Middle East

The Greedy Merchant

A greedy merchant loses his sight due to his excessive greed for treasures offered by a holy man.
The Greedy Merchant
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, there was a rich but very greedy merchant. He had just finished selling his spices in faraway lands and was going back home with his forty camels loaded with goods. As he traveled through a deserted area, he met a holy old man sitting by the roadside.

The holy old man greeted the merchant warmly and said, “I know a place hidden in the mountains where you can find the most precious jewels and treasures. If you follow me, you can take as much as your camels can carry, but you must promise to give me half of it.”

The merchant's eyes shone with excitement and greed. He thought of all the riches he could bring back and quickly agreed to the holy man's offer.

After traveling for many hours, they finally reached a secret place hidden deep in the mountains. The area was quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing through the rocks. The holy old man took out a small, old box from his bag. He opened it carefully and took out some sparkling powder. Whispering some mysterious words, he gently sprinkled the powder on the ground.

To the merchant's amazement, a hidden door in the mountain slowly opened, revealing a cave full of glittering jewels, gold coins, and precious stones. The merchant could hardly believe his eyes. He eagerly began to gather as many treasures as he could, loading them onto his camels.

After he had packed twenty camels full of treasure, he remembered his promise to the holy man. But the merchant's greed got the better of him. He turned to the holy man and said, “You are a holy man, you do not need so much treasure. Let me take thirty camels' worth of treasure, and you can have just ten.”

The holy man sighed but agreed, hoping the merchant would be satisfied. However, the merchant's greed only grew. “Ten camels' worth of treasure is still too much for you. Let me have all forty camels loaded with treasure, and you can take what little you can carry.”

The holy man knew that the merchant's greed would bring trouble, but he agreed again, thinking it was time to teach him a lesson.

Finally, the merchant noticed the small old box that the holy man had used to open the hidden door. “That box is of no use to you. Let me have it as well,” he demanded. The holy man looked at the merchant and said, “Alright, you can take the box, but remember this warning: If you sprinkle the powder in your right eye, you will see everything as gold. But if you sprinkle it in your left eye, you will go blind.”

The merchant did not care about the holy man's warning. As soon as the holy man left, he sprinkled some powder into his right eye. Instantly, everything around him turned into shimmering gold. The merchant was delighted and thought to himself, “If this powder can make me see everything as gold with one eye, imagine what it will do if I sprinkle it in my other eye!”

Without thinking, the merchant sprinkled the powder into his left eye. Suddenly, everything went dark. The merchant had gone completely blind, just as the holy man had warned. He realized too late that his greed had cost him his sight.

Once upon a time, there was a rich but very greedy merchant. He had just finished selling his spices in faraway lands and was going back home with his forty camels loaded with goods. As he traveled through a deserted area, he met a holy old man sitting by the roadside.

The holy old man greeted the merchant warmly and said, “I know a place hidden in the mountains where you can find the most precious jewels and treasures. If you follow me, you can take as much as your camels can carry, but you must promise to give me half of it.”

The merchant's eyes shone with excitement and greed. He thought of all the riches he could bring back and quickly agreed to the holy man's offer.

After traveling for many hours, they finally reached a secret place hidden deep in the mountains. The area was quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing through the rocks. The holy old man took out a small, old box from his bag. He opened it carefully and took out some sparkling powder. Whispering some mysterious words, he gently sprinkled the powder on the ground.

To the merchant's amazement, a hidden door in the mountain slowly opened, revealing a cave full of glittering jewels, gold coins, and precious stones. The merchant could hardly believe his eyes. He eagerly began to gather as many treasures as he could, loading them onto his camels.

After he had packed twenty camels full of treasure, he remembered his promise to the holy man. But the merchant's greed got the better of him. He turned to the holy man and said, “You are a holy man, you do not need so much treasure. Let me take thirty camels' worth of treasure, and you can have just ten.”

The holy man sighed but agreed, hoping the merchant would be satisfied. However, the merchant's greed only grew. “Ten camels' worth of treasure is still too much for you. Let me have all forty camels loaded with treasure, and you can take what little you can carry.”

The holy man knew that the merchant's greed would bring trouble, but he agreed again, thinking it was time to teach him a lesson.

