
The Wasps, Partridges, and The Farmer

A hard-working Farmer refused help from thirsty Wasps and Partridges, choosing to prioritize his diligent Oxen instead.
Aesop's Fables - The Wasps, Partridges, and The Farmer
Audio available for B1 version

In a distant land, a hard-working Farmer had a big farm with plenty of Oxen. One scorching summer day, Wasps and Partridges flew to the Farmer, parched and desperate.

"Could we drink from your pond?" they asked. "We'll help you with your work, in return."

The Farmer scratched his head. He looked at his sturdy Oxen, who plowed his fields, hauled his goods, and did all the work on his farm.

"Thank you," he said to the Wasps and Partridges, "But my Oxen do all the work here. It's only fair that I give them the water."

And so, the Wasps and the Partridges flew away, learning that help isn't always needed, but kindness can still be given. The Oxen, on the other hand, kept working, knowing they were valued and loved.

There is a farmer. He has a big farm. On his farm, there are oxen. It is a very hot summer day. Some wasps and partridges come to the farmer. They are thirsty.

"Can we have some water?" ask the wasps and partridges.

The wasps say, "We can help you. We can keep thieves away."

The partridges say, "We can dig around your vines. Your grapes will grow better."

The farmer thinks. He looks at his oxen. The oxen work hard every day. They plow the fields. They carry heavy things.

"Thank you," says the farmer. "But my oxen do all the work. They do not ask for anything. They should get the water."

The wasps and partridges understand. They leave. The oxen keep working. They are happy.

In a faraway place, there was a Farmer with a big farm full of Oxen. One very hot summer day, some Wasps and Partridges came to the Farmer feeling very thirsty.

"Can we have some water from your pond?" they asked nicely. "We can help you with your farm work in return."

The Wasps said, "We can guard your vines from thieves by stinging them."

The Partridges said, "We can dig around your vines so they will produce better grapes."

The Farmer thought for a moment. He looked at his strong Oxen, who were already doing all the work on his farm, like plowing the fields and carrying heavy loads.

"Thank you for your offer," he said to the Wasps and Partridges, "but my Oxen do all the work here without asking for anything in return. They should get the water."

The Wasps and Partridges understood and left. Meanwhile, the Oxen kept working, feeling appreciated and cared for.

In a place way, way over yonder—think three playgrounds and a candy store away—a Farmer had this super-awesome farm. Imagine the best playground you've ever seen, but for Oxen. And boy, was it a scorcher that day! Like when you touch your car seat after it's been in the sun. Suddenly, a squad of Wasps and Partridges popped by, looking as thirsty as if they'd just run a kiddie marathon.

“Hey there!” buzzed the Wasps, trying to do a little jive. “Mind if we have a sip from your big puddle? We promise to help out, maybe do a bit of a dance to entertain your plants?”

The Partridges fluffed their feathers and added, “Or sing a song! Ever heard the ‘Partridge Jingle’? It's a hit!”

The Farmer looked over at his Oxen, who were basically his farm superheroes. They were like the Captain Awesomes of the field world. “Thanks for the offer,” said the Farmer, twirling a piece of hay like a maestro. “But my Oxen here? They're the real MVPs. Like if superheroes had their superheroes. If there’s any water splashing, it's for them."

Then, with a wink, he said, "But keep on dancing and singing, yeah? Everyone's got their groove!"

The Wasps and Partridges buzzed and chirped away, realizing that sometimes, even if you've got the best dance moves or the catchiest tune, there's already a star on stage. Meanwhile, the Oxen, with a little swagger in their step, continued being the rockstars of the farm.

Farmer and his Oxen, sturdy and true,
Plowing the fields under skies so blue.
Wasps and Partridges came one hot day,
Parched, they asked, "May we sip, if we may?"

"We'll lend you a hand, just show us the way,
We'll buzz and we'll chirp, we won't get in the way!"
Farmer scratched his head, pondering the plea,
His gaze met his Oxen, as strong as could be.

"Thanks for the offer," he said with a nod,
"My Oxen need water, they do all the plod."
Kind but direct, he sent them to roam,
Teaching them kindness could still find a home.

Oxen felt valued, their worth understood,
In a land where kindness grew more than wood.
Wasps and Partridges flew, but now they knew,
Not every offer's needed, but kindness is true.


Word Finder

  1. Farmer

    Person who works on a farm.

  2. Oxen

    Big animals that work on farms.

  3. Summer

    The warmest time of the year.

  4. Wasps

    Insects that can sting, like bees.

  5. Partridges

    Small birds often found in fields.

  6. Thirsty

    Wanting to drink water very much.

  7. Thieves

    People who take things without asking.

  8. Vines

    Plants that grapes grow on.

  9. Plow

    To dig and turn over the soil.

  10. Understand

    To know what something means.

  1. Faraway

    Very distant, not near or close.

  2. Oxen

    Plural of ox; large, strong animals used on farms.

  3. Wasps

    Insects that can sting; not bees.

  4. Partridges

    Birds that are small and often hunted.

  5. Thieves

    People who steal things; robbers.

  6. Guard

    Protect something or someone from danger.

  7. Vines

    Plants with long, thin stems that grow up.

  8. Plowing

    Turning over soil to prepare for planting.

  9. Appreciated

    Valued or recognized for good work.

  10. Loads

    Heavy things carried or moved by someone.

Understanding Questions

  1. Who has a big farm?

    1. The farmer
    2. The oxen
    3. The wasps
    4. The partridges
  2. What do the wasps and partridges ask for?

    1. Food
    2. Water
    3. Shelter
    4. Seeds
  3. What do the wasps offer to do?

    1. Dig around the vines
    2. Keep thieves away
    3. Plow the fields
    4. Carry heavy things
  4. Who works hard every day?

    1. The wasps
    2. The partridges
    3. The oxen
    4. The farmer
  5. What does the farmer decide to do with the water?

    1. Give it to the wasps
    2. Give it to the partridges
    3. Give it to his oxen
    4. Keep it for himself
  1. Why did the Wasps and Partridges come to the Farmer?
  2. What did the Wasps offer to do in exchange for water?
  3. What did the Partridges offer to do in return for water?
  4. Why did the Farmer refuse the offer from the Wasps and Partridges?
  5. How did the Oxen feel after the Farmer's decision?
  1. What did the wasps offer to do in exchange for water from the farmer's pond?
  2. How did the partridges propose to help the farmer if he allowed them to drink water?
  3. Why did the farmer decide not to accept the help of the wasps and partridges?
  4. What reason did the farmer give for prioritizing the oxen's needs over the wasps and partridges?
  5. How did the oxen feel after the farmer made his decision?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the Farmer chose to give water to his Oxen instead of the Wasps and Partridges?
  2. How do you think the Wasps and Partridges felt when the Farmer said no to their request?
  3. What did the Wasps and Partridges learn from their interaction with the Farmer?
  4. Can you think of a time when you've had to decide who to help, like the Farmer did?
  5. How does this story show the importance of valuing those who contribute to our lives?

Fable Quotes

Recognizing the worth of those who work tirelessly uplifts their spirits and fuels their dedication.
Begin charity at home, yet don't let it end there.
Carrying responsibility is also carrying respect for others.

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