Middle East

The Thief and His Monkey

A clever merchant tricks people into buying stolen, old clothes by wrapping them in attractive paper and selling them.
The Thief and His Monkey
Audio available for B1 version

In a big desert in Arabia, there was a merchant known for his clever tricks. He had a monkey trained to help him with his plans. Unlike other merchants, this man never bought his goods from the market, yet he managed to sell many items and make good money. His secret? He was a skilled thief.

One sunny day, a new merchant came to the market, trying to sell old clothes. Many people walked past his stall, but no one was interested in buying the old clothes. Seeing an opportunity, the clever merchant thought of a plan.

He dressed his monkey in a colorful coat and sent him to play near the new merchant's stall. The monkey's playful actions caught the new merchant’s attention. While the new merchant was distracted, the clever merchant quietly took a bundle of the old clothes.

The next day, the clever merchant came back to the market with the stolen clothes. He wrapped them in shiny, attractive paper and set up his stall. He told his customers, "Inside these packages are fine clothes, but you must only open them at home!"

Curious and attracted by the beautiful wrapping, many people bought the packages, thinking they were getting a good deal.

One buyer was very excited. He went home and proudly showed the package to his wife. He said, "We can sell these in the market for a much higher price and make a big profit!"

But their excitement turned to disappointment when they opened the package and found old, worn-out clothes. The wife wisely said, "Next time, let’s check the quality of what we buy right at the market. It’s always important to know what you are buying before spending your money."

In a big desert in Arabia, there was a merchant known for his clever tricks. He had a monkey trained to help him with his plans. Unlike other merchants, this man never bought his goods from the market, yet he managed to sell many items and make good money. His secret? He was a skilled thief.

One sunny day, a new merchant came to the market, trying to sell old clothes. Many people walked past his stall, but no one was interested in buying the old clothes. Seeing an opportunity, the clever merchant thought of a plan.

He dressed his monkey in a colorful coat and sent him to play near the new merchant's stall. The monkey's playful actions caught the new merchant’s attention. While the new merchant was distracted, the clever merchant quietly took a bundle of the old clothes.

The next day, the clever merchant came back to the market with the stolen clothes. He wrapped them in shiny, attractive paper and set up his stall. He told his customers, "Inside these packages are fine clothes, but you must only open them at home!"

Curious and attracted by the beautiful wrapping, many people bought the packages, thinking they were getting a good deal.

One buyer was very excited. He went home and proudly showed the package to his wife. He said, "We can sell these in the market for a much higher price and make a big profit!"

But their excitement turned to disappointment when they opened the package and found old, worn-out clothes. The wife wisely said, "Next time, let’s check the quality of what we buy right at the market. It’s always important to know what you are buying before spending your money."

There is a big desert in Arabia. A merchant lives there. He has a monkey. The monkey helps him. The merchant does not buy things from the market, but he sells many things and makes money. How? He is a thief.

One day, a new merchant comes to the market. He sells old clothes. Many people walk past his stall. They do not want to buy the old clothes. The clever merchant sees this and has a plan.

He puts a colorful coat on his monkey. The monkey goes to the new merchant's stall. The monkey plays and catches the new merchant's attention. While the new merchant looks at the monkey, the clever merchant steals some old clothes.

The next day, the clever merchant comes back to the market. He wraps the stolen clothes in shiny paper and sets up his stall. He tells people, "Inside these packages are fine clothes. But you must open them at home!"

People buy the packages. They think they are getting good clothes. One man is very happy. He goes home and shows the package to his wife. He says, “We can sell these clothes and make a lot of money!”

But they are sad when they open the package. They find old, worn-out clothes. The wife says, “Next time, we will check what we buy at the market. It is important to know before spending money.”

In a big desert in Arabia, there was a merchant known for his clever tricks. He had a monkey trained to help him with his plans. Unlike other merchants, this man never bought his goods from the market, yet he managed to sell many items and make good money. His secret? He was a skilled thief.