Finally, the merchant noticed the small old box that the holy man had used to open the hidden door. “That box is of no use to you. Let me have it as well,” he demanded. The holy man looked at the merchant and said, “Alright, you can take the box, but remember this warning: If you sprinkle the powder in your right eye, you will see everything as gold. But if you sprinkle it in your left eye, you will go blind.”

The merchant did not care about the holy man's warning. As soon as the holy man left, he sprinkled some powder into his right eye. Instantly, everything around him turned into shimmering gold. The merchant was delighted and thought to himself, “If this powder can make me see everything as gold with one eye, imagine what it will do if I sprinkle it in my other eye!”

Without thinking, the merchant sprinkled the powder into his left eye. Suddenly, everything went dark. The merchant had gone completely blind, just as the holy man had warned. He realized too late that his greed had cost him his sight.

There is a rich man. He is very greedy. He has forty camels. The camels carry spices and goods. He is going home. He walks through a desert. He sees an old man. The old man sits by the road.

The old man says, “Hello. I know a secret place. There are jewels and treasures. Follow me. You can take as much as your camels can carry. But you must give me half.”

The man is excited. He wants the treasure. He says, “Yes, I agree.”

They walk for many hours. They find a hidden place in the mountains. It is quiet. The old man takes out a small box. He opens the box. Inside is some shining powder. The old man whispers some words. He sprinkles the powder on the ground.

A hidden door opens in the mountain. There is a cave full of jewels, gold coins, and precious stones. The man is very happy. He starts to gather the treasures. He loads the treasures on his camels.

The man fills twenty camels with treasure. He remembers his promise. But he is greedy. He says to the old man, “You are a holy man. You do not need so much treasure. Let me take thirty camels. You can have ten.”

The old man sighs but agrees. The man is not happy. He says, “Ten camels is too much for you. Let me take all forty camels. You can carry the rest.”

The old man agrees again. He wants to teach the man a lesson.

The man sees the small box. He wants it too. He says, “Give me the box.”

The old man says, “Okay, but remember this. If you put the powder in your right eye, you see gold. If you put it in your left eye, you go blind.”

The man does not care. He takes the box. He puts the powder in his right eye. Everything turns to gold. The man is happy. He thinks, “If I put the powder in my left eye, it will be even better.”

The man puts the powder in his left eye. Suddenly, he cannot see. He is blind. The man is very sad. He learns that his greed is bad.

Once upon a time, there was a rich but very greedy merchant. He had just finished selling his spices in faraway lands and was going back home with his forty camels loaded with goods. As he traveled through a deserted area, he met a holy old man sitting by the roadside.

The holy old man greeted the merchant warmly and said, “I know a place hidden in the mountains where you can find the most precious jewels and treasures. If you follow me, you can take as much as your camels can carry, but you must promise to give me half of it.”

The merchant's eyes shone with excitement and greed. He thought of all the riches he could bring back and quickly agreed to the holy man's offer.

After traveling for many hours, they finally reached a secret place hidden deep in the mountains. The area was quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing through the rocks. The holy old man took out a small, old box from his bag. He opened it carefully and took out some sparkling powder. Whispering some mysterious words, he gently sprinkled the powder on the ground.

To the merchant's amazement, a hidden door in the mountain slowly opened, revealing a cave full of glittering jewels, gold coins, and precious stones. The merchant could hardly believe his eyes. He eagerly began to gather as many treasures as he could, loading them onto his camels.

After he had packed twenty camels full of treasure, he remembered his promise to the holy man. But the merchant's greed got the better of him. He turned to the holy man and said, “You are a holy man, you do not need so much treasure. Let me take thirty camels' worth of treasure, and you can have just ten.”

The holy man sighed but agreed, hoping the merchant would be satisfied. However, the merchant's greed only grew. “Ten camels' worth of treasure is still too much for you. Let me have all forty camels loaded with treasure, and you can take what little you can carry.”

The holy man knew that the merchant's greed would bring trouble, but he agreed again, thinking it was time to teach him a lesson.

Finally, the merchant noticed the small old box that the holy man had used to open the hidden door. “That box is of no use to you. Let me have it as well,” he demanded. The holy man looked at the merchant and said, “Alright, you can take the box, but remember this warning: If you sprinkle the powder in your right eye, you will see everything as gold. But if you sprinkle it in your left eye, you will go blind.”

