
The Fox and The Sick Lion

A sick lion tricked animals into his cave, but a clever fox refused to enter, avoiding the lion's trap.
Aesop's Fables - The Fox and The Sick Lion
Audio available for B1 version

In a lush, green forest, there lived a lion, the king of all animals. One day, he grew very sick and could not hunt for food. He thought of a plan and let out a loud roar to summon the animals.

From all corners of the forest, animals rushed to the lion's cave. They stepped in, but none stepped out. The lion's plan was working well; he was feasting on the animals that came to visit him.

Late in the day, a fox arrived. He noticed the footprints leading into the cave but none coming out. The fox was sharp and quick-witted. He thought, "Something isn't right."

He approached the mouth of the cave and called out, "How is the king of the forest feeling today?" The lion roared back, "I'm not well, dear fox. Please come in."

The clever fox replied, "I'd love to, but I see many footprints going into the cave and none coming out. It doesn't seem safe. I better stay here."

And with that, the smart fox trotted away, leaving the lion hungry and outsmarted in his cave.

In a big forest, there is a lion. He is the king of all the animals. One day, the lion is not well. He is very weak and cannot hunt for food. He has an idea. He roars loudly to call the other animals.

Many animals come to see the lion. They walk into the cave. But they do not walk out again. The lion eats the animals that come to see him.

Later, a fox comes to the cave. The fox sees many footprints going into the cave, but no footprints coming out. The fox thinks, "This is not good."

The fox stands at the front of the cave. He calls out, "Hello, lion! How are you?"

The lion says, "I am not well. Please come inside."

The fox is smart. He says, "I see many footprints going in, but none coming out. I will stay outside."

The fox walks away. The lion stays in his cave, alone and hungry.

In a beautiful green forest, there was a lion who was the king of all the animals. One day, the lion got very sick and was too weak to hunt for food. He had a clever idea and roared loudly to call the other animals.

Animals from all over the forest came to the lion's cave to visit him and show sympathy. They walked in, but strangely, none of them walked out again. The lion's trick was working; he was eating the animals that came to see him.

Later that afternoon, a fox came near the cave. He saw all the footprints going into the cave but none coming out. The fox was smart and careful. He thought, "Something is wrong here."

Standing at the entrance, the fox called out, "How are you feeling today, king of the forest?" The lion answered with a weak roar, "I'm not well, dear fox. Please come inside."

The clever fox replied, "I would like to come in, but I see many footprints going into your cave and none coming out. That doesn't look safe to me. I think I'll stay out here."

With that, the wise fox walked away safely, leaving the hungry lion alone in his cave.

Once upon a time in a super green forest with more trees than you could shake a stick at, there lived a lion, the big boss of all animals. But one day, he got a tummy ache so bad, he couldn't even chase a butterfly.

"What's a king to do?" he thought, scratching his mane. "I've got it! I'll invite my pals over for lunch!" So he roared as loudly as he could to call all his animal friends to his cave.

Animals from all over the forest hopped, skipped, and wiggled to the lion's cave. They stepped in, but uh-oh, they never stepped out. The lion was gobbling them up faster than you could say "snack time!"

Late in the day, a fox arrived, looking as clever as a teacher on quiz day. He noticed footprints going into the cave but none coming out. He scratched his head and thought, "Hey, that's fishy!"

He trotted up to the cave and yelled, "Hey, King Furry-Face! How's the tummy? Need some soup?"

The lion growled back, "I'm not well, little buddy. Please come in and bring the soup!"

The foxy fox winked and said, "I'd love to, but I see footprints going into the cave and none coming out. It's like a mystery, and I don't want to be the missing piece. Nope, I'll stay right here!"

And with a dance and a prance, the clever fox jogged away, singing, "Can't fool me, no sir-ee!"

The lion was left in his cave, feeling more than a little silly, and still pretty hungry. But he learned a lesson that day: even kings can't pull a fast one on everyone, especially not on a clever fox. And the fox? He went home and had a big bowl of soup all by himself, feeling quite proud of being one smart cookie.

Amidst the trees so tall and vast,
Where shadows from the canopy cast,
Lived a lion, fierce and grand,
Ruler of the lush green land.