One sunny day, a new merchant came to the market, trying to sell old clothes. Many people walked past his stall, but no one was interested in buying the old clothes. Seeing an opportunity, the clever merchant thought of a plan.

He dressed his monkey in a colorful coat and sent him to play near the new merchant's stall. The monkey's playful actions caught the new merchant’s attention. While the new merchant was distracted, the clever merchant quietly took a bundle of the old clothes.

The next day, the clever merchant came back to the market with the stolen clothes. He wrapped them in shiny, attractive paper and set up his stall. He told his customers, "Inside these packages are fine clothes, but you must only open them at home!"

Curious and attracted by the beautiful wrapping, many people bought the packages, thinking they were getting a good deal.

One buyer was very excited. He went home and proudly showed the package to his wife. He said, "We can sell these in the market for a much higher price and make a big profit!"

But their excitement turned to disappointment when they opened the package and found old, worn-out clothes. The wife wisely said, "Next time, let’s check the quality of what we buy right at the market. It’s always important to know what you are buying before spending your money."

In the vast, hot sands of a big desert, there was a sneaky merchant who was too clever by half. This merchant wasn't just any merchant; oh no, he had a secret assistant—a monkey! Not just any monkey, though. This monkey was a master of monkey business, trained to help with all sorts of cheeky tricks.

One blazing sunny day, when the sun was practically playing hopscotch on the sand, a new merchant set up his stall in the market. He was trying to sell old clothes that looked like they’d seen better days—maybe even better centuries! As people strolled by, they glanced at the clothes but quickly moved on. Honestly, they wouldn’t even use them as dish rags!

Now, our clever merchant saw a golden opportunity. He got a wild idea and chuckled to himself, "It’s showtime!" He dressed his monkey in the most ridiculously colorful coat you can imagine—it was like a disco ball had met a rainbow. The monkey, looking quite the dandy, strutted over to the new merchant’s stall.

The monkey started flipping, dancing, and even moonwalking—yes, moonwalking! The new merchant couldn't help but watch this spectacle, his mouth hanging open like a mailbox. And while he was distracted, the sneaky merchant tiptoed over, swiped a bundle of the old clothes, and vanished like a magician’s rabbit!

The next day, the clever merchant came back, his arms loaded with the same old clothes, now wrapped in paper so shiny you’d think the stars had lent him a piece of the sky. He set up his stall and put on his best market voice, announcing, "Step right up! These aren’t just any clothes; they’re the latest desert fashion wrapped in mystery and intrigue. But remember, no peeking until you get home!"

The people were buzzing like bees around honey, their curiosity tickled pink. They bought the packages faster than ice cream melts in the sun.

One buyer rushed home, his heart thumping with excitement, dreaming of the riches these clothes would bring. He called his wife over, saying, "Darling, we've struck gold! We’ll sell these at triple the price and buy that camel you’ve been eyeing!"

But oh, when they opened the package, the only thing that fell out were clothes so old, they could've been knitting stories about their glory days. The wife, wise as she was, shook her head and said, "Next time, let’s remember to check what we’re buying. It's like choosing a camel; you don’t pick the one that’s already sitting down!"

So, the lesson here? Always peek inside the package unless you want a surprise, like finding old socks when you’re hoping for new toys!

In Arabia's desert, hot and grand,
Lived a merchant, quite sly and grand.
With a monkey, smart and quick,
He played tricks that were slick.

This merchant didn't buy or trade,
Yet with cunning, he displayed.
A skilled thief, he took with ease,
Goods from others, sure to please.

A new merchant came one day,
With old clothes, hoping they'd pay.
People passed, showed no delight,
The clever merchant saw his plight.

Dressed his monkey in a coat so bright,
Sent him near, a playful sight.
The new merchant watched, amused,
While clever hands took clothes, unused.

Next day, with clothes wrapped fine,
The clever merchant set his line.
"Buy these packages," he said with glee,
"Open at home, and joy you'll see!"

Curious folks, they bought with cheer,
Thinking treasures would appear.
One man rushed home, so proud and bold,
"These clothes," he said, "will be sold for gold!"