The merchant did not care about the holy man's warning. As soon as the holy man left, he sprinkled some powder into his right eye. Instantly, everything around him turned into shimmering gold. The merchant was delighted and thought to himself, “If this powder can make me see everything as gold with one eye, imagine what it will do if I sprinkle it in my other eye!”

Without thinking, the merchant sprinkled the powder into his left eye. Suddenly, everything went dark. The merchant had gone completely blind, just as the holy man had warned. He realized too late that his greed had cost him his sight.

Once upon a time, in a land where the sun was as hot as a dragon’s breath and the sand as endless as a giant’s laundry pile, there lived a rich but very greedy merchant. One day, he was trekking back home after selling spices in faraway lands. His forty camels, loaded with goods, marched along like a tired circus troupe.

As he ambled through the desert, he spotted a holy old man sitting by the roadside, looking as peaceful as a turtle in a sunbeam. The old man waved and said, “Hello there, shiny shoes! I know a place hidden in the mountains where treasures await! If you follow me, you can take as much as your camels can carry. But you must promise to give me half of it.”

The merchant’s eyes sparkled brighter than disco balls. “Deal!” he shouted, already picturing himself diving into a pile of gold coins like a dolphin into the ocean.

They traveled for hours, up twisty paths and over bumpy rocks, until they reached a secret spot deep in the mountains. It was so quiet you could hear a caterpillar sneezing. The old man pulled out a small, ancient box from his bag. With a dramatic flourish, he opened it and sprinkled some glittering powder on the ground, whispering mysterious words like a magician performing his greatest trick.

To the merchant’s astonishment, a hidden door in the mountain slowly creaked open, revealing a cave stuffed with jewels, gold coins, and precious stones. The merchant’s jaw dropped so low it nearly hit the ground. He wasted no time, frantically stuffing treasures onto his camels while singing, “I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m fabulously rich!”

After he’d packed twenty camels full of treasure, he remembered his promise. But then, his greedy brain started scheming. “You know,” he said to the old man, “you don’t need that much treasure. Let me take thirty camels’ worth, and you can have ten.”

The old man sighed, “Alright, if that makes you happy.”

But the merchant wasn’t satisfied. “Ten camels’ worth is still too much for you. How about I take all forty camels loaded with treasure, and you can carry what little you can?”

The old man, knowing this wouldn’t end well, agreed once more.

Then the merchant spotted the small, ancient box. “Hey, that box looks neat! I want it too.”

The old man handed over the box and said, “Fine, but listen closely: if you sprinkle the powder in your right eye, you’ll see everything as gold. But if you sprinkle it in your left eye, you’ll go blind.”

The merchant, too excited to listen, immediately sprinkled the powder into his right eye. Instantly, everything turned to gold! Trees, rocks, and even his camels gleamed like they’d been dipped in butter and rolled in glitter. He pranced around, giggling like a ticklish hyena.

Then, thinking he’d get even more gold, he sprinkled the powder into his left eye. Bam! Everything went pitch black. The merchant had gone completely blind. He plopped down on the ground, realizing too late that his greed had left him with nothing but darkness.

In a land of sun and sand so bright,
A merchant traveled day and night.
With camels laden, forty strong,
His spices sold, he'd journey long.

One day he met, beside the way,
An old man wise, with hair of gray.
"Come with me," the old man said,
"To treasures vast, where paths have led."

The merchant's eyes lit up with glee,
"Half for you, the rest for me."
Through mountains steep, they climbed so high,
Till secret caves met their eye.

The old man whispered, soft and low,
And sprinkled dust with a magic glow.
A door appeared, the merchant's awe,
Revealed treasures like none he saw.

Gold and jewels, a wondrous sight,
He packed his camels day and night.
Yet greed took hold, as it often might,
He broke his promise, claimed his right.

"Ten camels, old man, are too many for you,
Take little, I'll take much, that's what we'll do."
The old man sighed but gave consent,
He knew the merchant's heart was bent.

The merchant saw a box so small,
"Give it to me, I'll take it all!"
"Beware," said the old man, wise and kind,
"Gold in one eye, the other, you'll go blind."