But oh! One morn, his belly ached,
Not a flutter or fly, he chased or took.
"Whom shall I invite?" he pondered with glee,
"To dine and delight in my cave with me?"

With a roar that echoed both near and far,
Creatures came, from beetle to jaguar.
Those who visited the lion's den,
Left with stories to tell again and again.

The sun was low, casting a golden hue,
When arrived a fox, sharp-witted and shrewd.
Footprints in, but none out, he spied,
"Hmm," thought the fox, "what's this lion hide?"

"King Furry-Face, is your belly still tight?
How about a warm soup tonight?"
The lion replied with a rumbly plea,
"Come inside, share that soup with me!"

With a twinkle in his eye, the fox did declare,
"Your cave's full of stories, but I'll be aware!
For I see tracks in, and tales that start,
I'll keep my soup and my clever heart."

Off went the fox, with a bounce and a song,
"Can't trick this tail, you got it all wrong!"
The lion laughed, in his cave so deep,
Admiring the fox, who was no one's sheep.

With a skip and a hop, the tale does end,
Of a fox and a lion, with tales to send.
The forest whispers, both night and day,
Of a clever fox who went on his way.


Word Finder

  1. Forest

    A big place with many trees.

  2. Hunt

    To look for animals to eat.

  3. Roars

    Makes a very loud animal sound.

  4. Weak

    Not strong and feeling tired.

  5. Footprints

    Marks made by feet on the ground.

  6. Cave

    A big hole in a mountain.

  7. Smart

    Very quick to think and understand.

  8. Inside

    Being in a place, not outside.

  9. Idea

    A thought or a plan in mind.

  10. Alone

    Having no one else with you.

  1. Sympathy

    Feeling pity for someone else's problems.

  2. Clever

    Quick to understand and make good decisions.

  3. Footprints

    Marks left by feet on a surface.

  4. Weak

    Lacking physical strength or energy.

  5. Entrance

    A place where you can enter.

  6. Roared

    Made a loud, deep sound.

  7. Strangely

    In a way that is unusual or surprising.

  8. Careful

    Paying attention to avoid danger or mistakes.

  9. Afternoon

    The time of day between noon and evening.

  10. Wise

    Having good judgment based on experience or knowledge.

Understanding Questions

  1. Where does the lion live?

    1. In a house.
    2. In a cave.
    3. In a tree.
    4. In the river.
  2. Why can't the lion hunt for food?

    1. He is tired.
    2. He is old.
    3. He is not well.
    4. He is too busy.
  3. What does the lion do to call the other animals?

    1. He sings.
    2. He roars loudly.
    3. He runs.
    4. He claps.
  4. Why does the fox not go into the cave?

    1. He is afraid of the dark.
    2. He sees many footprints going in, but none coming out.
    3. He is too tired to walk.
    4. He does not like the lion.
  5. What does the fox do at the end of the story?

    1. He goes inside the cave.
    2. He walks away.
    3. He fights the lion.
    4. None.
  1. Why did the lion call the other animals to his cave?
  2. What did the animals do when they arrived at the lion's cave?
  3. How did the fox know something was wrong at the lion's cave?
  4. What did the fox say to the lion when he arrived at the cave?
  5. What happened to the fox after he decided not to enter the cave?
  1. Why did the lion decide to summon the other animals to his cave?
  2. What observation did the fox make that caused him to be cautious?
  3. How did the lion attempt to deceive the fox when he arrived at the cave?
  4. What was the primary reason the other animals did not return after entering the lion's cave?
  5. How did the fox's decision to stay outside ultimately affect the lion's plan?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the fox was the only animal to notice that none of the other animals were leaving the lion's cave?
  2. How did the fox show his cleverness in this story?
  3. What lesson does this story teach about paying attention to details and thinking before we act?
  4. Can you think of a time when you observed something carefully, like the fox, and it helped you make a better decision?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story in our daily lives to be more observant and cautious?

Fable Quotes

Caution is the shield that guards against the unseen dangers.
Resourcefulness is a lamp in the dark, guiding the way.
The truly wise learn to read the signs that others ignore.

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