
Belling The Cat

Mice plan to outsmart the Cat by tying a bell around its neck, but none dared to volunteer for the task.
Aesop's Fables - Belling The Cat
Audio available for B1 version

Once upon a time, the mice all got together for a big meeting. They were trying to come up with a way to outsmart their biggest fear, the Cat. Every mouse had different ideas. They were all taking turns to share their thoughts.

A young mouse, not as old as the others, but bright and brave, stood up. He said, "We all know our biggest problem is how the Cat sneaks up on us, right? What if we could know when the Cat is coming, so we could run away in time?" Everyone looked interested, so the young mouse continued.

"I think we should get a small bell and tie it around the Cat's neck with a ribbon. That way, when the Cat is near, the bell will ring, and we'll know to run away!"

All the mice started clapping and cheering. They liked this idea. It sounded really smart. But then, an old mouse, the oldest and wisest of them all, stood up. He looked around at all the excited faces, then said, "That sounds like a good idea, but I have one question. Who will be brave enough to go up to the Cat and tie the bell?"

All the mice fell silent. They all looked at each other, but no one said a word. The old mouse sighed and said, "It's easy to suggest things that sound good but are really hard to do."

Once upon a time, in the coziest mousehole you could ever imagine, all the mice gathered around for a super-duper-important meeting. They were trying to figure out how to outsmart the Big Bad Cat. It was like trying to figure out how to tie your shoelaces with your paws – very tricky indeed!

Each mouse had different ideas, some funny, some clever, and some just plain wacky! Imagine trying to tickle the Cat until it left them alone. That's one idea that made everyone giggle.

Then, a young mouse, not very old but very, very smart, stood up and said, "Hey everyone, you know how the Cat always surprises us? What if we could hear it coming? We could all scatter like when someone opens a bag of cheese-flavored popcorn!"

Everyone looked interested, so the young mouse kept going.

"I think we should tie a jingle-jangle bell around the Cat's neck with a fancy ribbon. Then, when the Cat is near, we'll hear 'Ding Ding,' and we'll know to run away!"

All the mice started clapping and hopping up and down. They liked this idea. It was like finding an extra piece of cheese in your lunchbox – a real treat!

But then, an old mouse, the wisest mouse, who had more wrinkles than a crumpled napkin, stood up. He looked around and said, "That sounds great, but I have one question, as tricky as putting toothpaste back in the tube. Who will be brave enough to go up to the Cat and tie the bell?"

All the mice fell as silent as a cheese sandwich. They all looked at each other, but no one said a word.

The old mouse sighed and said, wagging a wise finger, "It's like trying to eat soup with a fork, isn't it? Easy to suggest things that sound good but are really hard to do."

All the mice fell silent, their tails drooping and their ears flat. They looked at each other, but no one said a word. They realized that the wise old mouse was right, and as exciting as the idea was, it was just as tricky as trying to wear socks on their ears.

With a knowing smile, the old mouse added, "But hey, at least we had fun dreaming, didn't we? Sometimes the silliest ideas make the best stories!"

And with that, the meeting was over. There was no bell, no grand plan, but everyone went home knowing that they had something even more valuable - the courage to dream big and friends to share those dreams with.

Gathered 'neath the moon so gleaming,
Mice with plans, their faces beaming.
A feline foe had caused them fear,
So they sought a solution near.

Tiny voices, ideas flow,
Seeking ways to beat the foe.
A little mouse, with spirit true,
Had a plan that felt brand new.

"To warn us," he began to say,
"Let a bell's chime lead our way.
Around the Cat's neck it will be,
Then its jingle will set us free."

Applause arose, so loud and high,
Mice believed they'd touch the sky.
But then a voice, both deep and wise,
Brought them back to real-life size.

Old mouse, wisdom in his gaze,
Paused a moment, then did raise.
"This plan's bold, but tell me, do,
Who'll face the Cat to make it true?"

Eyes darted, tails did twitch,
For facing Cat was quite a glitch.
No hero stepped, no voice did rise,
The challenge clear in their eyes.


Word Finder

Understanding Questions

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the young mouse suggested the idea of the bell?
  2. How do you think the mice felt when the old mouse asked who would tie the bell?
  3. Can you remember a time when you had a great idea but realized it would be hard to do, just like the mice?
  4. What lesson do you think the old mouse was trying to teach the other mice with his question?
  5. How can we use this story's lesson to think about our own ideas and plans in real life?

Fable Quotes

It is easy to be brave at a safe distance.
The best solutions consider both idea and implementation.
True wisdom lies not only in suggesting good ideas but also in understanding their practical challenges.

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