But when they opened, oh what a sight,
Old clothes, worn out, not bright.
His wife then said with wisdom clear,
"Next time, my dear, let’s be more near.

Check the goods, see what's true,
Before spending money, know what you do."
And so they learned from the clever feat,
To always check before a treat.


Word Finder

  1. Merchant

    A person who buys and sells goods.

  2. Tricks

    Clever actions done to deceive people.

  3. Skilled

    Very good at doing something specific.

  4. Distracted

    Not paying attention to the main thing.

  5. Bundle

    A group of things tied together.

  6. Attractive

    Pleasing or appealing to look at.

  7. Curious

    Wanting to know or learn about something.

  8. Excited

    Very happy and enthusiastic.

  9. Profit

    Money made from selling something.

  10. Disappointment

    Feeling of sadness from unmet expectations.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where did the clever merchant operate his business?
  2. How did the clever merchant get his goods without buying them from the market?
  3. What was the role of the monkey in the clever merchant's plan?
  4. How did the clever merchant sell the old clothes to his customers?
  5. What lesson did the buyer and his wife learn after opening the package?

Word Finder

  1. Desert

    Big, dry place with much sand.

  2. Merchant

    A person who sells things for money.

  3. Market

    A place where people buy and sell things.

  4. Steals

    Takes something that is not yours.

  5. Clever

    Smart and quick at thinking.

  6. Attention

    To notice or focus on something.

  7. Packages

    Wrapped items, usually for selling.

  8. Shiny

    Something that is very bright and reflects light.

  9. Fine

    Very good or high quality.

  10. Worn-out

    Old and not in good condition.

  1. Merchant

    A person who buys and sells goods.

  2. Tricks

    Clever actions done to deceive people.

  3. Skilled

    Very good at doing something specific.

  4. Distracted

    Not paying attention to the main thing.

  5. Bundle

    A group of things tied together.

  6. Attractive

    Pleasing or appealing to look at.

  7. Curious

    Wanting to know or learn about something.

  8. Excited

    Very happy and enthusiastic.

  9. Profit

    Money made from selling something.

  10. Disappointment

    Feeling of sadness from unmet expectations.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where does the merchant live?

    1. In a forest
    2. In a city
    3. In a desert
    4. In a village
  2. What does the merchant use to help him steal?

    1. A dog
    2. A monkey
    3. A cat
    4. A bird
  3. What does the new merchant sell?

    1. Food
    2. New clothes
    3. Toys
    4. Old clothes
  4. What do people find in the packages they buy from the clever merchant?

    1. New clothes
    2. Toys
    3. Old clothes
    4. Books
  5. What lesson do the man and his wife learn?

    1. To trust everyone
    2. To buy everything they see
    3. To check what they buy at the market
    4. To always shop quickly
  1. Where did the clever merchant operate his business?
  2. How did the clever merchant get his goods without buying them from the market?
  3. What was the role of the monkey in the clever merchant's plan?
  4. How did the clever merchant sell the old clothes to his customers?
  5. What lesson did the buyer and his wife learn after opening the package?
  1. What strategy did the clever merchant use to distract the new merchant while stealing his clothes?
  2. How did the clever merchant ensure that his stolen goods appeared attractive to potential buyers at the market?
  3. Why did the buyers only discover the true nature of the goods after taking them home?
  4. What lesson did the buyer’s wife suggest they learn from their experience with the deceptive merchant?
  5. Describe the role of the monkey in the clever merchant's scheme. How did its actions contribute to the overall plan?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why did the clever merchant use his monkey to distract the new merchant?
  2. How did the clever merchant trick people into buying old clothes?
  3. What can we learn from the buyer's experience about checking what we buy?
  4. Can you think of a time when you were disappointed because something was not as good as it seemed?
  5. Why is it important to be honest in business, unlike the clever merchant?

Fable Quotes

"Proceed with caution, for what glitters may not be gold."
"The wise person questions the package, while the fool trusts the wrapping."
"The web of trickery is woven with threads of deceit, easily tangled but hard to untangle."

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