The merchant scoffed, with a grin so wide,
Sprinkled gold dust in his right side.
He saw the world in golden hue,
Thought the left would make it true.

But oh, the folly, he could not see,
For in his left, the dust did flee.
Darkness fell, no light to find,
Blinded now, for being unkind.

His greed had sealed his fate so grim,
In darkness, all was dim.
This tale of riches lost and found,
Warns of greed that can astound.


Word Finder

  1. Greedy

    Wanting too much of something, especially money.

  2. Merchant

    A person who buys and sells goods.

  3. Deserted

    Empty, with no people around.

  4. Holy

    Very religious or spiritually important.

  5. Precious

    Very valuable and important.

  6. Jewels

    Valuable stones like diamonds and rubies.

  7. Amazement

    A feeling of great surprise and wonder.

  8. Whispering

    Speaking very softly and quietly.

  9. Sprinkled

    Scattered small drops or particles over something.

  10. Delighted

    Very pleased and happy.

Understanding Questions

  1. What was the merchant carrying on his camels when he met the holy old man?
  2. What did the holy old man promise the merchant if he agreed to share the treasures?
  3. How did the holy old man open the hidden door in the mountain?
  4. What happened to the merchant when he sprinkled the powder into his right eye?
  5. What was the final consequence of the merchant's greed?

Word Finder

  1. Greedy

    Wanting more than you need.

  2. Camels

    Desert animals with humps.

  3. Spices

    Plants used to flavor food.

  4. Desert

    Hot, dry, sandy place.

  5. Jewels

    Precious stones, like diamonds.

  6. Treasures

    Valuable things like gold.

  7. Whispers

    Speaks very softly and quietly.

  8. Sprinkles

    Scatters small drops or pieces.

  9. Blind

    Unable to see anything.

  10. Whispers

    Speaks very softly.

  1. Greedy

    Wanting too much of something, especially money.

  2. Merchant

    A person who buys and sells goods.

  3. Deserted

    Empty, with no people around.

  4. Holy

    Very religious or spiritually important.

  5. Precious

    Very valuable and important.

  6. Jewels

    Valuable stones like diamonds and rubies.

  7. Amazement

    A feeling of great surprise and wonder.

  8. Whispering

    Speaking very softly and quietly.

  9. Sprinkled

    Scattered small drops or particles over something.

  10. Delighted

    Very pleased and happy.

Understanding Questions

  1. What does the rich man have?

    1. Horses
    2. Camels
    3. Dogs
    4. Elephants
  2. Who does the rich man meet on the road?

    1. A young boy
    2. A queen
    3. An old man
    4. A king
  3. What does the old man show the rich man?

    1. A river
    2. A mountain
    3. A hidden place with treasures
    4. A big house
  4. How many camels does the rich man fill with treasure first?

    1. Ten
    2. Twenty
    3. Thirty
    4. Forty
  5. What happens when the man puts the powder in his left eye?

    1. He sees more gold.
    2. He goes blind.
    3. He gets stronger.
    4. He becomes rich.
  1. What was the merchant carrying on his camels when he met the holy old man?
  2. What did the holy old man promise the merchant if he agreed to share the treasures?
  3. How did the holy old man open the hidden door in the mountain?
  4. What happened to the merchant when he sprinkled the powder into his right eye?
  5. What was the final consequence of the merchant's greed?
  1. Why did the merchant agree to the holy man's proposition to follow him to the mountains?
  2. How did the holy man reveal the hidden cave full of treasures to the merchant?
  3. What was the initial agreement between the merchant and the holy man regarding the distribution of the treasure?
  4. What was the merchant's final demand from the holy man, and what warning did the holy man give regarding the small old box?
  5. What was the consequence of the merchant sprinkling the powder into his left eye, and how did it reflect the moral of the story?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why did the merchant agree to follow the holy man to the hidden treasures?
  2. How did the merchant's greed affect his decisions throughout the story?
  3. What could the merchant have done differently to avoid his fate?
  4. Can you think of a time when wanting too much of something caused a problem?
  5. What does this story teach us about the dangers of greed and not keeping promises?

Fable Quotes

"Too much greed results in nothing but loss."
"Consequences are the true measure of our choices."
"A hasty decision can lead to a lifetime of regret."

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