
The Swallow and The Crow

A Swallow boasts about its shiny feathers to a Crow, who responds by appreciating the joy and strength found in its own dark feathers.
Aesop's Fables - The Swallow and The Crow
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, in a green woodland, there lived a Swallow and a Crow. One sunny day, they started talking about their feathers.

The Swallow, feeling proud and showing off, looked at the Crow and said, "Look at my feathers! They're shiny and soft. They look like the color of the sky and are as light as a breeze. Your feathers are dark and hard. They don't sparkle in the sunlight like mine. Why don't you take better care of yourself? Have a little pride, my friend!"

The Crow listened carefully to the Swallow's words. He examined his own black feathers, which were firm and sturdy. Then, he looked at the Swallow and responded, "Your feathers may seem beautiful in spring," he said, glancing at the Swallow, "but I have never seen you during the winter. That's when I feel happiest and have the most fun."

And with that, the Crow spread his powerful, dark wings and flew away, leaving the Swallow to ponder his words.

There is a Swallow and a Crow in the forest. One sunny day, they talk about their feathers.

The Swallow feels proud. She says, "My feathers are blue and soft. They look like the sky. Your feathers are black and rough. Why don't you take care of yourself?"

The Crow looks at his feathers. They are black and strong. He says, "Your feathers are nice in the spring, but I do not see you in the winter. I like winter."

The Crow spreads his black wings and flies away. The Swallow thinks about what the Crow said.

Once upon a time, in a green forest, there lived a Swallow and a Crow. One sunny day, they began to talk about their feathers.

The Swallow, feeling very proud, looked at the Crow and said, "Look at my feathers! They are shiny and soft. They look like the blue sky and are as light as the wind. Your feathers are dark and rough. They don't shine in the sun like mine. Why don't you take better care of yourself? You should have some pride, my friend!"

The Crow listened carefully to the Swallow. He looked at his own black feathers, which were strong and durable. Then, he replied, "Your feathers might look lovely in the spring," he said, "but I never see you in the winter. That's when I enjoy myself the most."

With those words, the Crow spread his strong, dark wings and flew away, leaving the Swallow to think about what he had said.

Once upon a time, in a groovy green woodland filled with sassy squirrels and wise-cracking worms, there lived a Swallow and a Crow. You know, the typical woodland celebrities.

One scorching summer day, they began to natter about their feathers. The conversation went something like this:

The Swallow, puffing out its chest like a royal peacock, eyeballed the Crow and said, "Look at my feathers, darling! They're like a disco ball in the sunlight! They shimmer, they dance, they're as soft as your grandma's freshly baked cookies! And yours? Well, they're dark and hard. Like a rock wearing a tuxedo! What's the story there? Fancy putting some dazzle into your life?"

The Crow squinted at the Swallow, gave his feathers a thoughtful once-over, and replied, "Oh, those are feathers? I thought you'd been rolling in glitter again! But speaking of things that sparkle, your feathers may look like a million bucks in spring, but I've never seen you strut your stuff during the winter. That's when I'm dancing in the moonlight and having a good old jamboree!"

"But what about my shiny feathers? They're like the stars!" whined the Swallow.

The Crow smirked, "Stars, huh? Ever heard of disco balls going out of style? My dear friend, I enjoy winter's concert, while you're tucked away like last year's Christmas sweater."

And with that, the Crow spread his powerful, non-glittery wings and took off like a rock star leaving the stage, leaving the Swallow to ponder his words.

Beneath a canopy of trees so grand,
Where Swallow and Crow side by side did stand,
The sun cast down its golden hue,
As the two began a chat, as friends often do.

With a flutter and twirl, the Swallow did say,
"See how my feathers gleam and sway?
Like a shimmering sky, they catch the light,
While yours, dear Crow, are dark as night."

"Wouldn’t you like to gleam like the day?
Perhaps you should spruce up in some way!"
The Swallow chirped with a twinkle in her eye,
Her feathers reflecting the vast blue sky.

Crow tilted his head, his gaze so wise,
Studying his feathers, to Swallow's surprise.
"My feathers," he began, "are strong and true,
They might not shimmer, but here's my view."

"In the warmth you might dazzle, oh so bright,
But in winter's chill, you're nowhere in sight.
While I soar high, even in snow's gentle hum,
That's when I find my joy, and feel freedom come."

With a flap and a gust, to the skies he soared,
Above treetops high, where eagles roared.
As he vanished from view, into the blue hue,
Swallow pondered his words, gaining insight anew.


Word Finder

  1. Swallow

    Small bird with shiny, soft feathers.

  2. Crow

    Large bird with strong, dark feathers.

  3. Feathers

    Soft parts that cover birds' bodies.

  4. Shiny

    Bright and reflects light very well.

  5. Soft

    Smooth and not hard to touch.

  6. Pride

    Feeling good about something you have.

  7. Durable

    Strong and lasts for a long time.

  8. Spring

    Season when flowers bloom after winter.

  9. Winter

    Cold season with snow and ice.

  10. Lovely

    Very pretty or beautiful to see.

  1. Feathers

    Soft outer coverings of a bird's body.

  2. Shiny

    Reflecting light, very bright or glossy.

  3. Durable

    Able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage.

  4. Pride

    Feeling of deep satisfaction with one's achievements.

  5. Lovely

    Very beautiful or attractive.

  6. Spring

    Season after winter and before summer.

  7. Winter

    Coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring.

  8. Rough

    Not smooth, having an uneven surface.

  9. Enjoy

    To take pleasure in something.

  10. Spread

    To extend or stretch out something.

Understanding Questions

  1. Who are the two birds in the story?

    1. A Swallow and a Crow
    2. A Swallow and an Eagle
    3. A Crow and an Owl
    4. A Swallow and a Parrot
  2. What color are the Swallow's feathers?

    1. Black
    2. White
    3. Blue
    4. Green
  3. What does the Swallow think about her feathers?

    1. They are ugly.
    2. They are blue and soft.
    3. They are black and rough.
    4. They are hard and strong.
  4. Why does the Crow like his feathers?

    1. They are blue and soft.
    2. They are green and shiny.
    3. They are black and strong.
    4. They are red and smooth.
  5. What season does the Crow like?

    1. Winter
    2. Spring
    3. Summer
    4. Autumn
  1. What did the Swallow and the Crow talk about in the forest?
  2. How did the Swallow describe its own feathers?
  3. What did the Swallow say about the Crow's feathers?
  4. How did the Crow defend his feathers to what the Swallow says?
  5. What did the Crow do after talking to the Swallow?
  1. What does the Swallow use as a comparison to describe the appearance of its feathers?
  2. How does the Crow describe the Swallow's feathers in relation to the seasons?
  3. What is the Swallow's attitude towards its own feathers, and how does it view the Crow's feathers?
  4. Why does the Crow mention the winter months in his response to the Swallow?
  5. What action does the Crow take at the end of the conversation, and what might this symbolize?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the Swallow was so proud of its feathers?
  2. How did the Crow react when the Swallow criticized his feathers?
  3. Can you think of a time when something that looked good wasn't as useful as something that might not have looked as nice?
  4. What does this story teach us about judging others based on their appearance?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our own lives, especially when we meet new people or when we think about our own strengths?

Fable Quotes

Boasting is a mirror that only reflects our shiny feathers, not our inner strength.
What one sees as a flaw, another may see as strength.
Embrace who you are; each of us has a role to play, every season.

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