
The Ox who Envied the Pig

A strong Ox envies a lazy Pig's carefree life, but the Pig reveals his fate as food, teaching the Ox to appreciate his work and path.
Jataka Tales - The Ox who Envied the Pig
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, there was a strong Ox who lived in a farmer's field. He was large, with powerful muscles that gleamed in the sun, and sharp horns that no other animal dared to confront. Every day, he worked hard, plowing the fields, carrying heavy loads, and doing everything the farmer asked. Despite his strength and the respect he earned, the Ox felt a deep sense of dissatisfaction.

In the same farm, there lived a small Pig. He spent his days wallowing in the mud, eating the scraps left by the farmer, and sleeping under the warm sun. He seemed to live a carefree life without any worries or responsibilities.

Watching the Pig's easy life, the Ox became envious. "Why should I work so hard, while the Pig does nothing and yet seems so contented?" he thought.

One day, the Ox decided to express his feelings to the Pig. "Why are you so lazy?" asked the Ox. "You do nothing but eat, sleep, and wallow in the mud all day. You should be doing something useful, like me."

The Pig looked at the Ox and chuckled. "You think I'm lazy because I'm not working hard like you. But let me ask you, Ox, have you ever wondered why you work so hard?"

The Ox was taken aback. "I work hard because it's my duty. I help the farmer and, in return, he takes care of me," the Ox replied.

The Pig smiled knowingly and said, "You work hard, indeed, and you're valuable to the farmer. But, have you ever noticed what happens when a pig like me gets really fat?"

Confused, the Ox shook his head. The Pig continued, "The fatter I get, the happier the farmer seems. But the day I become the fattest, the farmer takes me away, and I'm never seen again."

The Ox suddenly understood the Pig's point. While he was working hard and earning his keep, the Pig's seemingly easy life was, in fact, leading to a dreadful end.

From that day onwards, the Ox stopped envying the Pig. He understood that everyone has their own path and burdens, and that comparing oneself to others only leads to discontent. The Ox continued his work, appreciating the value it brought to his life, and the safety it assured him.

Once upon a time, in a farmer's field that could've been the backdrop for a musical number, lived a super-strong Ox. This Ox was like the superhero of cows, all muscles and mighty horns that you wouldn't want to high-five. Every day, he was out there in the fields, doing the equivalent of animal gym workouts, plowing like there was no tomorrow. "Yeah, I'm the Ox. I'm the big, strong, plowing machine. Do I get a trophy? No! A parade? Nada!"

Meanwhile, living the easy-breezy life in the same farm was a Pig. This little guy was rolling in the mud like it was the best playground ever, snacking like it was a never-ending party, and snoozing in the sun like he was on a forever vacation.

"Ah, the simple joys of mud and leftover snacks! It's like being at a fancy hotel, without the room service," giggled the Pig.

Watching the Pig live the dream, the Ox was green with envy—or would've been if oxen could change colors. "Why does he get to live like he's on a fun vacation while I'm stuck with all the hard work?"

So, the Ox decides it's time for a heart-to-heart. He lumbers over to the Pig and says, "Hey, buddy, why are you such a couch potato? All you do is chill while I'm working super hard here!"

The Pig looks up, chuckles, and says, "Why so serious, Mr. Muscles? Ever think about why you work so hard?"

"I work hard because I'm the important one here. Without me, this place would be like a salad without croutons—still okay, but definitely lacking," the Ox retorts.

The Pig just grins and goes, "Important, eh? But ever notice what happens when I get, let's say, really chubby?"

The Ox gives him a puzzled look. So the Pig says, "The chubbier I get, the happier the farmer is. But the moment I'm the chubbiest? Poof! I vanish like a cookie at a kids' party."

And just like that, the Ox gets it. While he's been busy being the hero of the farm, the Pig's been living on borrowed time.

After that lightbulb moment, the Ox no longer feels envious of the Pig. He realizes that everyone's got their own "happily ever after" and their own challenges to face—or in his case, fields to plow. So, the Ox goes back to work, plowing away and making the farm look fabulous, all while singing, "I Will Survive" in his head. He's now happy in his own hooves.

Ox worked hard in fields each day,
While Pig in mud would freely play.
"Why do I toil?" Ox wondered, "Why,
When Pig just eats and lays nearby?"

Ox went to Pig, "You're quite the sloth,
While I work hard for us both!"
Pig chuckled, said, "You're not alone,
My path leads to a fate well-known."

"Working hard brings farmer gain,
But for me, it's another chain.
When piggies fatten, looking great,
A fate awaits us, not so great."

Ox thought awhile and understood,
Each life is different, yet both are good.
His envy vanished, clear from sight,
And Ox felt lighter, truly right.

From then on, Ox felt quite at ease,
No longer stirred by discontent's breeze.
Each had a path, a role, a way,
And both found peace in work and play.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the Ox was envious of the Pig at first?
  2. How did the Pig's explanation change the Ox's perspective?
  3. Can you remember a time when you felt jealous of someone, only to realize later that things weren't as they seemed?
  4. What does this story teach us about comparing our lives to others?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story to be more content with what we have and the work we do?

Fable Quotes

Wanting what others have can blind you to what's truly valuable.
True joy is found in being content with our own path, not in comparing with others'.
Know your worth, and don't compare it to others; every path is unique.

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