
Two Frogs were Neighbours

A frog living in a peaceful pond invites a frog from a busy roadside to join him for safety, but the latter refuses, resulting in a tragic end.
Aesop's Fables - Two Frogs were Neighbours
Audio available for B1 version

There was once a Frog who made his home in a peaceful pond. Not far away, there lived another Frog who had chosen the busy roadside as his place to stay.

The Pond Frog, worried about his friend's safety, invited the Road Frog to live with him in the safety of the pond. He said, "Come join me. The water is cool and calm. It is a safe place to live."

But the Road Frog refused, "No, I like it here. The sounds of the wheels and the people are music to my ears. I don't want to leave."

The Pond Frog was sad but he respected his friend's choice.

One day, there was a rush of noise louder than ever. The Road Frog couldn't move fast enough. A heavy wagon came down the road and the Road Frog was crushed under its wheel. The Pond Frog heard about his friend's sad fate, and he wished his friend had chosen the safety of the pond.

Once upon a lily pad, two Frog friends were living very different lives. Pond Frog was happy as a clam floating around in a calm pond. But his buddy, Road Frog, had decided life was cooler next to a noisy road. Worried, Pond Frog called out across the reeds, "Hey, Road Frog! Why don't you hop over here and live with me? The water's nice, and you won't get squished!"

Road Frog laughed. "No way! I love the zoom and vroom! The cars and the trucks? They're like my favorite songs!"

Pond Frog shrugged his webbed shoulders. "You sure? Over here, it's all play and no work, and no big wagons!"

"Thanks, but no thanks," Road Frog sang out. "I like my adventure right where I am!"

So Pond Frog shook his head and hopped back to his quiet spot in the pond.

Then one day, oh boy, did things get loud! A really, really big wagon, the kind you can't just hop over, came thundering down the road. Road Frog tried to leap away, but he wasn't quick enough. And just like that, he went from being Road Frog to, well, part of the road.

When Pond Frog heard what happened, he sighed and looked at the peaceful water around him. "I wish my friend had picked the safe and fun pond," he thought.

Two froggy friends, not far apart,
One loved the pond, one loved the mart.
Each in their home, so content,
Living the days where they were meant.

"Join me, my friend, in water fine,
Cool and calm, like sips of wine.
No noisy cars or heavy gear,
Just peace and calm, you'll love it here."

The street frog smiled, "Thanks, but no deal,
I love the hustle, love the wheel.
The noise for you is just a din,
But to my ears, it's quite a win."

The pond frog sighed, "I see, my friend,
We each have loves we won't rescind.
While I love ripples and the reed,
You love the street's more urgent speed."

Then came a day, a fearsome sound,
A wagon roared on speeding ground.
Too late to leap, too late to flee,
The street frog's fate was sad to see.

Upon the news, the pond frog sighed,
"Wish you had stayed here by my side.
For roads may thrill but ponds are kind,
A safer place, I think you'd find."


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the Road Frog decided to stay by the road, despite the danger?
  2. How did the Pond Frog try to help his friend, and what can we learn from his efforts?
  3. Can you think of a time when you made a decision even though others warned you it might not be the best choice?
  4. What does this story teach us about the importance of considering advice from our friends and family?
  5. How can we use the lesson from this story to make safer choices in our own lives?

Fable Quotes

Our choices are our stepping stones; let's choose the ones that lead to peace.
In every invitation, listen for the wisdom, not just the words.
Choices made without considering consequences can lead to unfortunate outcomes.

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