saw the mules. The shiny treasure on the first mule caught their eyes right away.

The robbers ran to the first mule and took all his treasure. They hurt him and left him with nothing. They didn't bother with the second mule because they thought his grain was not valuable.

After the robbers left, the first mule felt sad and in pain. He wished he hadn't shown off so much because it only brought him trouble.

The second mule, who was not hurt, kept walking with his grain. He continued on his way quietly.

In a town far, far away—so far you'd probably need a map and a snack—there were two mules. Mule Number One had a back glittering with treasures. Think of the shiniest disco ball you've ever seen but in mule form. He pranced around like he'd just won the "Most Shiny Mule" award.

Then there was Mule Number Two. He was all about that grain life. Not a bling-bling kind of guy, but bread and cookies? That's his jam! He walked with the quiet confidence of someone who knows a secret joke.

Mule Number One couldn't help but flaunt. "Check out my bling! Bet the sun's getting jealous right now!"

Mule Number Two just chuckled, "Mate, you're like a walking birthday candle. Bright, but not for long!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, robbers burst from the woods, like they were late for a "Robbers Annual Meet." They saw Mr. Shiny Mule and couldn't resist. "Shiny things! Grab 'em!" they yelled. In a flash, they snatched all the treasure, leaving Mr. Shiny feeling rather...unsparkly.

But Mr. Grain? The robbers glanced his way and shrugged, "Grain? Meh, can't sell that on RobbersBay!"

As the robbers dashed away, possibly to buy glittery disguises, Mr. Shiny Mule looked downhearted. "Maybe all that shine wasn't so shiny after all."

Mr. Grain Mule, still loaded with his precious cargo, gave a knowing smile. "See? It's not about how flashy you are on the outside. It's what you've got on the inside that counts. And I've got grain, which means... cookies!"

And with that realization, Mr. Shiny Mule perked up. "Next time, I'm going for cookies, not coins!"

So, as they continued their journey, it was clear that while one might lose his glitter, both had found their gold.

Two mules went trotting side by side,
One with treasure, shining with pride.
Golden and gleaming, he pranced around,
With every step, there was a tinkling sound.

The other mule, humble and true,
Carried sacks of grain, under skies so blue.
Without a fuss, he went on his way,
His path was clear, come what may.

Along a road, where shadows played,
From the woods, robbers made their raid.
They saw the shine, the gleam, the glow,
Toward the treasure mule, they did go.

The thieves took gold, left the mule in dismay,
His sparkle and pride, they took away.
He lay there hurt, with sorrow in his eyes,
Regretting his show, under those open skies.

But the grain mule, steady and wise,
Went on his way, to no one's surprise.
Unharmed, undisturbed, he moved ahead,
While thoughts of gratitude filled his head.


Word Finder

  1. Mule

    Animal that is part horse and donkey.

  2. Shiny

    Something that is bright and reflects light.

  3. Grain

    Seeds from plants used for food.

  4. Proud

    Feeling very good about something.

  5. Jewels

    Precious stones like diamonds or rubies.

  6. Robbers

    People who steal things from others.

  7. Important

    Something that matters a lot.

  8. Hurt

    To cause pain or injury.

  9. Quiet

    Making little or no noise.

  10. Calm

    Feeling peaceful and not worried.

  1. Faraway

    Very distant place from where you are.

  2. Treasures

    Valuable items like gold, jewels, or other riches.

  3. Proud

    Feeling very happy and satisfied with yourself.

  4. Clinking

    Light, sharp ringing sound when objects touch.

  5. Robbers

    People who steal things from others by force.

  6. Caught

    Suddenly noticed something that attracts attention.

  7. Valuable

    Worth a lot of money or very useful.

  8. Hurt

    Feeling pain or injury on your body.

  9. Trouble

    Difficult or problems that cause worry or pain.

  10. Quietly

    Doing something without making much noise.

Understanding Questions

  1. What does the first mule carry?

    1. Bags of grain
    2. Shiny things
    3. Food
    4. Clothes
  2. How does the first mule feel about his shiny things?

    1. Sad
    2. Proud
    3. Angry
    4. Scared
  3. What happens to the first mule on the quiet road?

    1. He finds food
    2. He gets lost
    3. Robbers take his shiny things
    4. He meets a friend
  4. Why do the robbers not take anything from the second mule?

    1. They like him.
    2. They do not see him.
    3. They think his grain is not important.
    4. They are scared of him.
  5. How does the second mule feel after the robbers leave?

    1. Sad
    2. Angry
    3. Proud
    4. Calm
  1. Why did the first mule enjoy walking with his load of treasures?
  2. How did the second mule behave while carrying his sacks of grain?
  3. What happened when the robbers saw the mules on the quiet road?
  4. Why did the robbers only take the treasures from the first mule and not the grain from the second mule?
  5. How did the first mule feel after the robbers left, and why did he feel this way?
  1. How did the mule with treasures feel about his load, and how did he show this feeling?
  2. What was the primary reason the robbers targeted the first mule and not the second mule?
  3. Describe the reaction and the fate of the mule adorned with treasures after the robbers left.
  4. How did the mule carrying grain differ in behavior and attitude from the mule with treasures during their journey?
  5. What lesson did the first mule learn by the end of the fable, and how did the second mule's experience reinforce this lesson?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the first mule was so proud of his load of treasure?
  2. How did the behavior of the second mule differ from the first one, and what was the outcome for each?
  3. Can you remember a time when showing off might have led to unwanted attention or a problem?
  4. What does this story teach us about the value of modesty and humility?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our daily lives to avoid unnecessary trouble?

Fable Quotes

Pride blinds, leaving us vulnerable to the thorns of arrogance and the sting of regret.
The humble, moving quietly, often escape danger unscathed.
Every action, humble or proud, has its own consequence to bear.

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