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The Dog and The Wolf
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Fable of the Month

The Dog and The Wolf

One day, a hungry wolf was wandering through the countryside in search of food. As he roamed near a village, he came across a well-fed and healthy-looking dog. The wolf was envious of the dog's condition and asked him how he managed to be so plump and content.

The dog replied, "I live with humans, who provide me with food and shelter. In return, I guard their home."

The wolf, enticed by the dog's words, considered the proposition. "Perhaps I could join you in your life of ease?"

The dog agreed, "Come with me, and I will introduce you to my master."

As they walked together, the wolf noticed a worn patch on the dog's neck. He asked, "What happened to your neck?"

The dog replied, "That is where my collar rests. My master ties me up during the day, and at night, he releases me to guard the property."

The wolf, upon hearing this, stopped in his tracks. "You mean you are not free to come and go as you please?"

The dog nodded, "Yes, but I have a comfortable life with food and shelter."

After contemplating the dog's words, the wolf decided that a life of bondage, no matter how comfortable, was not for him. "Thank you for your offer, but I must decline. I would rather be free and hungry than well-fed and bound by a chain."

With that, the wolf turned around and disappeared into the woods.

One day, a wolf is looking for food. He is hungry. He walks near a town. Then, he sees a dog. The dog looks happy and full.

The wolf asks the dog, "Why are you happy and full?"

The dog says, "I live with people. They give me food and a home. I keep their house safe."

The wolf thinks this is good. "Can I live like you?" he asks.

The dog says, "Yes, come with me."

They walk together. The wolf sees a mark on the dog's neck. "What is that?" he asks.

The dog says, "That is from my collar. It keeps me tied up in the day. At night, I am free to watch the house."

The wolf stops. "You cannot go where you want?" he asks.

The dog says, "Yes, but I am happy. I have food and a home."

The wolf thinks. Then he says, "Thank you, but no. I want to be free, even if I am hungry. I do not want to be tied up."

The wolf goes back into the forest.

One sunny day, a hungry wolf was walking around the countryside, looking for food. Near a village, he saw a dog that looked very healthy and happy. The wolf felt a little jealous and asked the dog how he looked so good.

The dog said, "I live with people who give me food and a place to sleep. In return, I protect their house."

The wolf thought this sounded like a great life and said, "Maybe I could live with you and have an easy life too?"

The dog replied, "Sure, come with me, and I'll introduce you to my owner."

As they walked together, the wolf noticed a mark around the dog's neck. He asked, "What is that on your neck?"

The dog explained, "That's from my collar. My owner ties me up during the day and lets me go at night to guard the house."

The wolf stopped walking and thought for a moment. "So, you cannot go wherever you want?"

The dog nodded, "Yes, but I get food and a warm place to sleep."

After thinking about what the dog said, the wolf decided. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to live like that. I'd rather be free and find my own food than be well-fed but not free."

With those words, the wolf turned back and ran into the forest.

One day, a hungry wolf was wandering through the countryside, searching for food. As he got near a village, he saw a well-fed, strong dog. The wolf, feeling envious of the dog's condition, asked how he managed to stay so healthy and satisfied.

The dog replied, "I live with humans who give me food and shelter. In return, I guard their home."

Interested in the dog's life, the wolf thought about it. "Can I join you and live like this?"

The dog agreed, "Come with me, and I'll introduce you to my owner."

As they walked together, the wolf noticed a worn spot around the dog's neck. Curious, he asked, "What caused that mark on your neck?"

The dog explained, "That's where my collar sits. My owner ties me up during the day, and at night, he lets me loose to watch over the house."

Hearing this, the wolf stopped. "So, you're not free to go wherever you want?"

The dog admitted, "That's true, but in return, I have a safe and comfortable life."

After thinking about the dog's situation, the wolf decided that freedom was more important to him than comfort. "Thanks for the offer, but I must decline. I'd rather be free and hungry than comfortable with restrictions."

With that, the wolf turned back and disappeared into the forest.

One day, a hungry wolf, with a stomach growling like an old car engine, was wandering through the countryside, looking for something, anything, to munch on. As he sauntered near a village, he spotted a dog that looked so well-fed, he could have been mistaken for a sausage with legs.

The wolf, mouth watering and eyes as big as dinner plates, said, "Oi, you there! You look like you've swallowed a buffet! How do you manage to look so delightfully plump?"

The dog, with a smirk that said he knew something the wolf didn't, replied, "Well, you see, mate, I live with the humans. They give me food, they give me shelter, and in return, I guard their stuff. It's a dog's life, but someone's got to do it!"

The wolf, intrigued by this seemingly posh lifestyle, considered the dog's words. "Hmm, so you're living the high life, eh? Fancy! Perhaps I could join you in this world of belly rubs and gourmet meals?"

The dog, wagging his tail, agreed, "Sure thing, buddy! Come with me, and I'll introduce you to the world of fluffy pillows and unlimited treats."

As they wobbled along together, the wolf noticed a worn patch on the dog's neck and said, "Hold on, what's that around your neck? Fashion statement or battle scar?"

The dog replied, looking slightly embarrassed, "Oh, that? It's where my collar rests. You see, my master ties me up during the day, and at night, he lets me loose. Sort of like an exclusive VIP club membership."

The wolf, eyes narrowing, said, "Wait, you mean you're all tied up and stuff? You can't just come and go, dancing through the daisies?"

The dog nodded, "Yes, but hey, I've got food, shelter, and a squeaky toy that looks like a chicken! What more could a dog want?"

The wolf, stroking his chin thoughtfully, said, "Thanks for the invite, but no thanks. You see, I prefer to be free and hungry, roaming where I please. I mean, what if I want a midnight snack? Or feel like howling at the moon in a different postcode?"

And with that, the wolf gave a cheeky wink, turned around, and disappeared into the woods, leaving behind the comforts of sausages and squeaky toys for a life of freedom and wild adventures.

Beyond the town where children play,
A wolf went hunting, one bright day.
Hungry and lean, he hoped to find
A bite to eat, of any kind.

He spied a dog, both plump and spry,
"Dear dog," he asked, "how can you lie
So well-fed, content, and grand?"
"Come closer," said the dog, "I'll help you understand."

"I live with folks, who care and give,
I guard their home, so we all live
In peace and joy, and in return,
I eat and sleep, and lessons learn."

The wolf, his eyes gleaming wide,
Thought, "Could I too, in such ease reside?"
"Join me," the dog with a wagging tail said,
"Live life in comfort, not in dread."

But as they walked, the wolf did see
A mark on the dog, "What could that be?"
"That's where they tie me, night and day,
To guard their home, I must stay."

"You're bound? Not free, like wind and tree?"
The dog sighed, "True, but comfort’s guaranteed."
The wolf pondered, his freedom at stake,
Choosing between a chain and a juicy steak.

“I thank you, dog, for the invite you send,
But I cherish freedom, till the very end.
I'd rather roam, beneath the sky so grand,
Than be well-fed, with my life preplanned."

And with a nod and a howl so good,
The wolf trotted off, back to the wood.

Word Finder

  1. Hungry

    Wanting to eat food now.

  2. Town

    A small place with many houses.

  3. Safe

    Not in danger, protected.

  4. Neck

    The part below your head.

  5. Collar

    A band around an animal's neck.

  6. Tied

    Fastened with a rope or something.

  7. Free

    Able to go anywhere.

  8. Forest

    A place with many trees.

  9. Full

    Having enough to eat.

  10. Together

    With someone else, not alone.

  1. Countryside

    Areas outside cities, usually with farms.

  2. Healthy

    In good physical condition; not sick.

  3. Jealous

    Wanting what someone else has.

  4. Return

    To give back something in exchange.

  5. Protect

    To keep something safe from harm.

  6. Introduce

    To make someone known to another.

  7. Owner

    A person who possesses something.

  8. Collar

    A band around an animal's neck.

  9. Guard

    To watch over and keep safe.

  10. Decided

    Made a choice after thinking.

  1. Wandering

    Walking around aimlessly without a specific destination.

  2. Countryside

    Land outside of cities and towns; rural areas.

  3. Well-fed

    Having eaten enough food to be healthy and strong.

  4. Envious

    Wanting what someone else has; feeling jealous.

  5. Shelter

    A place providing protection from bad weather or danger.

  6. Introduce

    To make someone known to another person.

  7. Collar

    A band placed around an animal's neck.

  8. Loose

    Not tied up or restrained; free to move.

  9. Restrictions

    Rules that limit or control what you can do.

  10. Decline

    To say no to an offer or invitation.

Understanding Questions

  1. Who is hungry?

    1. The dog
    2. The wolf
    3. The people
    4. The house
  2. What does the wolf see near the town?

    1. A cat
    2. A tree
    3. A dog
    4. A car
  3. Why is the dog happy?

    1. He has food.
    2. He is in the forest.
    3. He is hungry.
    4. He has no home.
  4. What is on the dog’s neck?

    1. A hat
    2. A mark
    3. A bell
    4. A toy
  5. Where does the wolf go at the end?

    1. To the mountain
    2. To the house
    3. To the forest
    4. To the town
  1. Why did the wolf feel jealous when he saw the dog?
  2. What did the dog say he did in return for food and a place to sleep?
  3. Why did the wolf think living with the dog sounded like a good idea at first?
  4. What was the mark on the dog’s neck from?
  5. Why did the wolf decide not to go with the dog in the end?
  1. What initial impression does the wolf have of the dog's lifestyle?
  2. How does the dog's explanation about his collar influence the wolf's decision?
  3. What reasons does the wolf give for rejecting the dog's offer?
  4. In what way does the fable highlight the balance between comfort and freedom?
  5. How does the wolf's perspective on freedom shape the end of the story?

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think the wolf was envious of the dog at first?
  2. How did the dog explain about the worn patch on his neck?
  3. What does this story teach us about freedom and comfort?
  4. Can you think of a time when you had to choose between what's comfortable and what's right or free?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story to value our own freedom and make thoughtful choices in our lives?

Fable Quotes

Better a hungry wolf than a chained dog.
Full bellies don't make full hearts, contentment does.
Every choice we make comes with its own consequences.

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Fable Quotes

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